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1 kg Turmeric in Sri Lanka; Yellow Color Spice Antioxidant Source (Vitamin K C)

1 Kg Turmeric in Sri Lanka has different prices and this variation in price is usually due to the difference in product quality.

1 Kg Turmeric in Sri Lanka

Turmeric is one of the healthiest and most popular spices in world which has a unique aroma and taste and it also gives an attractive yellow color to many kinds of food.

Cooks all over the world use turmeric to give a wonderful aroma, good taste and golden color to a wide variety of foods and add this unique spice in many kinds of food such as soup, stew, bread, appetizers, etc.

In addition to making various recipes attractive, turmeric has many benefits for the body, this spice contains many vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients, so eating turmeric makes the body healthy.


1 Kg Turmeric Features in Sri Lanka

Turmeric is known as one of the healthy spices that are rich in beneficial nutrients for the body, so a lot of people add turmeric in their food because of its features and benefits.

Title Description
Source of Antioxidants
Minerals Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium
Nutritions Iron, Zinc, and Vitamins K and C
Heallth Benefit Strengthen the Immune System

Turmeric is one of the strongest sources of antioxidants in nature and therefore, eating this flavor daily can have an important effect on health and prevent some types of cancer.

Turmeric is a rich source of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, and it also contains iron, zinc, and vitamins K and C, so eating turmeric also helps strengthen the immune system.

Eating turmeric has some great effects on preventing various diseases such as Alzheimer's, joint diseases and heart problems.

turmeric root

Buy 1 Kg Turmeric in Sri Lanka

To buy 1 Kg turmeric in Sri Lanka, it is better to purchase this product from trusted stores or you can find this spice on reliable websites.

To choose turmeric with the best quality, you must pay attention to a series of points to choose a premium product.

First-class turmeric should be in the form of a soft powder and there are no impurities or extra substances in its texture.

Also high-quality turmeric should have a dark yellow color, but it should not be orange in color.

Original and premium turmeric should have a pleasant aroma and any unusual smell of this product indicates the low quality of this spice.

turmeric powder

1 Kg Turmeric Price in Sri Lanka + Buy and Sell

Buying and selling turmeric in Sri Lanka has a thriving market, and this is due to the popularity and use of this product in most areas of Sri Lanka.

The price of 1 kg turmeric in Sri Lanka is between US$ 5.37 and US$ 6.14 and this spice may have a various price range in the market.

In general, the price of turmeric is different due to the variety in the quality of this product, as well as the brand and the way the product is packaged.

To buy first-class turmeric at the best price, you can call our company's phone numbers and make a satisfactory purchase.

turmeric powder

The Answer to Two Questions About Turmeric 

1: Is Turmeric a plant or a seasoning?

 For almost 4,000 years, it has been used as a spice in food.

2: Does Turmeric have any health benefits?

Avoid Alzheimer's, cancer, and heart disease. Anti-inflammatory. Depression and arthritis may improve.

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