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Purple Cabbage Price in Kenya

All vegetables, especially purple cabbage of Kenya, are full of unique and therapeutic properties and contain many vitamins and minerals needed by the body naturally.

Purple Cabbage in Kenya

Cabbage is one of the summer vegetables that are available in various colors.

Purple and red cabbage are types of cabbage that are used in salads in Kenya.

The color of these cabbages depends on the acidity and alkalinity of the soil, for example, its color is brighter in acidic soils.

The phytonutrient compounds present in purple cabbage prevent cancer and in the case of air pollution, it removes the pollutants that have entered the body.

Purple Cabbage

Purple Cabbage Features in Kenya

In this text, we introduce the features of purple cabbage:

The antioxidant in purple cabbage helps the body's health by fighting free radicals, which are the primary cause of cancer.

Title Description
Can Be Consumed  Raw or Cooked 
Health Advantages  Rich in Vitamin A and C
Color Depends on  Acidity and Alkalinity of the Soil
Therapeutic Properties Strengthens Eyesight and Improves Skin Condition

Purple cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C.

The amount of vitamin C in purple cabbage is twice that of green or white cabbage.

In addition to strengthening the immune system, vitamin A in purple cabbage is also very useful in maintaining eye health.

Vitamin A strengthens eyesight and improves skin condition.

The consumption of this cabbage is high in Kenya.

This vitamin is effective in increasing the growth of bones and helps the body to fight infections, it is also effective in treating eye diseases.

One of the properties of purple cabbage is having vitamin K, which helps to reduce the pain and bleeding of the period cycle in addition to blood clotting.

pickled purple cabbage

Buy Purple Cabbage in Kenya

When buying purple cabbage in Kenya, do not buy cut cabbage even if it is wrapped in nylon.

Purple cabbage loses its vitamin C after being cut.

Wash the red cabbage if you want to use it.

To store this vegetable, put it in a plastic bag and close the door so that it can stay fresh for two weeks in the refrigerator.

Before eating the purple cabbage, pour a little olive oil and salt on it and let it sit for a while until it becomes soft and easier to chew.

One of the interesting properties of purple cabbage is that it is consumed both raw and cooked.

roasted purple cabbage

Purple Cabbage Price in Kenya + Buy and Sell

Get as much information as you can about vegetables because the consumption of vegetables in every meal is very important.

vegetables play an effective role in the health of the body.

Buying and selling red cabbage at a reasonable price is widely done everywhere.

You can buy these cabbages in person from stores.

The other way is buying through online shops at wholesale prices.

Purple cabbage costs /067$ to1.0 $ per kg.

Also, some collections provide these vegetables fresh and with suitable packages online.

You can easily make your purchase by filling out the form on the website.

purple cabbage coleslaw

The Answer to Two Questions About Purple Cabbage 

1: What causes the hue of purple cabbage?

This purple-red hue is a result of the flavonoid anthocyanin and the ph of the soil in which this particular cabbage type is grown.

2: Could diabetics benefit from eating purple cabbage?

Due to their low starch content, lettuce, spinach, and cabbage are all great choices for diabetics.

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