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Getting to know deri dates + the exceptional price of buying deri dates

How much fresh Deri dates are worth? What is the price exactly? Inquiring about the price of dates should be conducted through a reputable centre, as only such a location can provide the most accurate prices, indicating that the quality level is perfectly proportional to the price of the entire product. It is recommended that individuals who intend to purchase 5 kilograms of Deri date in bulk locate a wholesaler, as this will allow them to reduce their consumption costs and obtain the highest quality products, assuming the legitimacy of the wholesaler's operation. Since the Royal collection has been an official and dependable authority in the field of direct supply of export dates on the market for a long time, people can purchase the goods they require without any restrictions and have a positive experience as a result. Because there is no middleman to disrupt the sales cycle of exported late dates, they are self-built. It is not necessary to be physically present in order to purchase export dates from this supplier center; orders can be placed remotely by individuals located throughout the country. In such a case, the parties to the transaction expend little time and effort, and access is also made simple. deri dates vs medjool

deri dates vs medjool

The Medjool date, the king of dates, is superior to other dates, even Deri, in terms of size, color, texture, and sweetness. They are much larger, sweeter, and more flavorful than other date varieties, and they are widely regarded as the king of all date varieties. In comparison to regular dates or their proper name, Deglet Noor dates, which is the more popular variety found in the United States, Medjool dates are larger, sweeter (often described as caramel-like), and have a darker, richer color. While Deglet Noor dates are firmer and less sweetly sweet, Medjool dates are chewy, sticky, and fleshy. Iron, potassium, and B vitamins are present in all dates, claims Healthline. The calcium content of Medjool dates is higher. ajwa dates According to the article, Medjool dates have a high fibre content that is beneficial for digestion and possibly even for heart health. In order to lower your risk of heart disease, fibre can help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol and keep your arteries clear. There are more than 3 grammes of fibre in just 2 dates (48 grammes)," according to Healthline. Deri dates have gained a lot of fans thanks to their special qualities, and many people have started using them again under the guise of reaping the rewards of their numerous advantages. Of course, learning about the therapeutic advantages of late dates can educate many people and make it simple for them to decide whether to have a healthy snack. Since it contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and copper, this fruit is beneficial to consumers of all ages and provides a variety of health advantages. Consuming dates from the Deri variety will bring you the following benefits, among others:

  • Boost sexual dynamism
  • excessive anaemia treatment
  • constipation treatment for long-term
  • Boost digestive system performance
  • better your cardiovascular health

fresh dates

ajwa dates

Ajwa dates, also known as the "Holy Date," have traditionally been accorded a privileged position in the culture and customs of Arab countries. This one-of-a-kind super fruit has been eaten on the Arabian peninsula for thousands of years. Some references place the consumption of this fruit as far back as 4000 BC. It has a flavor similar to raisins and a texture that is similar to their skin. Due to the irresistible flavor and high nutritional content of ajwa dates, Arab people have consumed them for more than 8000 years. Date connoisseurs are in for a real treat here at Bateel because we only stock the highest-quality Ajwa dates. These mysterious dates have quickly risen to become one of the most sought-after varieties in the whole wide world. kimia dates This super fruit was originally found in Madinah, which is located in Saudi Arabia. It has a long history of use as a natural treatment, particularly in the Muslim world. Dates were recommended by the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) to be consumed on a daily basis in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, which is something that has been scientifically proven to be the case today. Dates are mentioned multiple times in the Quran as well as in prophetic medical practices. Dates of the Ajwa variety are scrumptious, have a texture that is somewhere between soft and semi-firm, and are loaded to the brim with nutrients that are beneficial to one's health. You will be consuming a high level of vitamins and antioxidants with each mouthful, which will improve the health of your digestive system and boost the health of your heart, all while you are delighting in the scrumptious, sweet, and creamy flavor of this nutrient-dense superfood. In summary, giving someone a gift of Ajwa is the same as giving them a gift for their soul. Anaya, Nourish your Soul. what is a date fruit

fresh dates

As you may already be aware, fresh Piarom dates are among the best dates available in Iran. In addition to enjoying excellent and unmatched sales on the domestic market, this product is also very well-liked abroad, with significant annual exports to European nations. And so it turns into a useful currency for raising the nation's economic prosperity. The majority of people today are aware of the distinctive qualities of Piarom dates, that this product has a number of specifications, and that they should have a number of details about it when buying in order to be able to purchase it as a result of this increase in awareness. types of dates For this product to meet the required standards for quality and safety, it should be purchased from reputable and well-known sources. Shahani dates should be packaged in a completely sanitary, airtight manner with no gaps or openings. This product should look dry and elongated, and as mentioned above, it should be either very light brown or very dark brown in colour. Although they have a higher price, they are harvested in greater numbers every year. Pay close attention to the product's packaging date so that you can get fresh dates. As you are aware, Piarom dates are more expensive than other dates due to their superior quality, and the price varies depending on the first grade. You pay for the quality! Of course, some of them are profiteers who violate a number of requirements set forth in the product's price and quality under the guise of making more money, but our collection offers high quality. This measure has been provided to meet domestic needs with the best product, which has a distinct level of quality in the export sector in European nations, so that you, dear ones, can also purchase this export-quality good.

kimia dates

One of the dates produced in Iran is the Kimia date. This particular type of date is not regarded as a dried fruit because of the high humidity. The temperature range for storage is between -5 and +5 degrees Celsius. Dates from Kimia Bam have black, shiny, smooth skin. This date's natural structure contains a significant amount of potassium mineral. The same problem can be applied to Kimia Bam dates as a diarrhoea treatment. Kimia Rutab is one of the most significant and popular date products in Iran. This is an example of a soft date. Both domestically and abroad, demand for Kimia Bam dates is high. The name of this date is moister. It is frequently referred to as Kimia Rutab. Numerous dates have unique names. Additionally, Kimia dates are commonly referred to simply as "Rutab" in many regions of the nation, which is intriguing in and of itself. The color that people prefer for this date, as well as many buyers, is black. Even deep black has an impact on this product's sales. Although brown and dark brown versions of this date are also available. Because this date is red when it is first ripe. It's intriguing to learn that as it develops, it turns black. Most people who have a cold nature and dates have a warm nature. Especially those who have experienced problems. Moreover, this date can be used as medicine. They can use it as a medicine for physical health in addition to its benefits for their bodies. Numerous dates can be held both inside and outside. But this date's storage circumstances are somewhat unusual. It is advised to store this date for consumption in the refrigerator at home. The dates should be removed from the refrigerator three hours before you intend to use them.

what is a date fruit

No ideas about what a date fruit is and whether it is beneficial or not? Following the article, you will gain a deep insight into them. Dates are edible fruits with a thin skin, a sweet taste, and a hard pit. Dates are a monocotyledonous tropical plant from the palm family. The leaves are large, and a large cluster of fruits hanging from the branch. The height of the palm is at least ten to twenty metres. The spread of the date palm species is primarily observed in the northern hemisphere, in Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other Persian Gulf Arab nations, as well as in the majority of North African nations and the United States of America. It is also sporadic in the southern hemisphere. Iran has a total of 232,000 hectares under cultivation for dates, 199,000 of which are fertile. One of the set fruits is the date fruit, which means that the entire thin part of it is fleshy and filled with nutrients. Dates are one of the oldest fruits that humans have ever grown and have been a staple in human diets since the dawn of time. Due to the nutrients and minerals they contain, dates are a fruit that is very useful and has a number of advantages. Dates can be included in a healthy diet for those who have diabetes. A person with diabetes is able to consume 1 to 2 dates per day, exercise frequently, and maintain a healthy diet as long as their diabetes is under control. Humans require 9 milligrams of iron per day or 3 to 5 milligrams per 100 grammes of dates. By eating a few dates each day, one can supply the body with the required amount of iron. Eating dates is a treatment for anaemia; iron rebuilds and strengthens red blood cells.

types of dates

There are various types of dates sold in the market but the most popular ones are as follows: Barhi: A date with a syrupy richness and a delicate texture; the softest and most fragile of all dates. Fruit ranging in size from small to medium, with firm flesh and skin that, once cured, transforms from an amber to a golden brown colour. Late ripening. Deri: Heavy, sweet flavoured soft date. Fruit ranging in size from medium to large and oblong in shape, with red skin that turns brown and finally black as it ripens. Flesh is soft. During the middle of the season. Deglet Noor. Date with a sweet, delicate flavour and a semi-dry texture; famous for having the "true" flavour of a date. Fruit that ranges from medium to large in size and has a skin that, as it matures, transforms from golden to dark brown in colour. Beneficial when used in the kitchen. The origin of the name comes from the concept of the "date of the light." Halawi: Date with a mildly sweet honey flavour and a soft consistency. Halawi means "sweet." These fruits range from small to medium in size, with skin that is bright golden brown and flesh that is tender. Suitable for hand-to-mouth consumption. Khadrawy. Soft dates that are flavourful and not overly sweet. Fruits are medium to large-sized oblong shapes with firm flesh and orange-brown to light-brown skin. Regarded as having some of the best flavour and texture when eaten raw. Medjool: Rich, scrumptiously sweet dates that are soft and barely fibrous. As the fruit ripens and cures, its skin turns from amber to reddish-brown in size. Thoory: Since it works well for baking, it is referred to as the bread date. Fruit with golden-brown flesh that is medium to large in shape.

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Comments (60 Comments)


Hello good day ?.what is your movie decide or tell me why is my shirt


Hello good time dates are a product that has many nutrients and vitamins and is very tasty and has natural sugar


These dates are delicious and fresh and are sold at a good price in this store, thank you


Hello good day ?.what is your movie decide or tell me why is my shirt1


The packages that you put dates in are two kilo and 5 kilo, if someone wants to order a 10 kilo package, you will prepare it for him.


I hope you are well Thank you for ‌ all the energy you spend on ‌ providing pure information in ‌ the field of business, especially deri dates vs medjool and ajwa dates ‌ and fresh dates. Good luck with your collection.


I think the price of fresh dates and quality is higher than dried dates
Because people like fresh black dates more


The price of fresh dates is very high and I have no purchasing power at all. I hope the price of this valuable product will go down


Dates are very popular in India and Indian people are looking for dates

Samira moradi

Dates are the fruit derived from date palm tree which is grown in various tropical regions of the world

Haniyeh jamal

Before buying anything, it should be noted that the quality and value of the product should be higher than ever, for example, the dates you use should be of high value and provide the vitamins your body needs.


Arad Branding website is a reliable and up-to-date center for information on the price of fresh dates.


Dates are rich in minerals such as protein, potassium, fiber, manganese, vitamins B6, B1, B2, B3 and B5, as well as magnesium, calcium and iron.


Fresh dates have good taste and taste and are also very tasty and also have good quality


When buying dates, make sure to buy quality and fresh dates


Good time, dates are a dietary and tasty choice that you can use as a snack and in many sweets.


In my opinion, dates and its varieties are one of the most useful and healthy products that are exported to the whole world and can have a high income.


Fresh dates have a higher price and weight due to their heavier weight than dry dates


what is your movie decide or tell me why is my shirt.

Hossein inanloo

Hello, I bought this product, it's great, there's nothing to say, I suggest it to you at a reasonable price


Hello, I bought from the products produced by Saderat Kharma site, which was very high quality, it had its own sweetness, it was very energetic, and the price was reasonable.


This site is very suitable for buying dates. The trade in dates is very lucrative for some countries because the dates are very tonic and delicious.


In such a case, the parties to the transaction expend little time and effort, and access is also made simple.


This date is grown very naturally and no harmful substances are used in it and its taste is unique


Dates are a very suitable product for business and have many fans in the world besides being very useful


Evidence suggests that the fiber in dates may prevent hemorrhoids in pregnancy A study concluded that consuming dates four weeks before discharge may be beneficial for pregnant women.


Hello, good time. First of all, I would like to thank Arad Branding Company. This product is really great, first class quality, very reasonable price


Hello, good time. First of all, I would like to thank Arad Branding Company. This product is really great, first class quality, very reasonable price


Hello, good time. First of all, I would like to thank Arad Branding Company. This product is really great, first class quality, very reasonable price


Nowadays, dates have become very popular and people put dates instead of putting sugar in tea


Dates are available in every country and you can buy fresh dates


There are many types of dates and they are also of different qualities that have different tastes


fresh deri is very tasty and can be used at home. I liked it and enjoyed it


Organic sweet dates can be used by diabetics. It has a lot of fiber and is suitable for people's diet


Fresh dates should be completely soft and mild and smell fresh


Dates had natural sugar and high calories, which are very suitable for athletes


The price of fresh dates in retail stores is more expensive because it is offered in the form of packaging. In date wholesalers, this product is available at a cheaper price and in bulk.


Dates grow in tropical regions and have different varieties and have unique properties

Muhaddith Abbasi

The price of dates is average and the general public can afford it Very good


If you are looking for natural sugar that is not harmful to your body and you can eat it safely, dates are a good option


Dates are a very tasty fruit and are mostly grown in tropical regions


Dates are a rich source of copper, magnesium, selenium, and magnesium, all of these nutrients are necessary to maintain bone health and prevent bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis.


In Islam, it is recommended to eat dates in large quantities


Deri dates are my favorite kind of dates. Their sweetness can't be compared to anything


Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of dates in the world


Fresh dates are superior to dry dates, and because of this, their price is higher than dry dates

Mona hajimirzakhani

Fresh dates are very useful for health and dates have vitamins a, b, c


The best thing that has caught everyone's attention is that dates are a fruit that is used in its entirety


Dried dates usually cost more than fresh dates because dried dates weigh less


Many things can be made from dates, such as date sugar, date syrup, and many other things


There are several models of dates, they have different prices, and they are mostly available in Khoramshahr. There are several types of dates


In my opinion, people who buy these fresh dates from the farm can buy them at a much lower price


Each date contains about 20 calories and contains 28 milligrams of calcium and 5 grams of carbohydrates

Sahar kamali

I bought dates from this store and I was very satisfied because the dates had a standard appearance and were also healthy.


If you are looking for a quality and clean date for your banquets, visit this site

shirin asli

A cow is an animal that has skin; Its meat and almost everything is used, even its robes are tanned and used


Hi Good day. Fresh dates have a very sweet and excellent taste and are rich in vitamins and minerals


Hello, we can use dates when making dessert, which is very nutritious


Dates have many minerals and nutrients and are useful for treating anemia


Dates are great for raising body temperature and killing germs

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