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Bumpy Japanese Cucumber (Kagurazaka Cucumber) Sweet Crunchy Flesh Greenish-yellow

Bumpy Japanese cucumbers, which have a distinguishable texture and are a great source of nutrients, are a delicious and nutritious alternative to conventional cucumbers.

Bumpy Japanese Cucumber

The bumpy Japanese cucumber, also known as the Kagurazaka cucumber, is a unique and delicious cucumber variety that is highly popular in Japan.

The name "cucumber" refers to the distinctive ridges or bumps that run along the skin's surface and give it a distinct texture.

This cucumber is believed to have originated in the Kagurazaka district of Tokyo, Japan, and has been cultivated in the region for over a hundred years.

The Kagurazaka cucumber is highly prized for its sweet, crunchy flesh and tender skin.

It is a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine, and it is often served in salads, sandwiches, and sushi rolls.

The bumpy Japanese cucumber is also rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious addition to any diet.

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Bumpy Japanese Cucumber Features

The bumpy Japanese cucumber is a small to medium-sized cucumber variety with a length of around 20 cm.

It has greenish-yellow skin with distinctive bumps or ridges that run along its length, giving it a unique and striking appearance.

Title Description
Length around 20 cm
Color greenish-yellow
Feature sweet, crunchy flesh and tender skin
Known as Kagurazaka cucumber

The skin of the cucumber is thin and tender, making it easy to eat without peeling.

The delightful, tasty, crunchy, and slightly flavored flesh of it is ideal for salad dressings, burgers, and sashimi.

One of the unique features of the bumpy Japanese cucumber is its texture.

The bumps or ridges on its skin give it a slightly rough and bumpy texture, which makes it stand out from other cucumber varieties.

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Buy Bumpy Japanese Cucumber

If you're planning to buy bumpy Japanese cucumber, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you get the best quality cucumbers.

To start, look for firm cucumbers free of imperfections or contusions.

The skin of the cucumber should be shiny and free of blemishes.

It is also important to check the color of the cucumber.

Bumpy Japanese cucumbers should have a greenish-yellow skin color, indicating that they are ripe and ready to eat.

If the cucumber is too green, it may be underripe and not as flavorful.

If the cucumber is too yellow, it may be overripe and mushy.

japanese cucumber plant

Bumpy Japanese Cucumber Price + Buy and Sell

The price of bumpy Japanese cucumber can vary depending on the season and availability.

During peak season, which runs from June to August, the price of bumpy Japanese cucumber is typically lower due to the abundance of fresh cucumbers on the market.

During the off-season, the price may be higher due to lower supply and higher demand.

On average, the price ranges from 200 to 500 yen per cucumber, or around 2 to 5 USD.

If you're considering purchasing this product, please don't hesitate to reach out to our sales manager first.

We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide the best product experience available.

sweet japanese cucumber

The Answer to Two Questions About Bumpy Japanese Cucumber

1: Are Persian cucumbers the same as Japanese cucumbers?

Japanese cucumbers, or kyuri in Japanese, are longer and thinner than Persian and English cucumbers. In most cases, they are seedless or only have very tiny, delicate seeds.

2: What are the different types of Japanese cucumbers?

The varieties Kyoto, Palace King, Soarer, Sooyow Nishiki, Suhyo, Tasty Green, and Tsuyataro are among those considered to be Japanese cucumbers by English speakers. The skin of the cucumbers is thin, long, and narrow.


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