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1 kg Potato; Fiber Protein Vitamin E C Source Regulate Blood Sugar Pressure

1 Kg Potato has many benefits for our health.

This plant is cooked and used in different ways.

1 Kg Potato

Potatoes are native to the tropical regions of Central America or South America.

A flowering dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the Picking family.

Some regions use its young branches and leaves as a vegetable.

Hundreds of its species grow all over the world.

This plant has different colors.

Colors like white, cream, yellow, reddish purple and dark purple.

But in general there are two types of potatoes.

One with bright orange flesh and the other with pale cream flesh.


1 Kg Potato Features 

This plant is rich in fiber, beta-carotene and protein.

For this reason, it is recommended to add it to the diet of diabetics to regulate blood sugar.

Title Description
Colors White, Cream, Yellow, Purple
Rich in Fiber, Beta-Carotene and Protein
Health enefits Regulate Blood Sugar and Pressure
Vitamins C and E

In addition, potatoes prevent cancer by reducing oxidative and free radical activity in the body.

is also very effective for weight loss and blood sugar regulation for diabetic patients.

The potassium in it is important for blood pressure control.

It can also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Manganese in it is important for growth and metabolism.

Vitamin C in it is an antioxidant that can reduce the duration of colds and improve skin health.

It also has vitamin E, which is a strong antioxidant.

1 kg sweet potato

Buy 1 Kg Potato 

If you are going to buy Buy 1 Kg Potato in India, it is better to know some points before that.

First of all, you should know that this plant has different types.

You need to know about their types before buying.

They also have different sizes.

In general, potatoes are classified into three large, small, and medium categories.

Each of them has different uses.

If you want to fry this food, it is better to buy large potatoes.

If you plan to grill them, you can buy small and medium potatoes.

Be aware that bigger apples weigh more.

So pay attention to these points when buying.

Try to buy as much of this food as you need.

red potato

1 Kg Potato Price + Buy and Sell

Potato is a cheap food and people can buy it at the lowest cost.

Of course, its price is not the same in all stores and it varies depending on factors.

One of these factors is related to the way of buying and selling it.

In general, wholesalers sell this product at a cheaper price.

1 Kg Potato Price in India is now between 1 and 2 dollars.

This price has not fluctuated much in the last few weeks.

The healthier and better looking the potato is, the higher its price.

Also, potatoes that taste better are more expensive.

You can buy this product with the best quality.

Just call us to order potato.

yellow potato

The Answer to Two Questions About 1 kg Potato

1: Are potatoes good for health?

They're rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant

2: Is Potato a vegetable?

There is no doubt that a potato is botanically a vegetable.

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