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Getting to know best quality walnut + the exceptional price of buying best quality walnut

Nuts owe their popularity to their tasty and healthy fruits with best quality in the world.

The walnut is hidden in a corrugated chocolate shell, so they stay fresh for a long time and can be stored for months.

They contain about 60% fat, and also contain many proteins and vitamins.

Their taste is slightly sweet, with pronounced bitterness.

Nuts are very easy to grow: they are drought tolerant and moderately cold hardy.

For proper growth and development, it needs slightly alkaline soil and a warm and sunny location.

The fruits ripen from late September to November.

  • what
  1. Origin and emergence
  2. Appearance
  3. Walnut plantation: places and flower beds
  4. Plant walnuts step by step
  5. Walnut - cultivation: care care (watering, top dressing)
  6. Shorten the nut
  7. Walnut cultivation: diseases and parasites
  8. Nut - type
  9. See what our customers are asking:
  • Origin and emergence

 Walnut (Juglans regla) is a tree of the walnut family that grows naturally in southwestern, central and eastern Asia (China), as well as in southeastern Europe (France and the Balkans - Romania, Bulgaria, Greece).

The plant spread to Europe during the Roman Empire, and in the 17th century, walnuts appeared in the Americas (today it is mainly grown in California and Chile).

Walnuts are long-lived trees: plants grafted onto the trunk can continuously bear fruit for 200 years, and cultivated plants from sowing - up to 500 years or more.

In Poland, walnuts are often grown in home gardens and are famous for their tasty and healthy fruit - the walnut.

There are many varieties of nuts, which differ mainly in strength, fruit ripening time (early and late numbers), size and taste of fruits (some bitter, others sweet).

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The walnut is a robust tree up to 35 meters high, but in our climate it usually reaches 10 meters in height, which makes it easier to store and harvest the fruit.

In addition, grafted plants grow faster and bear fruit faster - approximately 3-4 years after sowing (for comparison, plants bear fruit approximately 10-15 years after sowing and rarely repeat the signs of the mother plant).

Solitary canaries, which do not have to compete with other plants for access to light, usually have short stems and a wide, wide crown.

When planted among other trees, they produce a taller trunk and a more compact crown.

The leaves of the walnut are light green in color and consist of several smaller leaves, with flowers that grow very late, in early April and May.

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Abolfazl Darbanali