اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The news on Tuesday, January 21

1. Change with Trade

🕰️ 3 minutes


2. Special Article for Newcomers

In trade, you need 7 essential supports to become a trader. If you are supported, you will certainly become one. Without support, it is unlikely to succeed. These seven aspects have been designed and implemented by Arad Branding.


3. Concerns and Indicators for Recruiting Workforce in Sales and Trade

🕰️ 15 minutes


4. Presence of UAE Representative in Iran

🕰️ 1 minute


5. Business Meeting of the Indian Representative with Aradi Traders, Promotion Level 9 and Above

🕰️ 4 minutes


6. The Third Mental Knot: Daily Sustenance is in God’s Hands.

When something is attributed to someone, the results of that action are also attributed to the same person.

For example, if someone plans to hold a wedding ceremony and it is said, "The organization of the wedding is in the hands of the father," then if the wedding is organized in the most beautiful way, all the honor and respect will go to the father. Conversely, if there are any flaws or disruptions in the ceremony, the disarray will also be attributed to the father.

When you say that sustenance is in God's hands, then you mean that every event in the system of creation happens by God's will. For instance, when someone commits adultery, drinks alcohol, curses, steals, or commits murder, all of these actions also occur through God's will.

However, if the intent is to attribute these vile and despicable acts to God Himself, we must say, Subhan Allah (Glory be to God). God is exalted and far removed from any association with such disgraceful actions. Not a trace of these heinous deeds can stain His majestic and divine essence.

I will begin unraveling the third mental knot about "sustenance is in God's hands" from here.

In the previous discussion, we understood that sustenance has a unit of measurement called gold and silver.

Now, answer this question.

What is the most prominent, clear, and distinct attribute by which you recognize God?





















Well done, you said it exactly right.


Because when He wanted to describe Himself to His servants, He expressed it in this way:

"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."

Immediately after the word "Allah," which is His blessed name, He paired it with two attributes: one is Rahman (Most Gracious), and the other is Rahim (Most Merciful), both derived from Mercy.

This was repeated at the beginning of 113 chapters out of the 114 chapters of His Book. Only in one chapter, this Mercy was not mentioned, and that is the chapter named At-Tawbah (The Repentance).
Since it begins with denunciation and disavowal of the polytheists, perhaps He did not want to show His Mercy to them.

Thus, it begins without "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful", instead with:

"A [declaration] of immunity from Allah and His Messenger, to those of the Pagans with whom ye have contracted mutual alliances." Surah At-Tawbah, Ayah 1

However, the same Merciful God couldn’t bear to leave out this one instance of "In the name of Allah" from His Book. He compensated for it in Surah An-Naml (The Ant), repeating it in a letter from Solomon (peace be upon him) to the Queen of Sheba. This brought the total occurrences of "In the name of Allah" back to 114.

In the humble understanding of this writer, since "Naml" (Ant) refers to the smallest creature named in the Quran, perhaps our Lord intended to convey that My Mercy reaches even the ant twice over, but not the polytheists, exposing the ugliness and repulsiveness of polytheism.

And polytheism is the only sin that the Lord of all worlds does not accept from His servant and, in its presence, does not accept any good deeds. This is why the Kharijites, despite praying and reciting the Quran, had no traces of goodness within them.

This is God's word, as He says:

"Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed." Surah An-Nisa, Ayah 48

And polytheism is to associate anyone with Him in His divinity,

Or to associate anyone who is not a Prophet of God with the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family),

Or to align anyone who is not a guardian and emissary of God with the guardianship and authority of Ali, the Commander of the Faithful, and his pure descendants.

Thus, we understand that the most prominent attribute of our Lord is Mercy.

Now, the second question: What is the opposite or the contradictory attribute of Mercy, just as the opposite of white is black?

The one who receives His Mercy is referred to as Rahmahullah alayh (May Allah have mercy on him).

Now, what do we call someone completely deprived of His Mercy, having no share of it?


Well done.

That's correct.

It can be said "La'nat Allah alayh" (The curse of Allah be upon him).

So, curse means to be distanced from the mercy of God.

And when it is said that someone is "mal'oon" (cursed), this is exactly what it means.

It means that all creatures, both disbelievers and believers, have a share of God’s mercy, but this cursed one is deprived of it.

Now, the question is: How can we tell if we are among the "Marhoomeen" (those who are blessed with mercy) and recipients of the mercy of the Most Merciful, or if we are among the "Mal'oonin" (those who are cursed and distanced from His mercy)?

It is very clear because they have given us the signs.

Both from the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family), from the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (peace be upon him), and from Imam Baqir, Imam Sadiq, and Imam Kazim (peace be upon them), a narration has been conveyed, and its chain of narration has been accepted by all the hadith scholars due to its repetition and authenticity.

The late Shaykh al-Ṣadūq (may Allah have mercy on him) has narrated it in his "Al-Amālī".

The late Sayyid Razi (may Allah be pleased with him) mentioned it in "Nahj al-Balagha".

Allama Majlisi (may Allah elevate his status) mentioned it in "Bihar al-Anwar" in two different chains of narration.

And the hadith is familiar to you, which the infallibles (peace be upon them) said:

"He who has two equal days is deceived (Maghboon), and he whose tomorrow is worse than today is cursed (Mal'oon)."

Maghboon comes from "ghaban", meaning someone who suffers a loss in a transaction due to lack of awareness of its true value. While this isn’t the focus of our discussion, since it is an important concept in trade and there is a term called "khiyar fi ghaban" (option due to loss) in fraud in business transactions, we will address it in the near future, God willing.

But today, our topic is about mercy and curse.

So, if today my economic situation and sustenance, according to the currency that the Lord of the worlds has assigned to me, is better than yesterday, then I am among the recipients of God’s mercy.

And if today my economic situation and sustenance are worse than yesterday, using the same unit of gold and silver, then I am cursed.

And dear ones, it is understood that Allah has tied wealth and economic matters to the year, just as zakat and khums are calculated annually.

Thus, it can be said:

If my income this year, based on gold and silver, is less than my income last year in terms of gold and silver, then I am cursed by Allah in economic terms.

But if my income, according to gold and silver, has increased, then I am in His mercy.

So, do not consider your income in rials, dollars, etc., if you do not want to be deceived.

Now, sit and judge for yourself to see whether, over the years, you have been among those who are blessed with His mercy or those who are cursed by Him.

When you were cursed by Him, please do not say that sustenance is in the hands of God, because Allah says, "Subhan Allah," how can someone’s sustenance be in My hands, and yet I treat them this way?

This is why the news of the person who left trade was reported to Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him), and he said three times in a row: "This is the work of Satan, this is the work of Satan, this is the work of Satan."

It means that when you leave trade, know that you have become companions with Satan, and tomorrow you will be in disgrace. Do not blame God for it.

And it is also narrated that Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:

"The one who hires himself, (meaning he becomes a worker or an employee), has closed the doors of his sustenance for himself."

Amir Sabaati says: I went to the presence of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) and said:

"There is a man who engages in trade, and sometimes there are days when if he hires himself out to someone else, he will be given the same amount that he earns from his own trade."

Imam (peace be upon him) said:

"He should not hire himself, but instead ask Allah for sustenance and engage in trade, for when a person hires himself out to someone else, he closes the means of sustenance from his Lord."

So, dear one, now you understand to whom you have entrusted your sustenance all these years. By distancing yourself from trade, you deprived yourself of the Lord's provisions.

Now that, by His grace and kindness, you are aware of this, I am still worried for you.

I have heard many times that traders, although they have positioned themselves in the pathway of their Lord's sustenance, mean by "sustenance is in God's hands" to say:

"Sustenance is in God's hands, not in the hands of God's servants."

What they mean is that by saying "Sustenance is in God's hands," they aim to take sustenance away from the hands of God's servants and assign no value to them, saying "Only God."

It is like someone saying, "God provides my food."

And when we examine what they mean by this phrase "God provides my food," we understand that they want to say "My mother and wife don't give me food."

How beautifully Imam Reza (peace be upon him) said:

"Anyone who calls upon God but is indifferent to the means He has put in place to answer his request is mocking himself."

This means that when someone says "Sustenance is in God's hands," they want to devalue the means of sustenance, which are God's servants.

Abu Ubaida Hadhā’ Kufi narrates that he asked Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him):

"O son of the Messenger of Allah, pray that God does not place my sustenance in the hands of His servants."

Imam (peace be upon him) said: "God will not accept such a prayer, for He has placed the sustenance of His servants in the hands of one another. Rather, ask God to place your sustenance in the hands of His good servants, for this is happiness."

So we understand that God has entrusted His provision to His servants.

That is to say, you are saying "Sustenance is in God's hands," and God is saying, "I have placed this sustenance in the hands of other human beings."

Now, it is up to you and the people.

Now sit down and examine different actions.

You will see that in every activity where there is income, you are taking money from people.

But the interesting point is this: What happens if you do not hire yourself out, meaning you are not an employee or worker, but you also do not engage in trade?

I want to assume that Imam Sadiq's prayer for you is answered, and in this profession, you only interact with good people and the righteous servants of Allah.

For example, let’s say you are a barber.

If the barber’s rate in your city is 300,000 Tomans, would this righteous servant of Allah give you 3 million Tomans for your service?

Let’s say you are a baker, and the price of bread is 10,000 Tomans.

If a buyer, who happens to be one of the religious authorities, asks for bread, would they pay 2 million Tomans for each loaf of bread?

Each of these tasks requires a certain amount of time and effort.

So, even if God answers your prayer and sends sustenance through His good servants, when you are a baker, builder, or barber, you have still closed the door of God's sustenance.

Now, imagine you are a taxi driver and one of the 313 companions of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) is your passenger.

The fare is 200,000 Tomans, and the trip takes an hour. You plan to drive for 8 hours that day.

Do you imagine that this companion of Imam Mahdi would give you 45 million Tomans for this trip?

Yes, we too believe that sustenance is in God's hands, and if we see that each year we are better than the previous year, we understand that we are in the stream of God's mercy, not in the stream of His curse.

And in many professions in our time, although the income in rials may rise each year, when we calculate it in gold, it decreases. So, I, as the writer, call these professions "cursed professions." You are free to disagree.

Stay in them, and spend the years of your life until death comes. At that point, we will all stand before God’s court, and God will judge between us. He will decide if these professions were a pathway to His mercy or a distance from it.

Has God, for those He intends good and mercy, placed them in such professions, or for those who have incurred the wrath and anger of their Lord, has He kept them wandering in such occupations for many years

In the end, we shall depart, and then we shall witness.

Comments (6 Comments)

Paulo Souza

Customers tend to trust and respect knowledgeable salespeople.




In business everyone needs support in any form, this support must be from an experience person. The support can be advice or consultation or any form.



Elias Munyi

Sustenance is in God's hand but we need to put some effort to grasp it. This is by way of trade



Princewill victory





Best way to trade



Juma Kakumwela

Good Article, to read and Get Knowledge



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