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Weightless Bricks (AAC Blocks) High Thermal Efficiency Lightweight Fire Resistance

Weightless bricks, technically known as AAC blocks, have received well-deserved recognition in the last decade due to being lightweight and high thermal efficiency.

Weightless Bricks

True that weightless bricks are not literally weightless, but they are up to three times more lightweight than normal bricks.

That is why these bricks are very simple to handle and work with.

You might find it interesting to learn that AACs are not brand-new to the industry.

The base foam of these blocks was invented back in the 1920s, however, it was during the last ten years that they became popular.

If you're building a house, you should definitely think about using weightless bricks rather than red bricks.

These bricks, due to their countless qualities, can be the perfect building materials for any structure.

Weightless Bricks

Weightless Bricks Features

Weightless bricks (ACC blocks) have so many exciting features other than their obvious advantages like being lightweight and having high thermal efficiency.

Here are some of the other features of weightless bricks.

Title Description
Known for High Thermal Efficiency and Lightweight 
Superiority Resistant to Fire
Advanatges Environmentally Safe
Warning Only for Partition Walls

They are more resistant to fire than normal bricks.

Compared to clay bricks, individual blocks are significantly bigger; as a result, the construction is finished sooner.

The cost of AAC blocks is less expensive than utilizing burned clay bricks for large structures.

AAC bricks are environmentally safe since no harmful ingredients were utilized in their production.

Additionally, the production process results in 30% less solid waste output and 50% fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

AAC blocks' porous composition aids in absorbing moisture naturally, reducing the amount of mildew, wetness, and humidity within the house.

weightless bricks manufacturing machine

Buy Weightless Bricks

Even though it is a wise decision to buy weightless bricks for any structure, there is still a thing or two to consider before making a purchase.

Initially, keep in mind that these blocks are not suitable for carrying heavy weight.

Therefore, it is important to use weightless bricks only for partition walls, not load-bearing walls.

When it comes to buying weightless bricks, delivery is very important.

You must make sure that delivery is done by experts and that no blocks are broken or chipped in the process of loading and unloading.

And finally, make sure you buy from reliable and reputable manufacturers so that you can rest assured of the quality of these bricks.

weightless bricks construction

Weightless Bricks Price + Buy and Sell

Although the price of weightless bricks can change due to many factors, the current price of these bricks is somewhere between $24 to $49 per cubic meter.

Factors that can change the price of these bricks are the size, quantity, and quality of these bricks, as well as the disruption of the balance between supply and demand in the market.

If you have any questions regarding the quality or the price of these bricks, feel free to contact our experts.

Our experts are ready to help you find the best suppliers and manufacturers of any type of brick on your demand.

weightless bricks in tirupati

The Answer to Two Questions About Weightless Bricks

1: What is the life span of AAC blocks?

AAC-India claims AAC blocks last around 100 years. AAC blocks will last 50–80 years for residential structures.

2: Can we drill holes in AAC blocks?

Aerated concrete insulates well but has a far lower compressive strength than bricks. Avoiding troublesome locations allows drilling.

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