As a representative of Arad Branding in a foreign country, you can achieve independent trade when you directly know both sides of the business, namely the customer and the supplier, and have negotiated with them.
In this case, a significant portion of the trade, specifically 70% of the profit, will belong to you.
To reach this point, you don't have a hard task ahead of you.
Aradi merchants can easily provide you with the best products.
You just need to participate in presentation meetings, or come for a visit to Iran, or even get acquainted with them through comments made by merchants in Persian.
Then, start negotiating with them and learn about the details of their products.
When you have a strong supplier, you approach customers with an attractive proposal.
The customers are the bulk buyers who need your product in your country.
Factory owners, distribution centers, and merchants are among the best options for your customers.
Considering that Aradi merchants offer you an attractive proposal, you will have high competitive advantages.
Strengthen your connection with Aradi merchants.
Have a closer relationship with the bulk buyers and customers in your country.
Increase your business information with the Aradi merchant.
Here, both your business information and business connections are stronger, and these are the two main wings of trade.