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Valerian Root Plant; Green Yellow Colors Natural Pain Reliever

The Valerian root plant is used as a base ingredient in anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressants, migraine medications, etc.

It can also be consumed raw.

Valerian Root Plant

Valerian is a member of the Hyacinth family, a perennial plant that is widely cultivated in different areas including North America, Europe, and Asia.

About 200 of their species are known in Europe and Asia and are mostly cultivated for medicinal purposes.

Its dried underground root has a pungent and unpleasant smell.

This hollow plant, which can grow up to more than 2 meters, is separated at the end and has white or pink flowers in the opposite leaves.

Its fruits are elongated, four-lined, and single-seeded.

Valerian roots that are older than three years are usually used for their health benefits.

Valerian Root Plant

Valerian Root Plant Features

Given its countless features and health benefits, the Valerian root plant has been prescribed by physicians for centuries.

In the following lines, we have brought you some of these benefits.

Title Description
Growing Place North America, Europe, and Asia
Characteristic Pungent and Unpleasant Smell
Benefit Reducing Anxiety and Natural Pain Reliever
Color Green and Yellow

Daily consumption of valerian root in the amount of 675 to 1060 mg for 8 weeks can reduce the severity and frequency of cramps in menopausal people.

A moderate intake of Valerian root every night can improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety as well.

Valerian directly impacts the nervous system as a natural pain reliever.

An Indian study found that all extracts and oils obtained from Valerian had a significant sedative effect on rats.

Considering that Parkinson's disease is the result of mitochondrial metabolic imbalance, the benefits of this plant extract to improve this problem are significant.

valerian root tea

Buy Valerian Root Plant

These days, you can effortlessly buy valerian root plants online but before doing so, here are a few things to notice.

Do not buy roots that are black and fragmented; valerian root plants are usually brown after being dried.

Taste the roots and make sure they have a bitter flavor.

If you are going to buy the extract of this flower, make sure it has a green and yellowish color.

Do not buy heated roots, because they have fewer medicinal benefits.

We recommend you buy these roots from a reliable seller and in proper packaging.

Check the date of expiration and see if there's enough time for you to store these roots for later use.

valerian root herb

Valerian Root Plant Price + Buy and Sell

Valerian root plants are cultivated in different parts of the world, with minor differences in their quality.

These roots are also processed and packaged differently around the world.

Therefore, you can find dried valerian root at prices ranging from $15 to $20 per pack of 100 grams.

For easier use, you can also buy valerian herbal supplements, which are sold in 250-gram bottles at the price of $14.

Moreover, an increase in demand for valerian roots can result in higher prices of this herbal medicine.

You can now buy valerian roots and many other amazing herbal medicines on our website.

For more information, contact us.

valerian root dried

The Answer to Two Questions About Valerian Root

1: What are the benefits of valerian root?

A moderate intake of Valerian root every night can improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety as well.

2: What are the characteristics of valerian root?

Its dried underground root has a pungent and unpleasant smell.

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