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Wood Vinegar in The Philippines (Pyroligneous Acid) PH 3 Brown 2 Uses Fertilizers Cosmetics

Wood vinegar in the Philippines is a completely plant-based substance known as Pyroglinous Acid and Wood Acid and has many uses.

Wood Vinegar in The Philippines

Wood vinegar is a liquid that is dark in color and usually brown in color.

This liquid may be cloudy or transparent.

This liquid is produced at the same time as charcoal is produced and wood is placed in a closed environment where air does not circulate.

Acetic acid, acetone and methanol are the main ingredients of wood vinegar.

Raw wood vinegar has more than two hundred chemical substances, such as acetic acid, bituminous substances, methanol, formaldehyde, ethyl valerate, etc.

Wood vinegar is a very harmless and completely organic liquid and therefore does not leave any destructive effects.

The pH of wood vinegar is about 3 and the amount of pollutants is about 8%.

Wood Vinegar

Wood Vinegar Features in The Philippines

One of the characteristics of wood vinegar is that it increases the ability of plants to absorb nutrients from the soil and also strengthens the defense system of plants.

One of the important features of Wood cider vinegar is that it is obtained from the destruction of wood, and as a result, it does not harm the environment.

Title Description
Color Dark and Brown
Ingredients Acetic Acid, Acetone and Methanol
PH About 3
Duty Strengthening Plants, Destroys Soil Pests

In addition to having an effective role in strengthening plants, wood vinegar also destroys soil pests.

Other uses of Wood cider vinegar include the following:

  1. Production of medical supplies such as adhesive pads
  2. Production of veterinary drugs such as animal parasite killer and bee liquid smoke
  3. Production of fertilizers
  4. Production of pesticides
  5. Use to produce cosmetics
  6. Making food preservatives

wood vinegar uses

Buy Wood Vinegar in The Philippines

when buying Wood Vinegar in The Philippines You should pay attention to some points to make an acceptable purchase.

First, you need to determine what you want the wood vinegar to be used for and buy the wood vinegar you need.

Be aware that the use of wood vinegar is different from each other and if you want wood vinegar to mix with livestock food, you must buy its special type.

Also, pay attention to the writings on the packaging of wood vinegar and use it according to the instructions written on it.

Buy wood vinegar that has a standard and meets the current standards of the world.

Consider the amount of wood vinegar you need and then buy wood vinegar in the volume you need.

wood vinegar uses for plants

Wood Vinegar Price in The Philippines + Buy and Sell

Wood vinegar is available at very different prices in the market and online shops.

The reason for this difference in price is the volume and type of wood vinegar and the name of the brand and its manufacturer.

Wood vinegar that has very high volumes and is from a famous brand and company is more expensive.

Also, the plastic or metalness of the wood vinegar packaging has a great impact on its price.

The price range of wood vinegar in online shops is from $5 to $45.00.

If you decide to buy wood vinegar, contact our colleagues in the sales department.

Our sales representatives will guide you and provide you with the price of Wood Vinegar in The Philippines.

wood floors vinegar

The Answer to Two Questions About Wood Vinegar

1: What are the main ingredients of Wood Vinegar?

Acetic acid, acetone and methanol are the main ingredients of wood vinegar.

2: How Wood Vinegar is useful?

It has an effective role in strengthening plants, wood vinegar also destroys soil pests.

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Comments (2 Comments)


This fluid is very suitable for removing insects and planting the plant and very much for them to grow well to grow plants


This product is also suitable for plants, and it destroys insidious insects and is very efficient

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