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African Sumac (Rhus lancea) Evergreen Dense Shade Drought Resistant Tree

The taste of African sumac is better than other types of sumac in the world and this wonderful taste has been welcomed by customers.

African Sumac

Sumac is a sour plant that stimulates appetite and prevents stomach bleeding, so if you have a bad appetite, consume sumac.

Using powdered sumac is useful to reduce nausea and vomiting.

If eaten with meat, it prevents meat poisoning.

It relieves common diarrhea and dysentery and is a stomach cleanser, and it is suitable for people who frequently suffer from diarrhea and have not been able to be treated with medicine.

Sumac powder is used to treat uterine moisture.

In ancient times, the sap extracted from the sumac tree was used to treat urinary tract diseases.

Because sumac has cold nature, it is not suitable for cold-tempered people and should be consumed with warm herbs.

African Sumac

African Sumac Features

It is effective for treating hemorrhoids.

Sumac with water destroys the bacteria of fruits and vegetables and disinfects them.

Washing hair with boiled sumac turns hair black.

Title Description
Benefit Dense Shade
Type Evergreen 
Height 30 to 40 Feet
Key Feature Drought Resistant 

It is effective for treating white and brown skin spots.

Compress with sumac is effective in healing wounds, and cracked skin and treating injured limbs.

Sumac and baking soda are effective in treating hives.

To relieve the pain of a damaged tooth, put a little sumac in the tooth hole.

Rubbing sumac on the teeth is useful for strengthening the gums, and soaking sumac in water is also useful for mouth ulcers.

Gargling brewed sumac relieves sore throat.

African Sumac tree

Buy African Sumac

We note some points for you to buy African sumac.

If you see other particles inside the sumac that are not red, it means that the product is not pure.

Sumac should not color the inside of the package and make it red, this indicates artificial color.

It is better to buy powdered sumac because it lasts longer.

The presence of pebbles in sumac is a sign of a lack of hygiene during packaging.

Unreliable brands use ordinary and unsanitary devices to powder and pack sumac, so be careful when choosing a brand.

If you buy solid sumac, buy more volume because when you powder it, its quantity decreases.

african sumac leaves

African Sumac Price + Buy and Sell

The African sumac price is between 4 and 7 dollars, and the stages of cultivation and milling have different costs in each country, which causes the difference in prices.

Some brands that supply sumac, collect this product from regions with good weather, so they charge a higher price for it because it is of higher quality.

If the sumac packaging has a special design, it costs more and the cost of packaging varies every year.

The variability of the packaging price can be considered as one of the factors of sumac price fluctuations.

We sell first-class sumac with beautiful packaging on this site and we are one of the top sellers in this field.

We are waiting to receive your orders, please contact us.

african sumac bark

The Answer to Two Questions About African Sumac

1: What is African Sumac?

African Sumac is a dense shade tree, rather graceful with its arching branches and weeping foliage.

2: How tall is African sumac?

30 to 40 feet

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