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Use Of Dolomite in the Cement Industry

Dolomite is used to make many different types of cement including construction cement, mortar mixes, and refractory mortar industries. Construction cement is a group of building materials consisting mainly of Portland cement and sand, among others. They are made by combining sand with Portland cement and water before curing (i.e., hardening). Mortar is a mixture of fine aggregate particles (usually sand) with coarse aggregates (such as gravel or crushed stone). Refractory mortars are similar to mortar but they have higher percentages of MgO than CaO. Refractory mortars require much less water to achieve the same degree of hydration compared to ordinary mortars. Thus, refractory mortars tend to be drier and more workable. In addition, refractory mortar mixtures are stronger than normal mortars and may withstand temperatures greater than 600°C (1112°F). Refractory mortar masonry is widely used to construct equipment, furnaces, kilns, and industrial ovens. The industry uses three basic forms of dolomite for manufacturing cement products. The first one is raw dolomite. Raw dolomite is simply dolomite mixed with water. After mixing, it undergoes various processes to remove impurities. Impurity removal includes washing, screening, filtration, and settling. The second form of dolomite is called ground dolomite. Ground dolomite is produced by crushing and grinding the raw dolomite along with some additives to improve its flowability. Ground dolomites are either dry or moistened with water to produce paste-like material. After drying, ground dolomite may be further processed to create concrete or mortar mix. The last form of dolomitic limestone is called expanded shale dolomite. Expanded shale dolomite is obtained from crushed rock by heating. Once heated, the rock expands and gets densified. This results in larger grains, which are then pressed together. The resulting dolomite product is then screened to get rid of unwanted particles. Dolomitic limestone is a type of clay mineral occurring naturally in large deposits throughout the world. Dolomite is composed primarily of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) and calcite (CaCO3). These two compounds make up 90% of dolomite; the remainder consists of trace amounts of iron oxide (FeO), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), quartz (SiO2), and silica (SiO2). Dolomite contains high levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Dolomite is commonly mined near port cities and quarries as well as in coastal regions. Dolomite is widely used as a cement additive to enhance strength. The high-quality calcium carbonate crystals in dolomite are very effective in reducing permeability and increasing impermeability. Therefore, it has been applied in many fields including the oil and gas industries. In addition, its excellent chemical resistance makes it suitable for industrial applications such as road construction. Product Features: High purity dolomite is an effective cement accelerator. It can be applied to cementitious materials for various purposes such as concrete production, casting, and grouting. In particular, it reduces water demand and improves the workability of cement. High-density dolomite has good chemical resistance. It increases the durability of steel reinforcement bars within concrete members. Dolomite is an important ingredient used as a cement additive, primarily because it increases the strength of cement without significantly increasing its weight. It can be found naturally in limestone deposits, but most commonly comes from various industrial processes that produce chemical compounds containing calcium carbonate. As a result of this process, dolomite contains varying amounts of magnesium depending upon where the source rock was formed. The more magnesium contained within a sample of dolomite, the higher the magnesium/calcium ratio. Product Features: - Used as a cement additive in many commercial industries such as construction, mining, and infrastructure. - Can improve concrete durability, workability, and reduce shrinkage. - Increases resistance to corrosion and abrasion. - Can make concrete stronger and more resistant to cracking. - Improves concrete pumpability. - Helps prevent scale buildup and improves air quality. - Helps to increase the rate of hydration. - Helps create a better working environment and reduces dust. There are many uses of dolomite in various industries. In the chemical industry dolomite is used to remove impurities and stabilize the alkalinity of solutions. It is also used in the glass and ceramic industries. In the mining, industry dolomite serves as flux material in the production of aluminum smelts. In the pharmaceutical industry, dolomite is added to some medicines to improve their taste. In the food processing industry, dolomites are used as additives to increase the yield in sugar manufacturing. In the papermaking industry, dolomitic limestone is used to improve the brightness of the paper pulp. Dolomite is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcite (calcium carbonate) and dolomite (magnesium ammonium phosphate). Dolomite contains about 5-12% CO2. Dolomite is a hard mineral that resists weathering, erosion, and freezing temperatures. It is commonly used in building materials, ceramics, glass, paints, enamelware, bricks, roof tiles, and dental products. Dolomite is an industrial mineral that contains magnesium carbonate which has many uses as a cement additive. It can be used as a replacement for limestone or sand making it more economical to produce than other replacements like fly ash and slag. Its major uses are in the production of Portland cement and lime mud. Dolomitization of concrete occurs when dolomite replaces a portion of the calcium carbonate content of the cement paste to reduce its pH and increase its permeability. Dolomite increases the workability of the mixture, decreases shrinkage, reduces drying shrinkage, and produces a higher compressive strength than Portland cement alone. In addition, the use of dolomite increases the initial setting time of the mix, but later, the time spent before reaching maximum strength is shorter than if the material had been made without the addition. Dolomite also helps prevent surface cracking caused by freeze/thaw cycles. Studies show that the use of dolomite in concrete decreases the risk of frost action cracking. Concrete with high concentrations of dolomite tends to crack less easily than concrete with lower levels. Dolomite has many useful properties. It is relatively inexpensive, non-toxic, and non-hazardous. It is also naturally resistant to acid rain and does not dissolve in water. However, it is soluble in hot concentrated alkaline solutions, and it dissolves readily in cold dilute acidic solutions. Due to its low cost, dolomite is widely used as an additive in concrete. Dolomite reacts with portlandite to produce calcium oxide (lime), thus making it possible for concrete to incorporate Portland cement. Portlandite is formed when cement paste dries; it is present in almost all ready-mixed concrete. Dolomite is sometimes added to concrete to replace some of the calcium sulfate lost during the curing process.

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