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Annatto Seed Extract; Natural Coloring 4 Types Liquid Powder Paste Essence

The annatto seed extract is a very widely used color feed that you can buy and sell, in packaged form.

Annatto Seed Extract

If you are interested in using various seasonings and flavors while eating, you must have heard the name annatto seed extract.

This plant seed is obtained from a type of tree native to the tropical regions of America and has many properties and benefits.

The flowers of this tree are white and the fruit is red, which is used as food coloring after the seed pods dry.

Annatto and its extract have many uses as a natural colored food in the food industry.

This product is an excellent alternative to artificial colors that are used in the preparation of various foods.

Annatto Seed Extract

Annatto Seed Extract Features

The color of annatto extract consists of compounds called carotenoids and contains high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins and mineral salts.

Title Description
Application Natural Food Coloring and Seasoning
Rich In Antioxidants, Vitamins, and Mineral Salts
Types Liquid, Powder, Paste and Essence
Taste Sweet and Peppery

Today, annatto seed extract is widely used as a food coloring in many foods such as sausages, breadcrumbs, soft drinks, cheese, etc.

Annatto is also used as a food seasoning due to its sweet and peppery taste.

The color that annatto seed extract gives to food is orange-red, and because it is a natural additive, it has many fans.

This widely used food coloring is produced and supplied in various forms such as liquid, powder, paste and essence.

organic annatto

Buy Annatto Seed Extract

If you want to Buy Annatto Seed Extract, be sure to buy this product in hygienic packaging and avoid buying any food coloring in bulk.

Also, in the case of edible colors such as annatto, which are mainly imported, make sure that they have health organization permits.

Also, the contents, ingredients, production date, expiration date, and dosage should be mentioned on the food coloring packaging.

An important point that you should pay attention to when buying annatto seed extract is that you should never buy packaging that lacks specifications.

Although there are many varieties of chemical food colors, remember that natural colors such as annatto are the best because they do not harm your health.

organic annatto seed

Annatto Seed Extract Price + Buy and Sell

Since today food colors are used in many different food industries as well as health industries.

The demand for buying and selling all kinds of food colors such as Annatto in the market is high.

Annatto Seed Extract Price is between 1 to 2 dollars and it is sold in many sites.

To buy annatto color, to ensure the quality and price offered, make your purchase from reputable centers.

Our collection is one of the centers that offers all kinds of natural food colors, including annatto, in various and hygienic packages to its customers.

To buy annatto seed extract and get more information, you can contact the sales experts of our collection through the listed numbers.

organic annatto seed powder

The Answer to Two Questions About Annatto Seed Extract

1: What types of Annatto Seed Extract can be found?

This widely used food coloring is produced and supplied in various forms such as liquid, powder, paste and essence.

2: Where is Annatto Seed Extract used?

Annatto seed extract is widely used as a food coloring in many foods such as sausages, breadcrumbs, soft drinks, cheese, etc.

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