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White Mushroom in Bangladesh (Basidiomycete) Improve Heart Health Reduce Cancer Risk

White mushroom in Bangladesh is considered as one of the most popular food in daily life, because of its good taste and advantages for healthy.

White Mushroom in Bangladesh

White mushroom, also known as edible button mushroom, is the most consumed type of mushroom in the world, accounting for about 90% of mushrooms consumed in the United States of America.

Apart from having very few calories, these mushrooms have numerous properties to improve heart health and reduce the risk of cancer.

Also, white mushrooms provide higher protein than most vegetables and are very useful for increasing protein intake in people who follow a vegetarian diet.

White mushrooms can be harvested at different stages of maturity; Ripe and unripe edible button mushrooms may be white or have shades of brown.

When fully grown edible button mushrooms become larger and darker and are known as portabella mushrooms.

white cap mushroom

White Mushroom Features in Bangladesh

White mushroom is widely used due to its nutritional value and a wide range of medicinal properties, which include:

They have anti-cancer properties: It is believed that many antioxidant such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, ergothionine, glutathione, selenium and vitamin C present in mushrooms have anti-cancer properties.

Title Description
Known As Edible Button Mushroom
Health Benefits Improve Heart Health and Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Features Anti-cancer Properties
Antioxidats Polyphenols, Polysaccharides, Ergothionine, Glutathione

May improve heart health: Oxidative stress, inflammation, and high cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease, and the ergothioneine and beta-glucan content in white mushrooms may help reduce this risk.

During pregnancy: white mushroom is known as one of the best foods for strengthening the fetus during pregnancy due to its high amount of folate.

big white mushrooms

Buy White Mushroom in Bangladesh

There are many fake seller of white Mushroom inmarket, andyou need to know how to buy the original, so you should consider the following tips:

Quality white mushroom has a hard cap; so that if we press it with a finger, a part of it will not sink.

One of the most important buyers of white mushrooms in Bangladesh are cooking centers, restaurants and fast foods.

In recent years and with the growth of this industry, some exporters are marketing this product in the countries of the world so that they can create more demand for this product by reaching the export markets.

Many production units seek to find a major mushroom buyer to improve their sales, because by finding a major buyer, the problems of the sales department are reduced to a great extent.

Other major buyers of mushrooms include canning factories that need this product for their production.

organic white mushrooms

White Mushroom Price in Bangladesh + Buy and Sell

Many different factors have an effect on the price of white mushrooms in Bangladesh, among the important of which, packaging, labor costs, mushroom type, size and appearance, compost price, etc., can be mentioned.

Currency fluctuations do not directly affect the price of mushrooms.

The process of producing and growing mushrooms requires light, so the cost of energy directly affects the price of mushrooms, and the increase in labor costs has caused the price of mushrooms to rise in recent years.

The price of white mushroom is about 2 to 4 dollars per kilo.

Contact our sales experts for more information.

white button mushrooms

The Answer to Two Questions About White Mushroom

1: What are the benefits of white mushrooms for the body?

Oxidative stress, inflammation, and high cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease, and the ergothioneine and beta-glucan content in white mushrooms may help reduce this risk.

2: How much is the price of white mushrooms?

The price of white mushroom is about 2 to 4 dollars per kilo.

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Comments (4 Comments)


Mushrooms are one of the things that are used to prepare different foods, including pizza



Joseph Cooper

The White Mushroom is very versatile and can be used in salads, soups, stir-fries, sauces and casseroles.




One of the most widely used types of mushrooms in the world is the white button mushroom. This mushroom is used to cook all kinds of food and fast food like pizza.



Joseph Dawson

The White Mushroom provides essential minerals like selenium and zinc along with vitamins B1, B2, C & D making it an excellent addition to any diet!.



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