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Buy Best dried dates + Great Price With Guaranteed Quality

Other benefits come along with purchasing dried dates in bulk from a wholesaler.

Among these, the most notable aspects are the low cost of packaging, the extended shelf life, and the easy delivery options.

Additionally, the vitamin and nutrtition content of dried dates is more stable over time compared to the vitamin content of fresh dates.

Because we have such a great quantity of dried dates, we are able to considerably lower our costs.

One of the most significant agricultural industries in the world is the industry that deals in the manufacturing of dried dates.

Every nation holds a preeminent position in the global market for the manufacture and shipment of dried dates in wholesale quantities, both of which are important aspects of this industry.

Dates that have been dried and packaged in bulk are much more manageable in terms of volume, and they maintain their quality for a significantly longer period of time.

When carrying cargo, this helps save a significant amount of space.

At the present time, many who are knowledgeable about the business of selling dry dates believe that the impact of each of these factors has a significant impact on the price of freshly exported dry dates.

In the following paragraphs, we will analyze and contrast the various prices that export dates get on the market.

The type of packaging is one of the most important factors that cause this product to have different prices in different markets.

The economic value of this product will increase proportionally to the degree to which it is packaged in containers that are suitable for the product and that have a stylish appearance.

 Each of the businesses that are involved in the field of packaging and distribution of this product in the market contributes in some way to the price disparity that exists between the many types of dates that are offered for sale on the market.

When determining appropriate pricing for this item, one should consider its attractiveness as well as the type of packaging it comes in.

The cost of key dates is determined by a number of different factors.

The initial impression of the quality of the dates.

The date's outward look, how much it weighs, and whether or not it is juicy or dry are all important factors.

The standard and cost of used baby and mother cartons, as well as the quality of the packing itself.

Also, which location is responsible for the production of dates?

In most cases, the pricing is decided upon after considering the target market that this product is distributed in.

The quantity of rainfall, along with the reduction and management of pests that were a threat to agricultural products, particularly dates, led to an increase in data production that was greater than 1 million 300 thousand tons.

Because legal and natural persons buy agricultural products.

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Azam Akbari ardakani