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Wild Turmeric in Sri Lanka; Natural Beauty Product Antioxidant Antibacterial Properties

Wild turmeric in Sri Lanka is in category of spice, this type of spice has various benefits for human body health, but it is expensive.

Wild Turmeric in Sri Lanka

In English, Kasturi Manjal is known as wild turmeric, and its botanical name is Curcuma aromatica.

It has a bitter flavor and a camphor-like aroma.

"Kasturi Manjal," a natural Ayurvedic beauty product, has been used for centuries in India.

Kasturi Manjal is a glow-enhancing herb that is primarily used cosmetically.

This magical spice has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.

It is suitable for all skin types, including acne-prone skin, normal to dry skin, tanned or pigmented skin, and it is even safe to use on babies' skin.

When used as a face mask or ubtan on a regular basis, it effectively reduces pigmentation and tan.

Kasturi Manjal

Wild Turmeric Features in Sri Lanka

Wild turmeric is a medical herb with potent antibiotic properties.

Curcuma is frequently used to remove cell accumulations such as tumors.

There are two species that, like ginger, have a spicy flavor and are commonly used in cancer therapy.

Title Description
Flavor Bitter
Smell Camphor-Like Aroma
English Word Kasturi Manjal
Curcuma  Remove Cell Accumulations Such as Tumors

It contains aromatic volatile oils that aid in the removal of excess lipids from the blood.

the reduction of platelet aggregation (the sticking together of blood cells to form masses), and the reduction of inflammation.

Other unique features:

When used on a regular basis, it reduces pigmentation.

Acne works and leaves scars.

Skin tone is evened out and ready to glisten.

wild turmeric tea

Buy Wild Turmeric in Sri Lanka

If you plan to buy wild turmeric, you should consider a series of things in order to buy good wild turmeric for yourself and not have any problems in this matter.

One of the main things that you should pay attention to is the color of turmeric.

It is very important and you must make sure that it has a very good color, if turmeric does not have a good color, people may never want it and you will lose.

The aroma of turmeric is very important and one of the reasons that different people use it is because of its aroma.

You should put this item on your attention list so that you pay attention to it when buying turmeric and buy good turmeric.

wild turmeric drink

Wild Turmeric Price in Sri Lanka + Buy and Sell

Wild turmeric is used a lot in the food industry and commerce, that's why the purchase and sale of wild turmeric and the right price of original turmeric are of great importance for exporters and major buyers.

Wild turmeric is sold in bulk and packaged in the market, and the price of packaged wild turmeric is much higher than other samples.

The price of wild turmeric largely depends on the import volume, daily exchange rate, quality, brand name, etc.

For this reason, the price of wild turmeric cannot be stated here.

The average price of wild turmeric is about 2 dollars per 100 grams.

You can use our website to know the latest price of the day as well as direct contact with wild turmeric suppliers.

Our website, as the largest source of wholesale buying and selling, has given buyers and sellers the opportunity to communicate directly and buy or sell the desired product.

wild turmeric powder

The Answer to Two Questions About Wild Turmeric

1: Can we use wild turmeric on a daily basis?

To see results, combine with water and apply to your face on a daily basis.

2: What is the significance of wild turmeric?

Provides soft, bright skin and improves complexion by reducing dark circles, blemishes, and acne.

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