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1M Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) White Solid Mineral 2 Types Light Heavy

1M Sodium carbonate is the disodium salt of carbonic acid with alkaline solutions.

Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is a white solid mineral compound, soluble in water.

1M Sodium Carbonate

Light sodium carbonate is first produced and then converted into heavy sodium carbonate.

The two grades of this material have very different applications.

There are two kinds of sodium carbonate.

Light sodium carbonate:

Light kind of sodium carbonate includes about 0.5% sodium chloride.

Light sodium carbonate is originally used where chemistry is required in the solution.

This substance is also used as a pH regulator in many chemical industries.

Heavy sodium carbonate:

Heavy sodium carbonate, as an example of a variety of bases, is prepared from the hydration of light sodium carbonate to monohydrate and then dehydration.

Removing water to improve the efficiency of the production process produces a product with a crystal shape, size, and density.

Sodium Carbonate

1M Sodium Carbonate Features

1M Sodium Carbonate has many uses.

One of the most important of them is the production of glass and chemical materials, such as those used in the manufacture of car glass, doors and windows, mirrors, lamps, drinking bottles, and laboratory containers.

Title Description
Kinds Light, Heavy
Use In Glass, Chemical, Detergents
Color White 
Characteristics Solid Mineral

One of its advantages in the glass industry is that it reduces the temperature of the glass, prevents it from cracking, and prevents the loss of time and energy.

Soda ash is a key and important material for soap production, paper making, the soda production process, and fabric production.

About 50% of all sodium carbonate products are used in the production of glass and 17% in the production of other chemicals.

Also, 10% of sodium carbonate is used in detergents, which include the production of soap and materials such as dish washing liquids, washing powders, stain removers, glass cleaners, bleaches, detergents, and shampoos.

1m sodium carbonate solution

Buy 1M Sodium Carbonate

When you want to buy 1M sodium carbonate, pay attention to the following points:

Among the precautions of this substance, it can be mentioned that it irritates the eyes, respiratory system (causes irritation and burning of mucous membranes and lung disease), and skin.

This substance is mostly found in dry areas in the form of sediments, in places where lake water evaporates.

Wear appropriate clothing, gloves, and goggles when you want to buy these chemicals.

If clothes and shoes get contaminated, change them quickly.

In case of swallowing this substance and having symptoms such as vomiting, convulsions, or drowsiness, the buyer should not eat anything and consult a doctor immediately.

By considering mentioned points in this part, you can save your time and money to buy 1M Sodium Carbonate.

1m sodium carbonate ph

1M Sodium Carbonate Price + Buy and Sell

Since even 1M sodium carbonate is an extremely useful material and is widely used in the industry, its price is increasing daily.

Sometimes market fluctuations have a negative effect on the price of sodium carbonate.

It can almost be said that every product that contains sodium becomes more expensive, and sodium carbonate also becomes more expensive.

Because raw materials are considered to make this product, their price is also an important factor.

The 1M Sodium Carbonate price approximately begins at 10 or 12 dollars and varies depending on the brand and factory.

Contact us for information about the price of this product, we will be happy to help you.

1m sodium carbonate

The Answer to Two Questions About Sodium Carbonate

1: What is Sodium Carbonate?

Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is a white solid mineral compound, soluble in water.

2: How many types Sodium Carbonate has?

There are two kinds of sodium carbonate, light and heavy.

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