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This healthy and nutritious vegan muffin recipe uses basic ingredients from your pantry and bakes up delightfully moist and savory. It's full of pumpkin flavor and fall spices. What better way to celebrate the arrival of fall than with a batch of the easiest and tastiest vegan pumpkin muffins ever? What makes this muffin so delicious, then? It has the most amazing pumpkin flavor because it uses a whole can of pumpkin puree! It is delicately sweetened and bursting with comforting fall flavors! It only needs one bowl and can be cooked in 30 minutes. Applesauce is used in place of oil to maintain the muffins' ideal moisture and tenderness. This vegan pumpkin muffin recipe is a variation of my well-liked vegan pumpkin bread, and it yields muffins that are simple to pack and eat on the go. So let's start baking right away! Keto Pumpkin Muffins How to Make Pumpkin Muffins That Are Vegan

  • Heat the oven to 340 degrees F.
  • Flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt should all be combined in a medium-sized mixing basin before being stirred.
  • Mix the pumpkin puree, applesauce, vanilla extract, and non-dairy milk after adding each ingredient (shown above). Take care not to overmix.
  • Put in the muffin tin, lined with paper cups, generous spoonfuls of the batter, and fill them to the very top (shown above).
  • Sprinkle with the pepitas, which are optionally chopped.
  • Cook in the oven for twenty to twenty-five minutes (shown below). To determine whether or not the food is done, insert a toothpick into the middle, and it should come out clean.
  • After allowing the muffins to cool for a few minutes, transfer them to a wire rack.
  • And there you have it: quick, simple, and nutritious vegan pumpkin muffins cooked in just one bowl!

Pumpkin Apple Muffins

Keto Pumpkin Muffins

These muffins made with keto pumpkin are incredibly fluffy and delicious! One of my favorite morning foods is these. They are prepared with coconut flour and are incredibly simple to create; they are the ideal recipe to prepare with your children. These muffins are incredibly sweet and fluffy. Simple ingredients like coconut flour, eggs, pumpkin puree, and spices are used to make them. I enjoy having two of these muffins with my morning cup of coffee. It's a fantastic keto breakfast that makes me feel full for a long time. They freeze nicely and stay well in the refrigerator, so I frequently make a double batch to guarantee I have delicious leftovers. Large eggs are used in the majority of my recipes, including this one. Use pure pumpkin puree rather than pumpkin pie filling that has been sweetened. Unsalted butter: I prefer using creamy European butter when baking. I use stevia as a sweetener. Pumpkin Zucchini Muffins Granulated sweeteners should work in their place, however, I haven't actually tried that. Vanilla extract: Make an effort to use pure vanilla extract rather than artificially flavored products. Make sure the ground cinnamon is fresh. Here, we make extensive use of it. Try to weigh the coconut flour rather than measuring it by volume. Since this fantastic flour alternative is so absorbent, every extra gram counts. Make sure the baking powder is fresh before using it. INSTRUCTIONS It's very simple to make these muffins that are keto! Simply combine all the ingredients in one dish, incorporating the baking powder and coconut flour last. Place the batter into muffin tins lined with foil and bake the muffins for 25 minutes at 350°F. Before eating the muffins, let them be cool. They perform best at ambient temperature. Pumpkin Walnut Muffins

Pumpkin Apple Muffins

Why do we need to create these apple muffins? I don't get the logic behind why pumpkin recipes are only allowed during pumpkin season. Pumpkin season does not officially begin until the first signs of fall appear, but most people consider this to be the beginning of pumpkin season. Pumpkin is one of those foods that I believe I could eat throughout the entire year. Although, the fact that it's only available for a limited time contributes to how much I appreciate it. Despite this, it is finally time to get into the spirit of the season and bake as many pumpkin apple muffins as you possibly can. Pumpkin puree, shredded apples, and warm spices such as cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg are used to make these muffins. These muffins have a streusel topping that contains an additional amount of cinnamon, which contributes to their already excellent flavor. What variety of apples should I look for? 100 Calorie Pumpkin Muffins These muffins are delicious when made with almost any fresh variety of apples. You might use a Granny Smith apple, a Fuji apple, a Braeburn apple, or any other apple that you want. You only need to peel and grate the apple before you can get started. Instructions with a step-by-step format Combine the following ingredients in a mixing bowl: flour, sugar, baking soda, spices, and salt. Eggs, pumpkins, and oil should be mixed in a separate basin. Combine once the apples and pumpkin mixture have been added to the flour mixture. Create the topping using the streusel. Streusel topping should be mixed until it resembles little crumbs. Put muffin batter into muffin tins that have been oiled, then sprinkle streusel on top. Bake in a 350-degree oven for 25 minutes. Before eating, let muffins cool on a rack in the oven. Pumpkin Zucchini Muffins Healthy

Pumpkin Zucchini Muffins

The best breakfast for fall is unquestionably these simple pumpkin zucchini muffins. Pumpkin bread and shredded zucchini go well together. I'm making muffins; should I peel the zucchini? I never do. For it to be shredded and stay together, you kind of want to leave it all intact since the interior is moist. Before using it in baking, make sure to dry the shreds by rolling them in paper towels. For muffins, how should I grate zucchini? Use a cheese grater after rinsing and drying them outside. Except for the fact that it will release a lot of liquid when you do it, using a block of cheddar is essentially the same. After your grater, place a few paper towels. How is pumpkin bread maintained in its moisture? This, in our opinion, is crucial! A significant improvement is made by including zucchini with lots of moisture or sliced pineapple. Important is also not overbaking. When a muffin's center is lightly touched, it should spring back, it is time to remove. Use medium-sized zucchini if you ask me. Most of the time, I don't even buy them because I have a garden in the backyard. Moisture content will increase as they grow in size. The paper towel you see here over the sink is so damp that there have been times when I've had to squeeze it. It won't turn out as well if you omit this step, which is crucial to avoid adding water to your batter. I enjoy muffins that are very moist and fluffy, like pumpkin zucchini. Putting them in a preheated oven and being careful not to overbake them is another way to do this. When they re-appear in the middle, gently pull them out to the right.

Pumpkin Walnut Muffins

These Pumpkin Walnut Muffins are a delightful morning (or afternoon) treat that you may have every day. They are soft, fluffy, and slightly nutty. The best part of these muffins, in my opinion, is when they are still warm and just out of the oven. I like to divide it in half and top each piece with rich English butter. When they are not warm, I quickly reheat one in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds, which I feel also brings out the flavors. INGREDIENTS

  • 194 grams or 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • Spice for pumpkin pie, 1 3/4 tablespoons
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, and 3/4 cup (150 grams) of granulated sugar
  • eggs, two big, at room temperature
  • one cup (216 grams) of pumpkin puree in a can
  • 1/4 cup (75 ml) vegetable oil
  • 75 ml (1/4 cup) of orange juice
  • two teaspoons of chopped walnuts in addition to 1/2 cup (65 grams)


  1. 350°F/175°C of oven preheating is required. A 12-count muffin tin should be lined.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and 1/2 cup (65 grams) of walnuts.
  3. The eggs, sugar, pumpkin, oil, and juice should be added to a different mixing bowl. Blend after beating. In three batches, add the flour mixture to the pumpkin mixture, stirring well after each addition.
  4. Each muffin cup should be 3/4 full when using an ice cream scoop. Add the remaining walnuts to the tops. A wooden toothpick placed in the center of the cake should come out clean after baking for 25 to 30 minutes.
  5. After 10 minutes, remove the muffin tins from the wire rack and let them cool fully.

100 Calorie Pumpkin Muffins

These 100-calorie pumpkin muffins are rich, dense, and incredibly fluffy. They are also vegan and gluten-free. They contain healthful components including oat flour, coconut sugar, and a small amount of coconut oil. They are equally delicious and filling! The best part is that each serving just has 100 calories! During the holiday season, share a batch of these delicious vegan pumpkin muffins with your friends and family. Oat Flour Pumpkin Muffins, 100 Calories

  • 1 14 cups unsweetened oat or almond milk
  • 1 13-ounce can of pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 cup heated coconut oil or vegan butter
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar
  • substitute any kind of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of monk fruit sweetener
  • Add 1/4 cup of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • One teaspoon of baking soda
  • One teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 8 cloves, 1 teaspoon
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 cups oat flour
  1. Turn the temperature in the oven up to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix the oat or almond milk, pumpkin puree, melted butter or coconut oil and sugar and monk fruit sweetener, vanilla, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves in a large mixing bowl. Add in the apple cider vinegar. First, combine all of the ingredients, and then gradually incorporate the oat flour while continuing to mix until a smooth batter is formed.
  3. The batter should be divided between 14 and 16 muffin cups that have been lined. I find that spraying my muffin tins with cooking spray helps prevent the muffins from sticking to the tins. Bake the muffins for about thirty minutes in a preheated oven, or until the tops are golden brown and cracked. You can have this dish warm with a dusting of sugar on top if you choose.

Pumpkin Zucchini Muffins Healthy

Breakfasts that can be quickly eaten on the go are an absolute must during the back-to-school season. Muffins made with pumpkin and zucchini that have no added sugar are a healthy and nutritional option. It's a wonderful way to start the day thanks to its plenty of pumpkin and zucchini as well as its absence of refined sugar. The preparation of these muffins is both speedy and simple. At my house, we are all big fans of muffins. At the very least, I do so once every seven days. They are wonderful for making quick breakfasts and snacks, both of which I can enjoy with my kid. INGREDIENTS

  • flour, one cup
  • 2/tsp. of cinnamon
  • Pumpkin pie spice, 1 teaspoon
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Baking powder, 1 teaspoon
  • 2 eggs and 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 cup of pureed pumpkin
  • 1 medium zucchini worth of finely chopped zucchini, *see note about pressing the liquid out
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 30 ml of maple syrup
  • Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup

INSTRUCTIONS A 12-count muffin tray should be lined with liners or sprayed with cooking spray before the oven is heated to 375 degrees. Beat the eggs just a little in another separate bowl. Pumpkin puree, zucchini, vanilla, maple syrup, and Greek yogurt should all be added. Assemble by combining. Mix the dry ingredients before adding the wet ones. To fill the muffin tin, divide the dough in half. A toothpick put into one of the muffins should come out clean after 20 to 25 minutes of baking. Allow cooling in the pan for a short while before transferring to a wire rack to finish cooling. Once chilled, keep on the counter for 3-5 days in an airtight container.

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Comments (38 Comments)


Eating pumpkin cake is one of the most enjoyable dragons in the underworld, it is very tasty and light, and it creates pleasure in every person.


The recipe was easy, I think it will be delicious

Nima hadadi

Using pumpkin, you can make a very tasty and healthy homemade cake


Vegan pumpkin is prepared in the shortest time, it is also very healthy and nutritious, and vegan pumpkin has unique properties for the body.


Pumpkin Muffin is a very tasty and good product that has many benefits and properties and it is recommended to use it.


Vegan muffin cake is completely dietary and because pumpkin is also used in it, it is vegetarian


Cookies and cookies that are baked with great taste and texture, and there are different flavors, including pumpkin flavor


You can get unique flavors with pumpkin and make cakes with them

Bagher Rasouli

I got know your article’s Content and your article skill both are always good.

Mona hajimirzakhani

Pumpkin muffins are very delicious and you can eat these delicious cakes for breakfast and dinner


Even the pictures of your cakes are heartwarming

Ayda jabari

These cakes are made with completely vegetarian ingredients and are suitable for those who follow a vegetarian diet


I made cakes, they are very delicious

fatemeh jalili

These muffins are very soft and fluffy, they also have a delicious and sweet taste and are very nutritious and healthy for children's breakfast.


Hello good day ?.I recommend Vegan Pumpkin Muffins, an excellent and quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits


This cake tastes great and is a great snack. Be sure to try it

Behzad mohamadzade

As the number of vegetarians increases, vegetarian cakes with pumpkin have been produced for them


These Bakdutenbel cakes look very delicious and hearty
I will definitely use the posted cooking method and make them
Thank you for branding


I recommend Vegan Pumpkin Muffins, an excellent and quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits


You can keep date and pumpkin muffins at room temperature for several days.

Sahar kamali

One of the problems of vegetarians is making vegan cakes and pastries because they should not use milk, cream and eggs.


Cakes that are made from healthy, delicious and nutritious ingredients, including pumpkin powder and nuts, which are nutritiou


Thank you, your content was excellent I benefited a lot


HelloThey are prepared with coconut flour and are incredibly simple to create; they are the ideal recipe to prepare with your children.

These muffins are incredibly sweet and fluffy.


Muffins and all kinds of cookies made with pumpkin flavor, which is very healthy and nutritious and has a delicious taste

Hosein soltani

Hello, good time. You can put healthy and nutty muffins in your child's school lunch box, or even use it as breakfast on days when you are in a hurry. For a more nutritious muffin, you can use chopped dried fruit, raisins or seeds. You can keep date and pumpkin muffins at room temperature for several days.

Sara sareie

Making cupcakes for vegetarians seems like an interesting idea so that such people can also eat cakes

Reza javadi

These muffins are very delicious and they are also sweet because of the use of pumpkin and there is no need to use sugar at all.


The process of mixing and consistency of dough in cupcakes and muffins is different. Cupcakes are made by mixing butter and sugar, the cupcake batter is significantly more whipped than the muffin batter, which creates bubbles in the cake.


One of the similarities between cupcakes and muffins is their ingredients. Both of them usually contain flour, eggs, butter, sugar and milk


Many foods are produced from pumpkin, such as cakes, biscuits, jam, and it is also delicious and nutritious.




HelloPumpkin puree, zucchini, vanilla, maple syrup, and Greek yogurt should all be added.


The first difference is that the muffin has a simpler and more undecorated appearance than the cup cake (the cup cake or cupcake is mostly decorated with cream) and the second difference between the muffin and the cupcake is that the muffin has less fat than the cup cake. It is also made with liquid oil


Vegan pumpkin muffins are very tasty and hearty and are among the things you must try.


HelloThese muffins made with keto pumpkin are incredibly fluffy and delicious! One of my favorite morning foods is these.


Pumpkin cake is considered one of the most delicious cakes and has various properties and its use is not without grace.


Hello.Good time. Simple ingredients like coconut flour, eggs, pumpkin puree, and spices are used to make them.When they are not warm, I quickly reheat one in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds, which I feel also brings out the flavors.

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