Chercheuse: Azin Fakhr, Qom, Iran 🇮🇷, Persane,
Principaux exportateurs de dattes et de dérivés de dattes en 2020
Pays |
Volume (tonnes) |
Egypt | 1690959 |
Saudi Arabia | 1541769 |
Iran | 1283499 |
Algeria | 1151909 |
Iraq | 735353 |
Pakistan | 543269 |
Sudan | 465323 |
Worldwide | 9454213 |
Top 10 des importateurs de dattes et de dérivés de dattes en 2020
Pays | Prix (millions de dollars) |
India | 240 |
France | 113 |
Germany | 85 |
USA | 84 |
England | 80 |
Indonesia | 69 |
Netherlands | 65 |
Malaysia | 64 |
Turkey | 63 |
Canada | 62 |
Principaux exportateurs de dattes et de dérivés de dattes au monde
HS Pays | Valeur (milliers de dollars) | Volume (tonnes) |
Tunisia | 265775 | 113887 |
UAE | 218565 | 212831 |
Saudi Arabia | 229832 | 182317 |
USA | 74570 | 147925 |
Pakistan | 71594 | 95304 |
Israel | 203381 | 55634 |
Oman | 29385 | 21760 |
France | 47532 | 15878 |
Germany | 37119 | 10782 |
Türkiye | 15522 | 8523 |
Netherlands | 42025 | 8091 |
Jordan | 22332 | 6204 |
Mexico | 19620 | 5794 |
Kazakhstan | 1236 | 4433 |
European Union | 13224 | 3255 |
India | 1635 | 2933 |
Malaysia | 3660 | 2748 |
South Africa | 9466 | 2302 |
Denmark | 9948 | 2069 |
Belgium | 6852 | 1742 |
Singapore | 2105 | 1652 |
Italy | 5232 | 1417 |
England | 2976 | 1281 |
Thailand | 2229 | 1246 |
Myanmar | 1015 | 1094 |
Morocco | 1830 | 1053 |
Mali | 178 | 1052 |
Belarus | 290 | 948 |
Slovakia | 2888 | 859 |
Spain | 3236 | 825 |
Canada | 2176 | 806 |
Austria | 2453 | 449 |
Lebanon | 1608 | 421 |
Czech Republic | 785 | 399 |
Russia | 281 | 374 |
Lithuania | 676 | 312 |
China | 863 | 266 |
Peru | 1477 | 251 |
Kuwait | 218 | 234 |
Greece | 627 | 207 |
Sweden | 660 | 205 |
Bahrain | 293 | 185 |
Niger | 603 | 178 |
Latvia | 357 | 147 |
Poland | 378 | 122 |
Hungary | 297 | 108 |
Tajikistan | 18 | 92 |
Serbia | 146 | 78 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 149 | 63 |
Slovenia | 219 | 51 |
Portugal | 194 | 49 |
Guyana | 58 | 44 |
Bulgaria | 134 | 36 |
Croatia | 72 | 35 |
Brazil | 42 | 30 |
Kenya | 26 | 30 |
Sri Lanka | 56 | 28 |
Australia | 142 | 27 |
New Zealand | 92 | 27 |
China | 49 | 27 |
Armenia | 17 | 24 |
Switzerland | 86 | 22 |
Romania | 32 | 20 |
Senegal | 16 | 20 |
Guatemala | 5 | 20 |
North Macedonia | 31 | 15 |
Ireland | 51 | 12 |
Nepal | 9 | 12 |
Luxembourg | 88 | 8 |
Columbia | 13 | 8 |
Indonesia | 9 | 8 |
Korea | 36 | 6 |
Central Asia | 18 | 4 |
Côte d'Ivoire | 0.5 | 4 |
Azerbaijan | 29 | 2 |
Eswatini | 2 | 2 |
Rwanda | 0.14 | 2 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 3 | 1 |
Yemen | 1 | 1 |
Mauritania | 0.56 | 1 |
Kyrgyzstan | 0.10 | 1 |
Principaux importateurs de produits dérivés de date et de date
Pays | Valeur (milliers de dollars) | Volume (tonnes) |
UAE | 407785 | 172072 |
India | 164010 | 281961 |
European Union | 338144 | 133469 |
Morocco | 168724 | 98870 |
France | 97011 | 42916 |
Türkiye | 43554 | 41131 |
Yemen | 11438 | 38335 |
Indonesia | 62290 | 36168 |
Kazakhstan | 12847 | 27938 |
USA | 68285 | 25246 |
Nepal | 18819 | 24917 |
Germany | 69391 | 24323 |
Oman | 28933 | 23881 |
England | 63781 | 22130 |
Kuwait | 32421 | 20067 |
Malaysia | 48781 | 18009 |
Russia | 26003 | 17954 |
Afghanistan | 8284 | 17223 |
Jordan | 21427 | 15446 |
Canada | 50510 | 14445 |
Italy | 36418 | 12626 |
Netherlands | 48036 | 12190 |
China | 6271 | 11956 |
Spain | 35228 | 10668 |
Qatar | 2016 | 9781 |
Lebanon | 15491 | 9344 |
Mali | 1059 | 7283 |
Sri Lanka | 8678 | 7267 |
Ethiopia | 4088 | 7026 |
Senegal | 3689 | 6767 |
Australia | 13136 | 6506 |
Pakistan | 8713 | 6447 |
Belgium | 14932 | 6297 |
Ukraine | 5029 | 5843 |
Azerbaijan | 7997 | 5634 |
Kenya | 2394 | 5019 |
Tanzania | 1124 | 4780 |
Denmark | 12102 | 4479 |
Mauritania | 4618 | 4189 |
Poland | 8297 | 4119 |
Kyrgyzstan | 1224 | 3803 |
Bahrain | 4561 | 3788 |
Singapore | 8001 | 3662 |
Nigeria | 4759 | 3586 |
Sweden | 8844 | 3452 |
South Africa | 10356 | 2865 |
Austria | 10771 | 2747 |
Switzerland | 14313 | 2638 |
New Zealand | 3727 | 2450 |
Czech Republic | 3676 | 2129 |
Belarus | 2277 | 1811 |
Côte d'Ivoire | 759 | 1759 |
Uzbekistan | 403 | 1743 |
Niger | 5009 | 1741 |
Bulgaria | 2279 | 1552 |
Thailand | 3615 | 1535 |
Slovakia | 3931 | 1479 |
Greece | 4296 | 1462 |
Norway | 7041 | 1365 |
Japan | 3382 | 1298 |
Romania | 2695 | 1243 |
Bosnia | 1897 | 1139 |
Brazil | 3337 | 1118 |
Hungary | 2042 | 1058 |
Saudi Arabia | 1424 | 939 |
Maldives | 2917 | 897 |
Serbia | 1266 | 897 |
Lithuania | 1927 | 848 |
Armenia | 959 | 808 |
North Macedonia
1124 | 798 |
Portugal | 2958 | 783 |
Gambia | 230 | 658 |
Tajikistan | 478 | 625 |
Vietnam | 1591 | 547 |
Tunisia | 1634 | 542 |
Ireland | 2092 | 525 |
South Korea | 980 | 472 |
Georgia | 546 | 448 |
Latvia | 1021 | 441 |
Mauritius | 1123 | 408 |
Croatia | 1095 | 366 |
Slovenia | 1408 | 363 |
Myanmar | 197 | 350 |
Cyprus | 894 | 342 |
Uganda | 278 | 342 |
Malta | 735 | 324 |
Argentina | 638 | 320 |
Honduras | 537 | 318 |
Hong Kong | 1354 | 312 |
Ghana | 153 | 308 |
Mozambique | 269 | 305 |
Nicaragua | 424 | 300 |
Cambodia | 724 | 267 |
Burkina Faso | 121 | 257 |
Brunei | 1272 | 238 |
Iceland | 822 | 225 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 616 | 197 |
Moldova | 305 | 179 |
Paraguay | 61 | 169 |
Montenegro | 321 | 157 |
Comoros | 102 | 157 |
Central Asia | 522 | 152 |
Chile | 221 | 140 |
Benin | 110 | 122 |
Estonia | 407 | 111 |
Luxembourg | 659 | 102 |
Fiji | 184 | 96 |
Malawi | 140 | 96 |
Uruguay | 215 | 78 |
Angola | 117 | 77 |
Lesotho | 41 | 77 |
Columbia | 328 | 71 |
Philippines | 189 | 65 |
Panama | 275 | 61 |
Panama | 78 | 61 |
Cabo Verde | 212 | 54 |
Mongolia | 57 | 48 |
Dominican Republic | 203 | 41 |
Israel | 120 | 41 |
Costa Rica | 213 | 40 |
Namibia | 111 | 38 |
Albania | 100 | 38 |
Guyana | 100 | 37 |
Seychelles | 134 | 31 |
Peru | 51 | 31 |
Republic of the Congo | 23 | 29 |
Botswana | 120 | 27 |
El Salvador | 32 | 24 |
Barbados | 71 | 23 |
Madagascar | 52 | 22 |
Guatemala | 128 | 21 |
Jamaica | 38 | 20 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 25 | 16 |
Finland | 4287 | 15 |
Ecuador | 74 | 15 |
Suriname | 40 | 15 |
Aruba | 81 | 14 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 37 | 13 |
Macao | 37 | 12 |
French Polynesia | 63 | 11 |
Togo | 11 | 11 |
Bermuda | 100 | 10 |
Saint Lucia | 17 | 6 |
Rwanda | 6 | 6 |
Eswatini | 15 | 4 |
Burundi | 4 | 4 |
Grenada | 8 | 3 |
Belize | 5 | 3 |
Zimbabwe | 5 | 2 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
3 | 1 |
Remarque: En raison des sanctions, l'Iran n'apparaîtra plus dans les statistiques de la Banque mondiale à partir de 2020.
Notre pays est classé troisième au monde avec des exportations de plus de 1400000 tonnes de dattes.
Types de dattes destinées à l'exportation
- Dattes Estameran
- Dattes Zahedi et Kabkab
- Dattes Piarom (Dattes Maryami)
- Dattes Mazafati
- Dattes Kabkab