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Buy bitumen waterproofing concrete seal at an Exceptional Price

It has been demonstrated that bitumen mastic is an effective waterproofing material that can be used for the treatment and seal of surfaces such as flat roofs, sloped roofs, tanks, and concrete driveways. Due to the fact that mastic asphalt is relatively fluid at the temperature at which it is processed, it is possible to apply it so that it forms a dense and continuous layer that covers flat, sloped, or curved surfaces without having to compact it first. The mastic asphalt mixture displays high resistance to cracking even when the temperature is quite low. This is because it has a large capacity for deformation. On each and every surface, regardless of whether it is sloping, horizontal, or vertical, the bitumen mastic must be applied in either one or three coats, as described further down. The following specifications will apply to the thickness: Above ground level, the walls and floors are to be coated with one layer of a bitumen mastic measuring 10 millimeters thick. Bitumen mastic must be applied in three coats, the combined thickness of which must be less than 20 millimeters, in order for it to be used on surfaces that are vertical or steeper than 30 degrees. Bitumen mastic must be applied in three coats, the combined thickness of which must be less than 30 millimeters, in order for it to be used on horizontal surfaces and sloped surfaces that are no steeper than 30 degrees. Before applying the bitumen mastic, this material needs to be remelted. Remelting bitumen mastic is done through the following steps:

  • The remelting shall be performed on-site in a mechanical mixer; the mastic temperature during remelting shall not exceed 200 degrees Celsius.
  • The bitumen mastic blocks are to be broken into bits and then stacked in layers, first along the sides of the mixer and then toward the middle.
  • The mastic must be gradually heated to approximately 200 degrees Celsius.
  • When the mastic becomes molten, it must be continuously stirred to ensure a consistent consistency.
  • The period of heating must be chosen so as not to compromise the qualities of the bitumen.

After the bitumen is remelted, it can be laid through the following methods:

  • When using the three-coat treatment approach, the initial layer of bitumen mastic should be placed very lightly on any surface so that it can function as an adhesive layer and prevent blowing.
  • When applying bituminous mastic to a horizontal surface, each coat must be spread using a float so that it is distributed evenly and uniformly across the area that has been prepared in advance.
  • The first layer of plaster can be applied to a vertical surface with a metal trowel in an effort to spread it as evenly and uniformly as possible.
  • A wooden float can be used to apply the second and third coats in order to achieve a consistent thickness throughout the surface.
  • These bitumen mastic coats need to be applied as rapidly as possible to avoid any collection of dust or dirt between the layers.
  • The blows that are caught in each layer as a result of the laying process and are caused by trapped air or moisture must be punctured and fixed while the asphalt is still warm and prior to the application of the subsequent coat.
  • The top of the vertical mastic should be turned into a chase in the wall that is at least 25 mm x 25 mm in size when it comes to chases unless the mastic is going to be extended horizontally.
  • In a fillet case, an angle fillet with a width of at least 50 millimeters and two coats must be applied at two planes that together form an internal angle.
  • When it comes to building joints, the borders of the mastic that have previously been laid should be heated with hot asphalt and then cut out with a metal trowel to eliminate any dust or debris that may have accumulated. This will ensure that the connections are watertight. Before the heated surface of the joint has a chance to cool down, the new mastic should be placed on top of it.
  • Protection from the Water Above Ground Level

Above ground level, the water-proofing treatment must be applied across the whole thickness of the walls, excluding the plaster, or at the base of cavity walls. It is required that the damp proofing in the wall be continuous with the layer of bitumen mastic on the floors that are adjacent. When it is determined that one is required, a vertical damp-proofing course is to be installed on the inside surface of the wall. When looking at the tank from the outside, you need to make sure the following things are correct:

  • The distance between the walls and the working space may not be less than 0.6 meters.
  • The foundation concrete must have a thickness of 100 millimeters and be structurally sound; it must be extended at least 150 millimeters beyond the wall's margins to allow for the formation of an angle fillet at the junction of the horizontal and vertical damp-proofing.
  • To protect the surface from being damaged, a layer of mastic asphalt must be applied, and then immediately coated with a screed consisting of cement and sand that is fifty millimeters thick.
  • The structural slab's horizontal coat must be poured as rapidly as humanly possible.
  • Following the application of the vertical damp-proofing bituminous mastic, the exterior of the wall must be secured against damage by the construction of a brick wall.
  • Protection against Water in Internal Tanking

Before applying bituminous mastic, one must take the necessary measures, which are as follows:

  • During the excavation process, a space measuring 300 millimeters (mm) outside the wall must be provided in order to keep the wall dry while the bitumen mastic is being laid.
  • Prior to beginning the process of laying mastic asphalt, the surface of the base slab needs to be leveled, and the walls need to be constructed to the required height.
  • The earth shall not be allowed to be backfilled until three coats of vertical mastic have been applied, and the loading coat has been allowed to fully harden.
  • Similar to the process of external tanking, the protective layers of screed should be set down first, followed by the installation of the structural floors and walls.

The key to a perfect bitumen mastic is high-quality bitumen, we are here to help you have a great purchase. Contact our sales executives for more details and information.

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