If you are looking for fruits that are good for your bones, figs should be near the top of your list of potential purchases. In just five medium fresh figs, you can find a wealth of bone-healthy nutrients such as calcium and magnesium. Figs are high in fiber, too. Dried figs are available all year long in California, even though fresh figs can only be found in California during the summer and fall seasons. And the flavor of the dried ones is just as wonderful: A serving size of dried figs, which is equal to a half cup, has 121 milligrams of calcium. Dried figs are an excellent source of the antioxidants and fiber that the body needs. In addition, the calcium content of these dried fruits is superior to that of other dried fruits. Approximately 5 percent of the recommended daily requirement for calcium can be found in a single serving of dried figs, which is equal to about 40 grams. Figs are an excellent source of potassium and vitamin K, two nutrients that are essential to maintaining healthy bones. Calcium is the mineral that is found in the highest concentrations throughout the body, and with good reason. It is an essential component of bone and tooth structure, and it also plays a role in the proper functioning of the heart, muscles, and nerves. Calcium intake should be increased beyond the standard recommendation of 1,000 milligrams per day for adolescents, postmenopausal women, and elderly persons. There are a lot of alternatives to dairy products that are good providers of calcium, but milk, cheese, and yogurt are three of the best. What role do dried figs play in the development and maintenance of good bones? To a much greater extent than you might think possible! The notion that "bones are rigid and unbending" has been passed down from one generation to the next for many years. Bones are dynamic, the living tissue that is constantly being regenerated through the process of remodeling. By the time a person reaches the age of 30, their bone mass, which is the overall quantity of bone tissue in their skeleton, has typically continued to increase. However, the vast majority of us are unable to detect these shifts in our bodies. Before you achieve your optimum bone mass, you should "bank" as much bone as possible so that you don't have to worry about breaking a bone or developing conditions that are related to the skeleton later in life (around age 30). In the course of a normal life, the old bone is continually reabsorbed, and it is replaced by new bone in a process called bone remodeling. What occurs once one reaches the age of 30? Between the ages of 30 and 50, a person's bone density does not change significantly because of the equilibrium that exists between the processes of bone formation and bone resorption.
After the age of 50, the rate of bone loss accelerates because bone resorption now outpaces bone synthesis. As a result of this, it is necessary to place a greater emphasis on the development of the bones during childhood (before you reach 30). However, regardless of your age, it is a good idea to make an effort to keep your bone density up. Osteoporosis, which is also known as porous bone, is a condition that is characterized by the formation of increasingly frail and brittle bones. This ailment is characterized by a loss of bone density. Even a minor accident, such as tripping or bumping against a door or a piece of furniture, can result in a fracture for someone who has osteoporosis since the condition causes the bones to become more porous and weak. Figs, like many other ancient fruits, have a long and illustrious history. They are also filled with several beneficial components, such as natural sugars, soluble fiber, minerals, and antioxidant vitamins. Figs are one-of-a-kind fruits due to the unique way in which the calcium and vitamin K that they contain cooperate to promote bone health. Follow along with me as I demonstrate how to do the task. Figs are an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining bone health because calcium is required for bone growth and prevents bone loss. On the other hand, there is not a singular answer to this problem. Figs are a good source of vitamin K, which is another vitamin that is essential for supporting bone health and bone density. Calcium is essential for maintaining the health and strength of our bones, and vitamin K help direct calcium to the areas of the body where it is required.
The stimulation of osteocalcin, the protein that is responsible for the absorption of calcium from the blood and its incorporation into the bone matrix, is dependent on vitamin K in the skeletal system. Vitamin K is required to channel calcium effectively when the calcium intake is high. The result is a bone matrix that is both more robust and dense, which lowers the risk of fractures as well as osteoporosis. The fact that dried figs provide you with not one but two vital vitamins that collaborate to improve your health stands out as the most astonishing part of the figs' nutritional significance. Build up your bone mass before you reach the age of 30. those who are at least 50 years old People who have a history of bone disease in their family, people who are naturally underweight and have a smaller body frame, and women (since women's bones are normally smaller and less thick than men's bones) all have an elevated risk of fractures. People who have a history of broken bones or who are taking medications known to induce bone loss, such as those used to treat high blood pressure, breast cancer, prostate cancer, or even heartburn, may have lower levels of vitamin K when they take antibiotics because antibiotics kill the bacteria in the gut that produce vitamin K. This may cause vitamin K levels to drop in people who have a history of broken bones.
Those individuals who have undergone particular types of surgery, as well as those individuals who suffer from a disease or ailment that causes bone loss, are at an increased risk for bone loss (e.g., ovaries removed). One of the most important aspects of bone maintenance is making adjustments to one's diet such that it promotes bone health. In this day and age of fast food and busy schedules, many people consume too much-processed food and don't get enough exercise. This may sound like an obvious statement, but it's true. The consequences for our skeletal systems are significant. Eating a greater quantity of fish, some kinds of dairy products, and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables can all be beneficial to one's bone health (including fresh or dried figs from brands like Orchard Choice and Sun-Maid California). Exercises that build muscle, including lifting weights, using elastic exercise bands, using weight machines, or performing the routines in CrossFit classes, should also be incorporated into this eating plan to achieve optimal results. It is also very important that you stop using tobacco products and drinking coffee. Even while conditions that cause bones to become more fragile are very common in older people, having bone problems does not have to be an inevitable part of becoming older. There are various steps you can take to protect your bones from developing issues. Unexpectedly, the minerals calcium and magnesium, both of which are beneficial to bone health, may be found in figs. According to Holly Klamer, MS, RDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist and blogger for My Crohn's and Colitis Team, a serving of around four figs contains approximately 60 milligrams of calcium, which is equal to 6% of the Daily Value for calcium (DV).
According to Klamer, "in addition to delivering these bone-building ingredients, figs may be able to prevent the activity of osteoclasts," which are cells that break down bone. This is what a review was done in 2018 on figs came to conclude. According to Klamer, "Figs may be helpful to treat or prevent osteoporosis," which is an important consideration in this regard. According to Industry Professionals, This Is the Finest Fruit You Can Consume. What Qualified Nutritionists Have to Say. In addition, the amount of potassium contained in just one fig is sufficient to maintain the health and strength of your bones for an additional day. In a review that was published in the journal Osteoporosis International in 2015, potassium bicarbonate and citrate were found to both reduce the amount of calcium that was excreted from the body as well as the amount of bone that was broken down. Many fruits and vegetables contain both of these substances.
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