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7 Aspects in a Merchant's Life That We Should Look for in Our Own Lives

When I say I am a merchant I should become a successful businessman, I must reflect on the moments in my life where I have managed to bring forth the essential elements that should exist in a merchant's life.

This holds true for any profession.

For instance, you wouldn't find a mechanic whose clothes and face remain clean and oil-free.

Therefore, one of the impacts in the life of mechanics is becoming stained.

Similarly, a shepherd cannot escape the scent of cows and sheep sticking to their body and clothes, constituting one of the impacts of shepherding.

Hence, we realize that every profession carries its own set of impacts, if the practitioner of that profession lacks the color and scent associated with these impacts, we can claim they are not entirely truthful about their work.

I, too, need to examine whether the impacts of trade exist within me.

If I find them lacking, I should strive to manifest them within myself, otherwise, I must acknowledge that I am the most deceitful person regarding my identity as a merchant.

If they exist within me, I should endeavor to strengthen them, with the certainty that the more effective I am in trade, the more beneficial it is, not only avoiding harm but fostering good within it.


First Aspect: Certainty in the Superiority of Trade Over Other Occupations

If you search for the toughest job, various opinions arise, including mine work, industrial welders, industrial electricians, certain military sectors, firefighters, loggers, pilots, and many other professions.

Now, make an effort and invite individuals from these professions to engage in trade.

You'll find that they decline.


Because the difficulty in business is not in any of them.

The challenges in trade are not physical; they are generally psychological.

In trade, you hear rejection and denial, while in other professions, rejection is not as direct.

In trade, you must maintain a merchant-like character 24/7, whereas other jobs have specified working hours.

Trade requires courage, valor, resilience, audacity, humility, and many other virtues that are challenging to embody.

Moreover, what makes trade tougher than other occupations is that it demands intellectual effort; it requires thinking and contemplation.

The very thing most people have limited access to, despite hearing countless times that one hour of thinking is better than seventy years of worship.

Since these challenges exist in trade, only one thing can fortify a merchant on this path.


Love is the answer to all difficulties.

Not a love driven by desire and emotion, but a love rooted in reason and logic.

When I am convinced that no job in this world compares to trade, how can I set it aside and turn to another profession?

Perhaps you have seen or heard people criticizing Arad, claiming they joined but received no response, so Arad must be bad.

Ask that person if they were sure that trade is the superior occupation and if they made an effort in that path.

They will likely say yes.

But inquire about their current occupation.

You'll find they have every job except trade.

Now consider Arad the filthiest creature of God on Earth.

Why did you abandon trading?

There was no doubt about the cleanliness and correctness of trade.

If you truly believed that trade is your savior, why did you set aside your savior?

According to you, Arad may be impure, but surely, God has placed pure ones on this Earth.

You could initiate your trade alone, claiming that everyone is a thief and a swindler, and there is no purity on God's Earth.

With the same free methods that existed and still exist.

Accept that you lacked certainty in trade and it's natural that without conviction, one cannot succeed in any endeavor, so take responsibility for your failures and don't blame others.

Some might say they consider Arad negatively but are currently engaged in trade.

Ask them who first introduced trade to them and invited them into it.

Isn't it Arad who initially familiarized you with trade and its benefits?

Now, do you call the one who saved you from confusion, introduced you to the light, impure, while considering yourself pure?

Did you even know what trade was before Arad, and it wasn't even in your thoughts that you could become a merchant?

At the end of the day, you paid some amount to Arad and got no response.

If you had an ounce of understanding, as Arad showed you the right path and made you understand it, don't waste the remaining years of your life in other occupations.

You had continued to benefit 10 million tomans every month because of Arad guiding you toward the right path of wealth creation, so you would see how beneficial Arad's efforts to guide you were, and that initial payment is nothing compared to the blessings.

Humans are ungrateful to their Creator.

What expectations do we have for these groups to be grateful?

We wrote this only for our comrades so that such baseless discussions wouldn't deceive them when they hear seemingly logical statements.

Although the author had no intention of raising such a discussion before writing this article, the pen went in this direction, and we did not refrain from addressing it.

Returning to our discussion.

So for a merchant to stay resilient in trade, they must increase their certainty in the superiority of trade every day.

When my certainty grows, I become enamored with trade.

When in love, I see every difficulty on the lover's path not as a burden but as sweetness and delicacy.

Don't say, "I understood that trade is good, so I don't need to know more about its superiority."

Instead, it's necessary to review these principles daily.

Search online for hadiths and narratives about trade, or look into the role of trade in advanced countries and how it transformed them.

If you observe trade from any perspective, you'll see that trade is the only occupation that has saved human societies.

So, if you're a merchant, if you want to become more successful in trade every day, the first impact is to increase your certainty in trade.

Whether you conduct research and contemplate to enhance this certainty or let others do it to amplify your belief, it's crucial.

Our suggestion is to read these daily articles on the website and the comments of Arad comrades because when you connect with them, you won't be able to abandon trade.

When my surroundings are filled with friends who have no understanding of trade, sooner or later, they will take me back to my previous professions.

How painful it is to be misled after guidance and to experience darkness after enlightenment.


Aspect Two: Lead and Signal

A merchant is someone who buys and sells.

Requiring both suppliers and customers.

A potential supplier and customer is called a signal.

Signals themselves were initially leads.

They are the primary commercial clues, some of which are fake and unreal, while others are real.

The real ones become signals.

Leads and signals are obtained through advertising.

Which becomes more expensive every day.

However, there are also free methods to reach them.

Therefore, a part of my life must be dedicated to performing tasks that lead me to leads and signals.

  • Advertising in online and offline advertising campaigns, which is a paid service provided by Arad for those who have the specific factor for it, Arad members can receive verified signals by submitting a ticket to Arad User.
  • Producing engaging and unique content and publishing it on my own website or Arad's website as a guest post.
  • Sharing good and viral content on social networks, especially LinkedIn, Telegram, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other networks.
  • In-person, phone, and SMS communication with influencers related to my target business community.

For comprehensive learning about leads and signals, you can check the comprehensive Lead and Signal course platform, which is continually expanding its content.


Aspect Three: Strengthening Negotiation Power

After obtaining leads and signals, a merchant must negotiate.

The better the negotiation skills, the more money a merchant can make.

The business school and educational podcasts of Mr. Talia significantly enhance your negotiation skills.

I should commit myself as a merchant to dedicate some of my time each day, even if it's just half an hour, to enhance my business negotiation skills.

Negotiation is very perishable, meaning that if you step away from the practice, repetition, and learning environment, you'll lose your strength in a short time.


Aspect Four: Know My Product Better

The more specialized and technical knowledge a merchant has about their product, the more successful they will be.

People have special trust in specialists, and trust is a key element in business.

Therefore, taking advantage of opportunities and increasing my knowledge about my product is crucial.


Aspect Five: Increase My Supply Power

The more a merchant's supply power, the higher their sales will be.

What does supply power mean?

It means that I can have better quality products.

It means that the price of my products is competitive and it is an advantage for my customers.

It means to have different types and models of my product.

It means that my supplier can provide me with this product in different packages.

Not avoiding me, being willing to coordinate with different payment and shipping conditions for my diverse customers, and many other related matters.


Aspect Six: Enhance my transportation capabilities.

Meaning, to be able to send my product worldwide with the lowest cost and quickest delivery time.

It is necessary to establish connections with transportation companies and become familiar with their regulations.

Research and study about transportation contribute significantly to becoming more proficient in this matter.


Aspects Seven: Strengthen my payment receiving capabilities.

This effect is specifically relevant to export traders, and while it may not concern domestic traders as much, understanding how to receive payments and bypass sanctions is a vital and crucial topic for exporters.

It's worth mentioning that the business and integrity platform will extensively cover topics from the fourth to the seventh effect.

We hope that by emphasizing these effects in our merchant lives, we can attract prosperity towards ourselves.


Wisdom from the Wise Ones

We decorate our article with the words of Mola Ali, the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him), who said: "One can not recognize the truth and can not act upon it unless one recognizes falsehood and chooses to avoid it."

We never let these effects settle into our lives unless we realize that certain companionships, observations, and hearings that seem delightful and pleasant are nothing but a waste of our time, pushing us towards challenging lives.

Let's identify and disdain them, leaving them aside to free up our time.

So, when we have the time, we can bring the positive effects of trade into our lives.

And success is only by the will of God.

Comments (50 Comments)

Seyyed Mojtaba

Great and complete training about the business process and also trade activities and improvement for our agents and traders to learn easily



Zahra Rezaei

If we take a look at history and examine the largest and most influential revolutions and popular movements, we see that all these revolutions ultimately succeeded due to one thing, and that is a genuine belief in the rightness of their cause. Many people might have initially mocked these collective movements, unable to conceive even a 1% chance of success. However, in the end, it happened solely because of that heartfelt belief. All the mentioned factors undoubtedly suggest that you are a trader engaged in business, but the most important one is that first element – having belief, conviction, and love for a task. Belief and passion in a goal are the most fundamental factors for success because even if you have all other elements in place, if there is no conviction at the core, if you sometimes whisper to yourself that it's impossible then nothing significant will happen.



Mahdi Alavi

And amongst all of them some are more important and in my opinion in long term your supply power will play as a big role to determine how much you can achieve.



Alireza Sharifi

These are the most important and valuable things that every traders mest have to succeed.



Venus Falahati

This business knowledge is a precious experience. So, to draw conclusions, we must hear, understand, believe, and apply them. Having failed in each of them led to failure in a business.



Mohammad Sadeqi

We all believe that the best job and the most lucrative job is business. Why not put into practice all these 7 steps?
I believe that after believing in the superiority of business over other jobs if we practice what just mentioned in this great article, our success is certain.




for sure recognition in every type of job is quite important. regarding exportation and selling products, it could be said the the same rule applied for merchants and they are supposed to do their best to improve their knowledge about their product. it must be mentioned that this knowledge is not limited to products but the true method of negotiation also must be learned and improved to have a better result.



Saba Sadeghikia

We can say that nowhere in the world is so much time spent on training and promoting people in business. The seven basic principles outlined here, along with the introduction of platforms and podcasts and the courses, are fantastic.
It is as if we have entered a winding path, which is full of detours, but at every turn, there is a mentor and a guide who guides us powerfully.



Babamba .s. Mustapha

I learned much about the articles so far, such as a potential supplie and customers is called a signal.
They are the primary commercial clues , some of which are fake and unreal , while others are real .
The real one are become signals .
2, what does supply power means?
Means that I can have better quality products,
It means that the price of my products competitive and it is an advantage for my customers.
3, it is necessary to establish commercial and become familiar with their regulations.



Fatemeh Afrad

Doing business and being a businessman is chance for everyone for having the luxurious life for a long time. Nowadays we know that some of the people are looking for to have more money to spend and enjoy their life so we suggest them to take a step....



Zahra Alavi

In my opinion, the most important issue, as mentioned in the text prior to the rest of the factors, is believing in the superiority of business and sales compared to other occupations. If you do not believe in something 100%, you cannot promote it and expect results. Therefore, in the first place, I think we should work on reinforcing our beliefs. The rest will proceed by automatically.



mohsen jabbari

In the name of God. Perhaps in other jobs, you can start working with a certain amount of knowledge and skills. And every day, by working a certain number of hours, you can earn an income from it. Are you satisfied? Continue. When you arrive home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, sleep for a few hours, and spend the rest of your time watching television and scrolling through Instagram. Carry on like this tomorrow and the following days. For business, only brave men who intend to grow and become educated are suitable, and those who are disgusted by stagnation and making a meager income are repulsed. Their work is their recreation, and their recreation is also business. They have concerns that narrow minds cannot comprehend. So, these brave men alone are sufficient to enter the field of commerce. And let the weak elements who seek the appearance of merchants out of fleeting excitement take refuge in their own pillows.



jalal rezaei

To be a successful merchant, prioritize customer satisfaction by offering high-quality products and excellent service. Build strong relationships with suppliers to ensure a reliable and diverse inventory. Embrace digital platforms for marketing and sales to reach a broader audience. Stay informed about industry trends and adapt your strategies accordingly. Foster a positive and trustworthy brand image through transparency and fair business practices.



Ali AhadTajari

Obviously, any businessman who has these characteristics will be successful on his way
It is obvious that in any part of work/private life, effort and work together with knowledge will be used, that part will grow.
Now, when there is a world of reason and logic for the superiority of business, and our religious elders have repeatedly ordered to do business!
With Aradbranding's infrastructure and training, this opportunity is available to everyone, and you are lucky to continue on this path and be sure that the path of your success is tied to the path of business.



Fatemeh Faraji

A successful merchants should be very patient and he had to get used to talking politely.



Sharife Nateghi

Putting all these aspects into practice is essential. First of all, if you want to be successful in this field, you need to change your attitude towards business. You have to believe it firmly that business is completely superior to any other jobs and the reasons why as well.



Hasan Kaviani

We should always have progress and evolve in business. Gather information and work on your negotiation skills to increase your chance of success in making a deal



Rahele Nateqi

In order to be unique in any field, you need to gain experience in them, and business is no exception.



Muhammad Fazeli

If you ask successfully people in their job, which factor is the most effective one in their success they will answer, enthusiasm. This factor motives them to learn and update themselves



Mahdi Alavi

It's not just about not going to fail but it's about getting successful and expanding your business, so if you are at this category you can use these guides to grow your business.



mostafa chaldavi

People in any path should have enough knowledge about it so that they can follow those paths properly



Hani Rostami

As it has been mentioned at the beginning of this contact, it is highly important to be taken into consideration, that we believe in what we are going to do as trading on products, which is the most beneficial business between all Nations and all people.



Mahdi Rezaei

The difference between business and other businesses in all aspects (financial, personality, growth, etc.) is very large, maybe this is the reason for the hard to believe about the superiority of business.



Mariya Salim

To be a successful merchant and trader, every interested person needs to have a careful look at his life and himself. In fact before every professional business step you must consider and check your qualifications for this delicate and challenging job. Once you are done with that you will move toward the progress easily and quickly.



Mahya Soleimaniun

Progress in business depends on your own progress.. Grow yourself, increase your data, strengthen your correct attitude and behavior, you will eventually see that you are progressing in business as well.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

In order to be a successful businessman, a businessman must take on color and scent of business and if he uses these seven works mentioned in this text, he will definitely succeed.



Ahmad Reza

While asserting absolute certainty in the superiority of trade over other occupations may be subjective and context-dependent, trade holds undeniable advantages that contribute to its perceived superiority in various economic landscapes. Trade, whether local or international, fosters economic growth by facilitating the efficient exchange of goods and services, promoting specialization, and encouraging competition. The dynamic nature of trade allows for adaptability and innovation, driving technological advancements and enhancing overall productivity. Moreover, engaging in trade often provides individuals and businesses with diverse opportunities for profit and wealth accumulation. Despite the potential challenges and risks associated with trade, its fundamental role in fostering economic development, creating employment opportunities, and fostering global interconnectedness underscores its significance and can contribute to its perceived superiority over other occupations. However, it is essential to recognize the diverse nature of occupations and the importance of a balanced and well-functioning economy that accommodates various sectors for comprehensive societal development.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

By reflecting on these seven aspects, we can gain insights into how they can be applied to our own lives and help us navigate challenges and strive for personal success and fulfillment.



Alireza Rohani

Today, seven tips for business life were said, each one is more important than the other, but what really separates successful businessmen from other businessmen? Businessmen who, despite their expertise in their profession, rarely see salary increases or promotions. Although successful and elite businessmen, like other businessmen, do the work of buying and selling products in the best way, but the factor that causes the success of this category is only applying a few simple lessons in their life and business, and these seven points are considered as one of these simple lessons.




Trade has clear benefits, excelling in various economic activities. It efficiently facilitates the exchange of goods and services, encourages specialization and competition. Its dynamic nature promotes innovation, contributing to technological progress and increased productivity. Engaging in trade offers individuals and businesses opportunities for profit and wealth accumulation. Despite challenges, its crucial role in economic development, job creation, and global connectivity highlights its superiority over other professions.



Reza Karimi

💎 Certainty and belief is the beginning of your success. Sometimes this certainty comes with experience. I experience a condition that, in order to improve it, I would convince the business is profitable and I must enter it. Sometimes I can strengthen my certainty with knowledge and of course with the seasoning of courage and bravery. Arad tries to create this knowledge and this courage in you. When certainty is formed in your existence, Arad will provide you with the necessary infrastructure so that you can be successful on the way to your goal. 💯



Marzieh olamaei

If you wanna be successful in your business, you should consider all the factors that were mentioned in this article...
Business life will be easier if you combine your personal life with your business life!



hadise motlagh

To succeed in your business, you have to have a clear understanding of what your customers need. However, not all of your customers are the same. They may differ in age or gender or have vastly different values and interests. They may even use your products to satisfy different requirements. To appeal to your customers effectively, segment your target market so you can customize how you engage with them.



Fatima Radmanesh

There is this famous saying, be the change you want to see in the world.
We should start being a professional in our career and having all the requirements to look like one. There are some specifications you must have in your character and in your minsdset.
By the grace of God, all of us will experience great improvements in our caree by putting these in to practice.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

According to this article, the first and most important point to enter the business field is to have confidence in yourself and the business, and the person who is not sure will certainly face many problems in the entire business process, which can make him and mislead him from the right way.



Javad, Gh.


First of all, may God increase the power of love within us so that we become more interested in the organization we work. If there is interest, the path and goal is even at the tip of Everest mountain, we will reach it with effort.
You should only think about business day and night so that we can win this battle. I just wish that my interest would increase.




I’m so honored to be a member of this amazing and lovely family🤍



Mahdi Rezaei

Having eager and working hard in anything leads to success. Love for business is to learn every day and increase the signs of being a businessman.



Muhammad yousuf haider

It emphasizes the importance of embodying the characteristics associated with one's profession and highlights the challenges specific to trade, such as psychological hurdles and the need for constant commitment. The comment encourages individuals to strengthen their certainty in the superiority of trade, improve negotiation skills, deepen product knowledge, enhance supply and transportation capabilities, and strengthen payment receiving capabilities. The wisdom from Mola Ali adds a philosophical touch, emphasizing the importance of recognizing truth and avoiding falsehood. Overall, it provides valuable insights for those aspiring to excel in the field of trade



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Certainly, the flexibility that a trader can have in supplying products is one of the aspects that makes this profession superior. There are, of course, pressures that any profession constitutes in itself, but then one might as well try a profession so as to benefit proportionately.



Azin Fakhr

A complete text for all people who have the question of what to learn in business and how to grow. Seven cases were raised, some of which are to shape the character of the businessman and his opinion, and some of which are the skills or services that a businessman should provide to stabilize customers.



M. Amir Eftekhari

Going through these seven steps does require a strong belief in trade! So, we should change our concept towards what has been already shown by Arad to deal with all the steps above mentioned.



Ahmad Ashkian

These are the most essential factors for all merchants whether they are experienced or new to it.



mehdi lotfi

these aspects are actually the years of experience in history of trading and business.




being aware of these 7 steps wil definitely pave the way of trade for merchants so that traders hve to put them first to succeed .



Amene Abbasi

All the points mentioned above are the requirements for beginning and doing business.



Mohamamd moosavi

After reading this text, I came to the conclusion that I am stuck for many days. I hope or your help will achieve good results



Muhammad yousuf haider

It emphasizes the importance of embodying the characteristics associated with one's profession and highlights the challenges specific to trade, such as psychological hurdles and the need for constant commitment. The comment encourages individuals to strengthen their certainty in the superiority of trade, improve negotiation skills, deepen product knowledge, enhance supply and transportation capabilities, and strengthen payment receiving capabilities. The wisdom from Mola Ali adds a philosophical touch, emphasizing the importance of recognizing truth and avoiding falsehood. Overall, it provides valuable insights for those aspiring to excel in the field of trade



Rahele Nateqi

Business like other jobs need to learn and gain skills, if you want to be a great businessman.



Marzieh olamaei

There are lot of important lessons that all of them are available on our website for our dear traders



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