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1 Kg Cabbage in India Today; Contain Fiber Manganese Vitamins 3 Color Green Red Purple

1 Kg cabbage in India today is available in many cuisines with affordable prices and can be easily found across the country.

1 Kg Cabbage in India Today

A kilogram of cabbage in India today is about equivalent to two medium-sized heads of cabbage.

Cabbage is a leafy green or red vegetable that is low in calories and a good source of dietary fiber.

To maximize the nutritional value of cabbage, it is best to eat it raw or lightly cooked.

Additionally, washing and storing cabbage properly can help to extend its shelf life.

Cabbage should be stored in the refrigerator, ideally in a perforated plastic bag, and will keep for up to five days.

Overall, cabbage is a nutrient-dense vegetable that can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes.

Eating cabbage regularly can help to boost your overall health and well-being.

green cabbage

1 Kg Cabbage Features in India Today

1 kilogram of cabbage in India today typically has a diameter of 8–10 inches, a height of 4–6 inches, and weighs about 2 pounds.

It contains 10-20 leaves and is generally hard and crunchy in texture.

Title Description
Color Green, Red, Purple
Nuitritions Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Manganese
Dimension Diameter of 8-10 Inches, Height of 4-6 Inches
Benefits Reduce Weight

Cabbage can range in color from white to purple and has a distinct smell and taste that is slightly sweet.

It is a vegetable that is nutrient-dense and includes sizeable amounts of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, manganese, and potassium.

In addition to being practically fat-free and low in calories, cabbage is a great option for people trying to reduce weight or keep up a healthy diet.

organic cabbage

Buy 1 Kg Cabbage in India Today

When buying one kg of cabbage in India today, look for heads that are firm, heavy for their size, and have bright, vibrantly colored leaves.

Avoid any heads with wilted or yellow leaves, as this may mean the cabbage is old or of poor quality.

It is best to buy the cabbage locally, as freshness is key to maximizing the benefits of the vegetable.

Furthermore, store cabbage in a cool, dry place and use it quickly for the best results.

Also, check for any signs of pests or damage to the leaves, and make sure the cabbage is heavy for its size.

Lastly, avoid any cabbage with an unpleasant smell, as this may indicate that it is no longer fresh.

By following these tips, you can guarantee that you get the highest quality cabbage.

sweet cabbage

1 Kg Cabbage Price in India Today + Buy and Sell

The price of 1 kg of cabbage in India can fluctuate based on various factors, such as availability and demand.

Today, cabbage is quite affordable and can be purchased for around 0.10 to 0.25 USD per kg.

However, prices can increase or decrease depending on the season and region.

Additionally, local markets may offer discounts or promotions on cabbage during peak seasons, which may result in lower prices.

Additionally, cabbage can be bought in bulk for even lower prices.

Buying in bulk is a great way to save money and make sure you have enough cabbage for your needs.

So contact us to buy this product in bulk.

freezing cabbage

The Answer to Two Questions About Cabbage

1: What vitamins does cabbage have?

It is a vegetable that is nutrient-dense and includes sizeable amounts of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, manganese, and potassium.

2: Cabbage in what colors are available in the market?

Cabbage can range in color from white to purple and has a distinct smell and taste that is slightly sweet.

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