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what is sayer date + purchase price of sayer date

Dates have many different types and their price varies from country to country. An explanation for roughly accurate Irani Sayer dates is going to be provided in this section. Sayer Date, also known as Estameran Date, is one of the most well-known and in-demand varieties of Iranian date. Produced in the southern region of Iran, this type of date is considered to be of the highest possible quality and is aimed primarily at the export market.

Sayer Dates Vs Deglet NoorDate

This variety of date can be found growing in Khuzestan and other parts of southern Iran. It is one of the dates that have the highest sugar content and is considered to be one of the sweetest. Sayer dates have a thin, oval skin that is sometimes obliquely rectangular in shape. They are semi-dry dates that are highly sweet and of acceptable great quality. The nutritional value of sayer dates is comparable to that of other varieties of kinds. In addition to being high in vitamin content, sugar content, and mineral compound content, the fruit is abundant. Sayer dates are widely considered to be among the tastiest of all dates produced anywhere in the world. Dates have a sugar content that is greater than 75% of their total weight. in addition, Sayer dates are considered to be one of the highest quality products that Iran sells. EU nations such as Russia are considered to be serious clients of this date. Because they dissolve so easily in water, Estamelan dates have an extremely intense sweetness.

Types Of DatesPiarom dates price

There are several dates that are semi-dry, making it simple to remove the core. Sayer dates have a longer shelf life compared to other types of dates. They don't need to be refrigerated and can instead be kept at room temperature. Approximately 18 months is the shelf life when the product is kept at room temperature. Sayer dates are extremely easy to ship all over the world due to their exceptional toughness as well as their inexpensive price. Dates are a fruit that fights cancer and is rich in antioxidants. Additionally, the magnesium that is contained in Sayer's date palm not only helps digestive function but also makes digestion much simpler. People who suffer from anemia can benefit from Sayer's date palm as well because to the high iron content it contains. Candy Iranian speaker dates. The high sugar content of these dates enables athletes to acquire the power they so sorely need for a good workout, which is another benefit of eating them. Due to the unique antioxidants that they contain, these dried dates provide a variety of health benefits to consumers. Mazafati Dates Price  One of these benefits is a reduction in the risk of a variety of diseases, including cancer, heart attacks, and other conditions. Dates contain a high concentration of iron, which increases the flow of blood to the scalp and encourages the growth of hair. Dates also protect against the loss of hair. Dates are beneficial to liver health and can aid in the prevention of fatty liver disease. As a consequence of this, date palm enhances the liver's detoxifying capabilities. In people who have type 2 diabetes, the minerals zinc and magnesium are thought to help regulate their blood sugar levels. Date fruit consumption roughly in the final month before giving birth offers benefits for the mother and assists her to give birth in an easier manner. Dates are rich in folic acid, which promotes healthy blood sugar levels. It is the perfect time to start or resume an intensive weight loss program after giving up becoming pregnant. Sayer dates have a calorie count of 277 and a carbohydrate content of 75 per serving. They feature 2 grams of protein in addition to the 7 grams of fiber that they contain. Khoshbin Date Syrup in addition, 20 percent of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of Potassium in addition to 14 percent Magnesium. This resulted in them having 18 percent of Copper in addition to 15 percent of Manganese, five percent of Iron, and 12 percent Vitamin B6 in a three-and-a-half-ounce (one hundred gram) serving countries acquire and import an expansion of Estameran every day from Iran, depending on its price. The superior qualities of dates are that they are drier and that they are huge, which is the reason that they weigh more. In the Iranian Estameran market, the weight and quantity of this product inside the 455-gram list are displayed as follows: first-rate selection: this method is remarkable only if the person being measured weighs less than 75 times the equivalent amount in grams. Choose one: This indicator is chosen to use if the load is between 75 and 80 speaker hours and 455 grams. Grade B Grade: The time allotment for this era is 455 points if the weight is between 80 and 90. GIQ: The price increases to 455P if the burden continues for another 90–110 days. Frequently Asked Questions: roughly, if other dates are above 110, 455 grams, this product's date is from the FAO and ubiquitous speaker. Prices for Sayer dates are different depending on the first-class and how accurate the date is. In the date market, determining the prices of dates can be complicated for a variety of different reasons. Piarom Dates Price The primary criteria are, first and foremost, the precise date of the international sale or purchase fee. 2nd, product first-class and the Sayer date packaging kind, 3rd, coarse and uniform hundreds following the technique of manufacturing dates, and finally, the time that dates are harvested. Iran is without a doubt one of the most important exporters for the majority of the countries in the region of the Persian Gulf that are responsible for producing dates. To this day, Khuzestan is the region in which one of the highest quality palm trees can be seen growing; these trees are famous throughout the entirety of the international community. One of the most significant and advantageous regions in Iran is the province of Khuzestan. The demand in the United States is higher, which bodes well for the business. These dried fruits from Iran have caught the attention of a lot of business people and customers. They are 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac. Dates from the semi-day Sayer variety make up almost 45 percent of Iran's total exports. Because they have the highest sugar content and the lowest carbohydrate content material, they are one of the reasons why they are so popular all over the world. This is one of the reasons why. Irani Dates Price Some of the reasons why semi-dry Sayer dates should be the primary goal of purchasing include personalized and custom packaging, which makes them extremely long-lasting in the first location and will increase the simplicity of storage situations. This is one of the reasons why they should be the primary goal of purchasing (or refrigerated storage). The other reason is that it makes their transportation cheaper in comparison to other export items from Iran, and the ultimate objective is the reasonable expenses and exquisite demand for them inside the market. The exporting of Iranian Sayer dates, which are the most common type of date palm grown in the United States, is by far the most significant element of the industry. These are made in the principal regions of Khuzestan in Iran, which are located in Iran. Because of the amount of sugar they contain and the fact that they pay a premium for medical care, they are truly unique in the world. Dates from the Sayer variety are only semi-dry, and they may only be collected in certain parts of Iran and during specific times of the year. They have a high concentration of sugar in them as well as a high proportion of juice, and their seed may be easily separated from the meat in which it is contained. When they are at the peak of ripeness, they turn a dark blue color, have a medium size, become tender, and contain a significant quantity of syrup. Iranian date or Persian date variants Additionally, their size is about the same. October is their harvest month, and Iran produces 50,000 piles worth of them each and every year on average. In recent years, they have begun to be sold with the pits removed in preparation for immediate consumption, and many businesses, such as those that manufacture fruit juices with multiple flavors or snack food companies, have become regular buyers of this variety of dates.

Sayer Dates Vs Deglet Noor

Many people don’t really know the difference between the Sayer dates and the dates that are called Deglet Noor. That is the reason why always google A Vs B to find out about the differences. In this part of the article, we are going to talk about the distinctions between the two, but first, we are going to provide a detailed explanation of what dates palms are. The date palm, also known as the Phoenix dactylifera, is a tree that belongs to the palm family and is cultivated for the sweet edible fruits it produces. The date palm has been highly valued since the earliest times, and it's possible that it originated in what is now the country of Iraq. In the hot lands of the Northern part of Africa and the Middle East, the fruit has historically served as both a primary source of nutrition and economic growth. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, Spanish missionaries were responsible for bringing the tree to the New World. Parts of Africa, some countries in the Middle East, Pakistan, India, Mexico, and the state of California in the United States are all places where date palms are produced commercially. Dates have a long shelf life, and several different types, including the more popular Deglet Noor, are frequently offered dry and in processed form. The dried fruit has approximately 2 percent of protein, fat, and mineral matter in addition to having a sugar content that is greater than 50 percent of its total weight. Other varieties of dates, such as the Medjool, are consumed when they are still fresh but begin to lose their plumpness and develop wrinkles as they get older. In terms of its physical appearance, the date palm can reach a height of approximately 23 meters (75 ft). Its stem, which is conspicuously marked with the clipped stubs of old leaf bases, culminates in a crown of beautiful, glossy, pinnate leaves that are around 5 meters (16 feet) in length. The axils of leaves that were there the year before will eventually give rise to floral spikes. Both male and female flowers are produced by their own individual plants. In cultivated plants, the female flowers are pollinated by means other than natural insects. The date is a type of fruit known as a drupe, and it is often shaped like an oval. However, the date's appearance, size, color, quality, and consistency of its flesh can vary greatly depending on the growing conditions and the variety. There are times when a single bunch of dates might weigh more than 8 kilograms (18 pounds) and contain more than 1,000 dates. Either seeds or suckers, which are offshoots that grow mostly towards the base of the stem in the early years of the palm's life, can be used to spread the tree and ensure its continued existence. The offshoots of the parent plant are employed in commercial plantings. When the offshoots reach the age of three to six years old and have grown their own set of roots, the offshoots are dug up and replanted. Palms begin to produce fruit after four to five years, and once they reach their peak bearing age, which is ten to fifteen years, each palm can produce 40 to 80 kilograms (90 to 180 pounds) or more of fruit. Palms have been reported to survive for as long as 150 years, but as they age, their ability to produce fruit diminishes, therefore in commercial agriculture, palms are typically replaced at a younger age. Uses: Products of economic worth can be harvested from every section of the date palm. Its trunk provides timber; the midribs of the leaves provide material for crates and furniture; the leaflets provide material for basketry; the leaf bases provide fuel. The fruit stalks provide rope and fuel; the fiber provides material for cordage and packing material; the seeds are sometimes ground up and used as animal feed. The fruit can be used to make syrup, alcohol, vinegar, as well as a potent alcoholic beverage. Because the process of extracting the sap causes considerable damage to the palm tree, it is only the palm trees that yield very little fruit that is utilized for the sap. However, the sap can be consumed either in its fresh or fermented form as a beverage. When a palm tree is felled, the succulent terminal bud is harvested and used to make a special type of salad. Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are the largest producers of dates and exporters of dates; nevertheless, the fruit of Algeria and Tunisia is equally widely recognized in Europe. The majority of the nation's production occurs in the state of California. The date palm is grown around the Mediterranean beaches of Europe as an attractive tree. The leaves of the date palm are used in the celebration of Palm Sunday among Christians and the celebration of Sukkoth (the Festival of Tabernacles) among Jews. Sayer Dates, which are responsible for over 65 percent of Iran's date production, is one of the exports from Iran's date industry, and they receive approximately 40 percent of the total export of date palm. Sayer (Stamaran) Dates and Zahedi Dates are the primary varieties of date fruit in the Khuzestan province. These date fruits are primarily used in export and international markets, whereas the remaining date fruits, including Kabkab, Khazravi, Gantar, and Hallavi, are only used in domestic and regional markets. The date is well-known in many countries, particularly European nations like Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand. This is primarily owing to the date's high quality and the positive qualities that it possesses. The date has a significant quantity of fiber and nutrients. Sayer Dates are harvested in a semi-dried state, meaning their moisture content is less than 17 percent. As a result of this, it is feasible to store Sayer Dates for more than one year in a tropical warehouse without needing to freeze them! Due to the fact that this variety of date fruit is only semi-dry, it can be dissolved in the water quite rapidly. It is important to point out that the dates grown in the Khuzestan province, in particular the Sayer (Stamaran) Date, are completely organic and free of any pesticides or other chemicals. The date fruit that is known as saamaran, stamara, and samberun in various regions contains approximately 70 percent palm fruit from Khuzestan province! Its fruit is typically oval but can also be inclined to be rectangular. The date has a yellow tint, but when it is fully mature, the date fruit has an amber color and a reddish-brown color. The Sayer (Stamaran) Date, despite the fact that it is dried fruit, is extremely sweet. Furthermore, due to the storage properties of the Sayer (Stamaran) Date, it can stay healthy without being refrigerated for a period of two years. This circumstance has led to a high utility in the export market. Because Sayer(Stamaran) Dates do not need to be transferred to cold storage, the storage property of Sayer(Stamaran) Dates minimizes the costs of both transportation and storage. The date should not be stored near any chemicals, oil production, or meals such as fish or onions since it readily absorbs their smell. Additionally, the area in which it is stored should be clear of dust. The Deglet Noor is an oval date that is medium in size and has a shape that is narrow and elongated. They can be a straw yellow tint all the way up to an amber tone and have an exterior that is slightly permeable. Their consistency is believed to be semi-dry, and people frequently describe them as having a tiny crunch or snap to them. They have a lower sugar content than the Medjool, but their sweetness is more complex, and they have a nutty aftertaste that is reminiscent of browned butter and cashews. Deglet Noor dates are available in late summer and fall. Phoenix dactylifera is the scientific name for the date palm from which Deglet Noor dates are harvested. Deglet Noor dates fall into the semi-dry category when compared to the other two categories—dry and soft—that describe date varieties. They are considered the most popular type of date in the United States and have a texture that is slightly crispy while still retaining their pliability. Dates from the Deglet Noor variety are an excellent source of dietary fiber, B vitamins, iron, potassium, flavonoids, and antioxidants. The Deglet Noor variety of dates is the best one to use for baking because of their moderate level of sweetness and their sturdy texture. They can be chopped and diced without turning mushy, and they maintain a slight crunch when baked into baked goods like bread, cookies, and cakes. They are also a variety of choices when it comes to the production of date sugar, which is an alternate form of sweetener. Nuts, chocolate, coffee, cream, maple syrup, cinnamon, coconut, orange, bananas, apricots, brandy, rum, cheese, bacon, pig, and chicken are all examples of complementary flavors. In Arabic, "Date of Light" is translated as "Deglet Noor." The Deglet Noor date is thought to have originated in Algeria, but it has been grown in California for more than a century now. The vast majority of the date crops grown in California are of the Degelt Noor variety (some studies say that approximately 95 percent of them are). The Medjool date is the second most popular type of date. The production of Deglet Noor dates in the state of California alone amounts to an annual average of 41 million pounds.

Types Of Dates

The date palm has a commanding presence and produces numerous types of fresh fruit such as dates. The arching, grayish-green, waxy fronds of this tree can grow to be more than 10 feet long, creating a magnificent crown at the top of the tree. In the spring, it is not uncommon for patches of yellowed vegetation to appear. Moreover, these shrubs are responsible for the production of edible, oblong fruits known as dates. Dates begin their lives as a green fruit, but as they mature, their color typically changes to brown. The growth of the palm is slow and steady; on average, it adds a few feet to its height each year. It is possible to plant it either in the spring or in the fall. When to Plant Date Arms You can plant date fingers in the early spring or in the fall. The planting can be done in either season. If you're going to be planting a tree from a cutting rather than from seed, try to pick a day when the wind won't be blowing too strongly. In any other scenario, there is a chance that the palm tree will sustain harm to its fronds while being moved. Picking a location to plant a tree requires selecting a hole that is large enough to accommodate the mature growth of the tree. It has to have strong soil drainage and plenty of exposure to the sun. It is important to make sure that nearby flora will not tint a young palm tree an excessive amount as it matures. There is also the possibility of box growth for juvenile fingers. Placement, breadth, and assistance: Create a cavity that is twice as large but only slightly deeper than the root ball of the palm. When deciding where to place a mature palm in relation to other types of flora and infrastructure, be sure to take into account the palm's potential to spread between twenty and forty feet. In most cases, a support structure won't be required; however, you might want to shield a young palm from strong winds while its roots are still developing in order to ensure its survival. The goals of Date Palm Tree Care are to achieve the following: mild: The ideal environment for the date palm is one that is dry and warm, and it thrives in an abundance of light. It may be able to handle a faint coloring, but it thrives best in full sun, which is defined as at least six hours of direct sunshine on days with the most daylight. When choosing a location to plant your date palm, the single most important factor to keep in mind is whether or not the soil has adequate drainage. This palm can tolerate salt and does best in sandy or loamy soils. It also prefers full sun. It grows best in soil whose pH ranges from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. The date palm does well in dry conditions, especially when it has been established in its permanent location. However, in order for it to produce a good harvest, it needs to have consistent hydration all the way through its flowering and fruiting season. Younger trees will require more water than more mature trees throughout their lives. You shouldn't let the soil get completely dry, but you also shouldn't let it get too wet at any point. Temperature and Humidity: the ideal circumstances for these trees are ones that are warm, arid, and sunny. In point of fact, temperatures of approximately ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit are required for pollination to take place. The date palm can survive in temperatures as low as ten degrees Celsius, which is twenty degrees Fahrenheit. Nevertheless, a cold temperature has the potential to damage the fronds and even kill the tree. When it comes to the fruit of the date palm, it thrives well in dry heat as well. Rotting can occur when there is an excessive amount of humidity as well as wetness. Manure is an excellent option to consider when looking for a fertilizer to use on your date palm. In the event that you would rather use packaged fertilizer instead, specialist palm tree fertilizer is typically suggested as the best option. In order to get the tree ready for its blossom and fruit production in the following months, observe fertilizer and follow the recommendations on the label during the duration of the past due to winter weather or during the early spring. Date palms have distinct male and female trees for the purpose of pollination; yet, only the female plants are able to produce fruit after the process. It is advised to have at least one male plant for every six female plants in order to maintain consistency in the crop. Pollination is accomplished by the action of the wind. The date palm tree bears a significant number of fruit clusters. There are several distinct varieties of date palm bushes, each of which is capable of yielding a delectable end product. Here are some of the most well-known ones, in no particular order: This particular cultivar, known as 'Barhi,' yields a meaty and flavorful fruit that is excellent when plucked fresh from the tree. Known as "Deglet Noor," this variety produces fruit that is golden in color and tastes similar to honey. "Fard" refers to the fruit that most people recognize as the common date, which has a dark brown exterior and is produced by the tree known as "Fard." "Dayri" is the name of a range that produces an elongated fruit with colors ranging from red to brown to black. The Date Palm is not to be confused with the Palm Tree in these respects: The palm contains a circle of relatives that includes the date finger. Therefore, all palm timbers are date palms, but not all date timbers are palm timbers. The majority of the plants that belong to this family have fronds that look like feathers, are evergreen, and are very enormous. They are found in regions that range from subtropical to tropical. They are responsible for the production of a wide variety of foods, including coconuts, dates, palm oil, and the coronary heart of palm. Dates for Harvesting: The culmination will start to ripen in the late summer or early fall, but not all of the bunches will ripen at the same time. This can take anything from a few weeks to a few months. First harvests from immature trees typically yield roughly 20 pounds of dates, but harvests from older trees can yield hundreds of kilograms of dates. Cut the bunch off with a sharp knife as soon as the results are soft and brown, and no longer green, after they have been cooked. They can be stored at room temperature for about a month in an airtight container, or they can be placed in the refrigerator for up to six months to extend their shelf life. Additionally, they can be frozen for a period of up to one year. Consume them in their raw form, in baked goods and smoothies, as well as on their own. Simply take care not to eat the flesh that makes up the interior of the hole. the following is the procedure for growing date fingers in pots: A younger date palm can be cultivated in a field if one so chooses. Accordingly, you will be able to relocate it to an area that is sheltered from high winds and only moderate weather conditions. Choose a field that is only marginally larger than the root ball of the palm tree. It is preferable to use an unglazed clay container, such as a terracotta pot because this type of container allows excess moisture to escape through its walls; in addition, the container should include drainage holes. In the container, work with palm potting soil that has good drainage. Pruning: In most cases, this tree does not require any more pruning other than the removal of fronds that might be damaged or diseased. You should also consider removing any suckers that begin to grow around the base of the trunk. This will allow the tree to focus its energy and resources on the major trunk. Additionally, as your tree starts to produce more bunches of fruit, you should thin the unripe bunches so that there is a higher airflow across the fruit that is ripening. This will help prevent the fruit from rotting and ensure that it tastes well. The size of the fruit can also be increased by thinning the clusters. Date palms can easily be reproduced by means of the suckers, also known as offshoots, which sprout at the base of the trunks of the palms. The figure plant has been cloned to produce those new shoots. This method of propagation will not only save you money on a brand new plant, but it will also offer you a brand new plant that bears fruit more quickly than if you were to grow it from seed. Propagating a plant using cuttings rather than growing it from seed will save you money. Exemplifying how: locate an offshoot that is in good health. Separate it carefully from the parent plant, taking care to preserve as many of the roots that are related to it as possible. Attempting this by hand is frequently the most efficient method. You can either plant the offshoot directly into the area of the garden where it will remain permanently or in a container that has palm soil in it. Lightly compact the soil all around it while taking care not to damage its roots. Be sure to evenly soak the soil, but watch out that it doesn't get too wet. Keep the newly planted tree out of direct sunlight until its roots have established themselves. In addition to this, you might want to put a few stakes to guide its growth in the right direction as it becomes established in the soil. the path to progress Arms of date From the Seed There is yet another way to create additional fingers on your date palm, and that is to start your date palm from the seed. Exemplifying how: Dates should have their seeds removed before consumption. Next, you will need to soak the seeds in water for at least 24 hours, during which time you will remove any seeds that float to the surface. Then, place each ultimate seed in its own individual miniature plot of a seed-starting mix. Put some pressure on the seeds and press them down into the dirt until they are roughly half-covered. Last but not least, place the boxes in an area that receives bright but indirect sunlight. In addition to this, you might want to try putting a plastic bag on top of the containers to help keep the humidity where it should be. Maintain a consistent level of heat and moisture in the soil. You should expect germination in around a month's time. When it comes to overwintering, date palms need specific attention if they are cultivated in an area that has a chance of experiencing cold weather. In the event that you foresee a cold snap, you should protect the tree by wrapping it in fabric. If at all feasible, convey the date arms of the container within.

Mazafati Dates Price 

Mazafati dates or what is known as Kimia dates are one of the most delicious types of dates in the world and they are available at a reasonable price by different companies. Most dates are produced and exported from Iran, making it the world's most important producer and exporter of dates. Our goal is to acquaint you with all the characteristics that distinguish the quality of Mazafati dates. Dates that are new from Mazafati. The Mazafati dates are among the most important and well-known of all the different kinds of Iranian dates (Kimia dates). The Mazafati sparkling date is regarded as one of the most precious and flavorful kinds of date both in Iran and the rest of the globe due to its distinctive flavor. The Mazafati dates are beneficial for it because of the significant interest that humans have in them. Mazafati dates are predominantly produced in Bam Kerman, which is located in Iran. The palm trees in this town are responsible for the exceptional quality of the dates that come from Bam. For this reason, certain dates are referred to as Bam dates every once in a while. Of direction, Mazafati dates in Iran are not only in Bam town, and they are farmed in many sections of the province of Kerman, as well as Jiroft, Kahnuj, Saravan, and a few other districts of Sistan and Baluchistan province. This fruit is notably unknown to the inhabitants of European countries and American countries in general. 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac Also, people enjoy it most when it is prepared in sweets; yet, it is a main meal in the Middle East and particularly in the Arab countries. Immediately following the consumption of one kilogram of dates, the body will generate a total of 3,470 calories of usable fuel. In comparison to that of other culminations, this quantity of power might be considered to be quite high. The following is a breakdown of the amount of energy that can be created by one kilogram of food:

  • Apricot Prune: 520 calories
  • Orange: 480 energy
  • The amount of calories in cooked rice is 1800.
  • Wheat Bread: 2295 calories
  • Banana: 970 calories

Meat that has not been digested contains 2245 calories, but as you mentioned, one kilogram of dates contains more than 3,000 calories. In addition to supplying the body with some of the energy it needs on a day-to-day basis, the consumption of several dates on a daily basis can also supply the body with a number of the necessary vitamins, in addition to potassium, iron, and magnesium. The therapeutic and preventative properties of Mazafati dates have been established for decades, and there is some evidence that consuming them on a daily basis may have a positive influence on one's health. Dates from the Mazafati tree are extremely effective at preventing night blindness and nerve pressure, as well as maintaining the health of the nervous system. Dates, according to the findings of recent scientific investigations, also have an important role in the formation of hunger as well as oral and lumbar health. In addition, the liver and kidneys both benefit from the cleansing properties of this date. (For additional information on the health benefits of dates, click here.) The high moisture level of the substance that composes this product makes it more malleable under normal circumstances. Since delicate dates are lower in sugar and calories than other types of dates, they are a much better option for diabetics and people who are overweight. There is an excessive amount of moisture present in sparkling dates, and in some cases, it accounts for more than half of the weight of the dates. The presence of this volume of water renders it impossible to store the dates for an extended period of time and places restrictions on their transport and packaging. The amount of water that is contained in it is reduced through drying dates in both conventional and modern processes, which results in an increase in its storage capacity. The growth of microorganisms and the activity of enzymes is slower within the refrigerator compared to growth outside the refrigerator. Due to the fact that dates contain a wide variety of carbohydrates or sugars, they provide an ideal habitat for the proliferation of microorganisms, particularly yeasts. Drying and reducing the number and type of microorganisms present are two of the methods utilized in the fight against rust deterioration. Drying a product brings about a reduction in both its weight and its size, which facilitates easier transportation and storage. On the one hand, it stifles the growth and proliferation of germs, which is an advantage. Because of this factor, sparkling Mazafati dates are stored in the refrigerator so that they can maintain their freshness for longer periods of time. The date may be stored for roughly 8 months if it is refrigerated. However, it is not difficult to store dried dates if they are kept outside of the refrigerator and in the containers that come with the package deal. When stored in the refrigerator, dry dates have a shelf life of up to a year. The Medjool date is well-known for its exceptional flavor as well as its enormous size (about 7 cm). Although those days are considered easy dates, the Medjool date is more challenging and more reactive when compared to other dates in this group. These activities come with a high industrial cost for this kind of date. Frequently, the Mazafati dates will have a dark color. These dates come from semi-humid locations, which have a relative humidity ranging from 15% to 35%, depending on the time of collection, the type of planting, and the location of the planting. According to the data provided by Iran's customs administration, roughly 300 thousand tons of dates are sent from Iran to various countries across the world each year. This information pertains to date exporters in Iran. Since the beginning of this decade, the cost of Iranian dates has been significantly more reasonable. In spite of their one-of-a-kind quality and authentic taste, Mazafati dates from Iran are sold at a price that is significantly lower than that of dates from other countries. The production of dates has attained a high level of popularity everywhere in the world as a result of their extensive diversity, high quality, and reasonably priced Mazafati date fee. This has resulted in a high export price. At the present time, a select number of businesses, including our own (the Iran Date enterprise), have accomplished outstanding funding in this area. With the acquisition of dates at a good buy price from the producer, with the first-rate high quality without waste. And carrying dates with the great-refrigerated motors, our company will mark the Mazafati date logo of Iran as a genuine brand within the international market. This will be accomplished through the transportation of dates with the best-refrigerated vehicles. Get in contact with the knowledgeable staff at our company right away in order to purchase the finest Iranian date. Mazafati Dates, also known as Bam Dates, is a type of fresh date fruit that has a moisture content that ranges between 20 and 25 percent. At the time of harvest, the amount of moisture depends on the region where agriculture took place and whether or not it was irrigated. Farmers cultivate this date mostly in the provinces of southern Iran, which include Bam and the districts immediately surrounding it, such as Jiroft, Bora, and Narmashir, in addition to other regions in the province of Kerman. Mazafati Dates Fruit: Every year, the harvest season for the fresh crop begins in late September and continues until about the middle of October. Therefore, we recommend that you place your order for the fresh new crop as soon as possible and get in touch with us in the first few weeks of September. Customers come from all over the world to purchase Mazafati Dates, including places as diverse as northern Europe, East Asia, Canada, and Africa. Countries such as Switzerland, Austria, India, Poland, Taiwan, Canada, South Africa, and Mauritius Island, amongst others, are included in this group of nations. Iran Dried Fruit Company is a comprehensive Dates seller, manufacturer, and exporter. The Mazafati Dates that we sell fall into the following categories:

  1. An abnormally high concentration of moisture - AAA
  2. The moisture content at a medium level – AA
  3. A Low Relative Amount of Moisture:

In order to clarify Our minimum order quantity (MOQ) for Mazafati dates ranges from 1 to 5 tons, depending on the transportation shape that is selected. Packing weights: high Six hundred to 650 grams each and every field, then packaged in large cartons for the moisture dates (every Carton includes 12 packing containers) cartons' average weight is 7.2 – eight kg Medium Moisture Date: 520–600 grams per container, followed by the product packaged in large cartons (each Carton consists of 12 boxes) 6.5–7.2 kg for the weight of the cartons Low moisture content Date: 470–520 grams each container, followed by packaging in large cartons (each Carton consists of 12 containers) Weight of the containers between 5.6 and 6.3 kilograms 5-kilogram cartons According to clients' needs, additional forms of packaging can be arranged. Refrigerator shipping containers of 20 and 40 feet in length are suitable for loading and transporting Mazafati overseas. according to your statistics, the maximum load that containers can hold:

  1. A 20-foot container can hold up to 19 tons of cargo
  2. 40 toes. box: accommodates up to 25 piles
  3. The length of time the product can be stored: one year after the date it was manufactured.

Users are required to store Mazafati in a refrigerator at a temperature below five degrees Celsius, where it should also be kept dry and with adequate ventilation for airflow. Manufacturing Time: It varies according to the quantity that you require. Therefore, it may be anywhere between 15 and 25 days of running.

Khoshbin Date Syrup

As one of the delicious date by-products that are produced by the Khoshbin company is the date syrup. Dates are used to make this sweetener, which results in a product that is not only natural but also delicious. You can drizzle it over pancakes, sweets, ice creams, and plenty of other foods as well. There is an endless number of possibilities! Date syrup is a form of sweetener that is not as well-known as other sweeteners, but it is one that should get more attention from people looking for more nutritious alternatives to sugar. Even though it's to be had in a few supermarkets and health food stores, most people may additionally not be acquainted with it, despite the fact that there are a lot of motives to provide it an attempt. It is quite tasty and has some of the health benefits that you may get from eating it. Date syrup is an all-natural sweetener that is prepared by combining only two ingredients: dates and water. Even though this alternative sweetener does not always have a low-calorie count, it is a herbal sugar that has the benefit of being less processed than white sugar. This is a brought about advantage. In addition to this, it is without a doubt a much more healthy alternative to granulated sugar, which has very little nutritional value. Dates are an excellent source of numerous minerals, including iron, magnesium, potassium, and various trace minerals. It is reasonable to assume that date syrup will include a lot of these highly prized elements, making it a fantastic option for a healthy diet. There is evidence to support a long history suggesting that this is connected to date syrup. It's also known as date honey or date molasses, and it's most commonly used in the Middle East, which is the region where dates are readily accessible and where its history dates back centuries. Some of the firms operating in this region produce and bottle date syrup. These businesses are largely headquartered in India and California, two locations that are recognized for having an abundance of date palms, which are used in the production of dates. If you are familiar with it and want to create it at home, or if you have never tried it before, this recipe will show you how easy it is to make it with only a few substances and a completely easy method. Those of you who are familiar with it and want to make it at home can also use this recipe. This method, which consists of nothing more than dates and water, is as easy as washing the dates and then allowing them to soak in hot water in order to dissolve them. Once they have reached a soft consistency, they are given thorough mashing, which helps to draw out an incredible amount of the fruit's inherent charm. After that, it is passed through a cheesecloth or an extraordinary muslin filter to allow the liquid to pass through. Following the first pressing, the pulp is rehydrated a second time before the remainder of the collected liquid is extracted. At this point, you will see that the liquid is relatively thin and watery due to its low concentration. In order to turn this liquid into a syrup, you need to cook the syrup in a pan until it reaches a consistency that is thick and syrupy, making sure to stir it frequently to prevent it from burning. After a few minutes of heating the syrup at a medium temperature, you will see that it thickens quite a bit, and the end result should have the consistency of honey. At this time, your date syrup is ready to be consumed and savored! The Method for Preparing Date Syrup (Stepwise pictures)

  1. Place the dates in a large dish and cover them with water that has been brought to a boil. Soak for at least two hours, or until it reaches the desired consistency.
  2. Once they have become pliable, use a masher to mash them until they are smooth. They have to be entirely yielding in texture.
  3. Pour the liquid into a nut bag or a thin muslin material, and then filter the liquid.
  4. Give it a good squeeze to see if there is any liquid in it. You might also try rehydrating the pulp, after which you would extract the juice once more.
  5. Pour the liquid that has been filtered into a saucepan and bring it to a boil over a heat setting of the medium.
  6. Make sure to save string at regular intervals to prevent yourself from burning at the bottom.
  7. Bring the mixture to a boil and continue to cook it until it becomes thick. The ideal consistency should be comparable in thickness to honey. On a flame that was medium to medium extreme, it took eleven minutes for me to complete.

After allowing this to totally cool, transfer it to an airtight glass jar, and place it in the refrigerator. A method for making use of date syrup Date syrup is more of an accompaniment than a substitute for sugar. It provides a flavor that is absolutely unique along with a gorgeous caramel color to your table. It goes particularly well with pancakes, bread, and other baked products. You could even sprinkle it over ice cream or stir it into yogurt if you wanted to try something different. Make a smoothie more appetizing by adding it, or decorate a bowl of oatmeal with it. A wonderful snack is thinly sliced apples that have been dipped in kabkab date syrup. You can also use date syrup in your baking; simply replace honey or any other sweetener that you normally use with it. Granola produced at home and sweetened with date syrup will produce a product that is both visually and gustative stunning. You need not feel guilty about giving date syrup to your children, not even infants, and toddlers. Date syrup is perfectly safe. Due to the fact that it is not at all drawn from natural dates It is a great option for use as a sweetener. When you consider that it also has a high fiber and iron content, you have a fantastic option that is suitable even for infants. Coffee can be sweetened with date syrup as an additional method of application. Date syrup imparts a subtle caramel flavor to coffee beverages, which works very well as a complement to coffee regardless of whether it is served hot or over ice. After you've had a chance to try it, you might conclude that it has a place in your kitchen and ought to be there. It's possible that you'll find yourself working as hard for it as you would for honey or molasses. A method for making use of the pulp After you have used the dates to extract the liquid that you will use to make your delectable date syrup, you will be left with the remaining pulp. Because the natural sugar in the dates will have been extracted in the process of making date syrup, the byproduct that is produced from dates will no longer have the same magical properties that are typically associated with dates. Having said that, anything is left over may and should be saved for use in smoothies in the future. You could also produce a form of a jam by adding some of the date syrup back into the pulp. This jam would not be quite as sweet as traditional jam, but it would still contain a significant quantity of fiber and vitamins. You may crumble this into your porridge, or you can spread it out on some toast. Consequently, if nothing else, you should be able to compost the pulp and have the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something positive for the environment. Ways to cut costs Date Syrup After you have strained and reduced your syrup to the correct consistency, it is very important to store it in a glass jar that has a lid and store it in the refrigerator. It's in great condition for having been used less than a month ago. When you've had a chance to sample this delectable, sweet syrup, you'll almost certainly find a number of other applications for it that you find particularly satisfying. It's a great sweetener to keep available for everything from drinks to smoothies to baked things, and it's one that you may experience accurately about using for yourself and your own family. Khoshbin Company is held commercial real estate brokerage with its headquarters in Irvine, California. The company specializes in the acquisition, management, and repositioning of cost-upload elegance A and sophistication B retail and office properties. Over the course of more than 25 years, The Khoshbin Corporation has been accumulating value-added real estate in both thriving and failing markets. This company is able to recognize the entire potential value of the asset by using hands-on control techniques combined with skilled property managers. They do this by making upgrades to the attraction of the asset, leasing it completely with satisfactory tenants, and lowering the operating costs through efficient management, which results in the asset's value being maximized. In the course of time, there have been well over a hundred of these dwellings built across a number of states. Even though the majority of the company's holdings are located in California, executives examine opportunities for acquisition in all of the major metropolitan areas across the United States.

Piarom Dates Price

Piarom is one of many types of dates that have a unique price. The date palm, scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera L., is one of the earliest types of fruit plants that may be found growing in the dry parts of the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East. There is a good chance that the date palm originated in or close to what is now the nation of Iraq; nonetheless, date cultivation spread to many countries beginning in ancient times. The most likely point of commencement for the date palm is in or near what is now the nation of Iraq. Dates are a key source of both food and income for local inhabitants throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In addition, dates play an important part in the economies, societies, and environments of these regions. In addition to being used immediately as a source of food, dates can be packaged and processed through a variety of processes, and other aspects of the date palm tree are put to a wide variety of uses. The date palm is a plant that is diploid, perennial, dioecious, and monocotyledonous. It thrives in dry areas because of these characteristics. It has special biological and developmental features that demand unique propagation, tradition, and management strategies. There are several different date palm cultivars and picks available in the countries that are traditionally responsible for date production. In order to investigate the genetic connections that exist between the various date palm cultivars, researchers made use of various genetic marker systems. Date palms have a difficult time reproducing due to their protracted life cycles, extended periods of juvenility, and dioecious nature. The production of dates across the globe has more than doubled since 1962 when it stood at 1,809,091 t to reach 6,924,975 t in 2005. Despite the difficulties of the present and the challenges of the future, the production of dates across the globe, particularly in the middle east, will continue to expand. records OF DATE fingers: records of date Since ancient times, the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) has been one of the most important fruit crops in the arid regions of the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and the center East. In the course of the past three centuries, date production has additionally been expanded to new regions in Australia, India/Pakistan, Mexico, southern Africa, South the USA, and the united states. Dates are a key source of revenue and a staple meal for local inhabitants in many nations where they are cultivated. Because of this, dates have played significant roles in the economies, societies, and environments of these countries. At least 5000 years ago, people in North Africa and the Near East began growing dates, making them one of the oldest fruit crops that we know of. Dates are also one of the most delicious fruits. The earliest document that has been found in Iraq (Mesopotamia) suggests that the date subculture may have been established as early as 3000 BCE. The actual origin of the date is unknown due to the extensive dispersion and commerce of date cultivars as well as the lengthy records of date way of life; nonetheless, it most likely originated from either the ancient Mesopotamia region (southern Iraq) or western India. The cultivation of dates moved from their original home in the middle east to other parts of the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East. It was around the middle of the second millennium BCE when it is believed that the date lifestyle made its way into Egypt. Later on, when Islam became more widespread, date farming followed suit and eventually made its way to southern Spain as well as Pakistan. The Spanish were the first people to bring date palms to other regions of the world besides the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East/South Asia. They brought them to the United States. The cultivation of dates has had a tremendously significant impact on the history of the center East. Without dates, it's possible that there wouldn't have been enough food to support a sizable human population in those arid regions. The transportation of dates was the primary reason for the existence of the caravan routes for millennia. Date cultivation has been revered throughout history as a holy representation of procreation and fertility. The people who lived in the Middle East placed an extremely high value on the spiritual and cultural importance of dates. Date arms and subculture are described in historical Assyrian and Babylonian pharmaceuticals, in addition to the well-known Code of Hammurabi, which contained legal guidelines related to legal guidelines pertaining thus far tradition and sales. Writings from the ancient Egyptian, Syrian, Libyan, and Palestinian cultures all contain references to the concept of "thus far fingers." production of date palms all around the world: Date palms require extremely high temperatures, a lack of moisture, and soils that are high in both alkaline and salt content to flourish. In order for date fingers to be successfully pollinated and harvested, there must be a lengthy and intensely warm summer season. During this time, there must also be very little precipitation and a very low level of humidity. However, there must be a plentiful supply of underground water near the surface or it must be irrigated According to an old proverb, the date palm grows with "its toes in the water and its head in the hearth." This is a description of how the palm develops. These kinds of conditions can be found in the oasis and wadis that are located in the middle of the date palm's foundation in the Middle East. Date hands can form at temperatures ranging from 12.7 to 27.5 degrees Celsius above the average temperature, can endure temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius, and can withstand brief episodes of frost at temperatures as low as –5 degrees Celsius. The correct temperature for the growth of the date palm, at some time in the process that extends from pollination to fruit ripening, is an average temperature in the range of 21 to 27 degrees Celsius. The arid regions between 15oN and 35oN, stretching from Morocco in the west to India in the east, are ideal for growing dates due to their dry climate. The reputation of Iranian dates has persisted across the entire world for many years. Dates from Iran stand out from other types of dates due to their superior flavor and overall good quality. The date industry in Iran generates a significant amount of revenue through annual exports to a variety of nations, including India, and attracts a significant number of consumers in international markets. Piarom Dates are any dates from Iran that are considered to be significant and industrial. Piarom dates, which are consistently ranked as among the most delectable and expensive date varieties, account for a disproportionately high percentage of total date exports. They are also referred to as Maryami and rabbi dates in several areas, and because of their gorgeous and elongated appearance, they have captured the attention of purchasers all over the world. Piarom dates are lengthy, and their color can range from light brown to dark brown, depending on the individual date. Piarom dates typically measure between four and five centimeters in length. Piarom dates have beautiful skin because the rind is adherent to the flesh and gives the date its distinctive color. The appearance of these dates is quite comparable to that of Rabbi dates and Medjool dates. Furthermore, the superb flavor of these dates has allowed them to consistently compete with the Medjool kind of dates. Piarom dates are considered semi-dry dates since they have substantially less than 15 percent moisture in their composition. Because of this, the shelf life has increased to at least 18 months. Piarom dates are relatively expensive and exact types of Iranian dates, and they have a devoted following of consumers in international markets. Large quantities of these dates are sent to a variety of countries across the world each year. The price of Piarom dates is determined by a variety of different factors. The ultimate cost of Piarom dates is determined by a number of factors which include the number of dates purchased, the kind of packaging used, the location, the mode of transport used, tariffs, and so on. As a result, the exact amount of the charge cannot be established for every single occasion. Nevertheless, you are typically able to get in touch with our customer service representatives through WhatsApp or e-mail and inquire about the most recent price of Piarom dates as well as other days, like Mazafati dates.

Irani Dates Price

Iran has powerful agriculture which makes the price of the Irani dates the most competitive among other countries. Because of the poor soil and inadequate distribution of water in many regions, only about one-tenth of the arable farmland that comprises roughly one-third of Iran's total surface area is actually being farmed. This is despite the fact that arable farmland comprises roughly one-third of Iran's total surface area. A little more than one-third of the farmed land is watered by irrigation systems, while the other land is used for dry farming. The richest soil in the country can be found in the western and northwestern parts of the country. At the close of the 20th century, agricultural pursuits were responsible for around one-fifth of Iran's gross domestic product (GDP) and provided employment for a proportionally large number of the country's labor force. The majority of farms are fewer than 25 acres (10 hectares) in size, which means they are not economically viable. This is one factor that has contributed to the widespread movement to urban areas. A lack of water and locations with poor soil are just two of the challenges faced by farmers in this region. Seeds of poor quality and outmoded farming practices are also a problem. The low agricultural yields and widespread poverty in rural regions are the combined results of all of these problems. In addition, after the revolution of 1979, many people who worked in agriculture asserted their right to ownership of the land on which they worked and forcibly occupied huge farms that were privately held. The legal battles that emerged as a result of this circumstance were not resolved throughout the 1980s. As a result, many owners delayed making substantial capital investments that would have boosted farm productivity, which led to an even greater decline in production. However, during the 1990s, progressive government efforts and incentives led to a slight increase in agricultural productivity, which assisted Iran is moving closer to achieving its objective of reestablishing national self-sufficiency in food production. It is possible to cultivate a wide variety of crops in this country due to the wide range of temperature variations that exist across the country and the numerous climatic zones that exist. Some of these crops include cereals (such as wheat, barley, rice, and corn [maize]), fruits (such as dates, figs, pomegranates, melons, and grapes), vegetables, cotton, sugar beets and sugarcane, nuts, olives, spices, tea, tobacco, and medicinal Iran's woods take up almost the same amount of land as the country's agricultural crops do, which is to say approximately one-tenth of the country's overall land area. The Caspian region contains some of the world's most extensive and valuable woodland areas. Many of the forests in this region are amenable to commercial exploitation and contain a mixture of hardwoods and softwoods. Plywood, fiberboard, and lumber are all products of the forest that are utilized in the construction and furniture manufacturing industries. Fishing is another major industry in Iran, and the country harvests fish not only for its own consumption but also for export; the country sells its catch in fresh, salted, smoked, or tinned forms. The Caspian Sea is Iran's most important fishery, producing sturgeon (whose roe are used to make caviar), bream, whitefish, salmon, mullet, carp, catfish, perch, and roach. Sturgeon roe is used to make caviar. There are over 200 different kinds of fish that can be found in the Persian Gulf, with over 150 of those species being edible. Some of the edible species include shrimp and prawns. Sheep make up the vast majority of the country's livestock population, followed by goats, cattle, asses, horses, water buffalo, and mules. Water buffalo are the least common of these animals. The breeding of camels for the sake of transportation is still practiced today and the common practice of rearing chickens for their eggs and meat. Dates are one of the most valuable agricultural crops grown in Iran, and the country is home to a wide variety of date varieties, all of which are cultivated there. Around 4,000 distinct types of dates have been cataloged and recognized across the globe, and Iran is responsible for the cultivation of more than 400 of these date types. Iran is the world's second-largest producer of date palms, behind only Egypt, although Iranian dates are regarded as having a superior flavor and quality due to the country's climate, which is ideal for the cultivation of date palms. Because of this, several countries throughout the world have been buying dates from Iran and importing dates from Iran. Dates Iran, also known as Persian dates, is one of the most cost-effective and best-selling types of dates in the world. As a result, several nations throughout the world are currently engaged in fierce competition to buy and import Persian dates. Importing Persian dates: Importing dates from Iran is one of many possible approaches, and it is unquestionably the best way to purchase dates from Iran, enter into contracts with Iran date firms, and communicate with them. Iranian date vendors have the knowledge and skills necessary to locate, package, and ship the finest Iranian or Persian dates. In point of fact, these businesses, which focus their operations primarily on the export of Iranian dates, provide Iranian dates of the highest possible quality, packaged in the most aesthetically pleasing manner. Given the severe economic sanctions that have been imposed on Iran, it is extremely difficult to obtain dates from Iran if one does not engage the services of these major Iranian date firms. A large supplier of Iranian dates interacts with these factories to produce the best and highest quality dates in Iran, through strong and secure communications and Offers to buyers all over the world. A date palm factory in Iran focuses on producing and producing the best dates from the best farms in Iran. Sabzino Tejarat Khavarmianeh Company, better known by its brand name, Sabzino, is one of the largest Iranian date suppliers and a major exporter of Iranian dates. The company is able to cooperate with many Persian Dates customers all over the world thanks to its large business network and its ability to create secure ways for financial and commodity exchanges. This allows the company to deliver quality, fresh Iranian dates to customers in the shortest amount of time possible while maintaining an extremely high level of quality. Dates have a very high economic value and are widely regarded as one of the most significant agricultural crops produced anywhere in the world. Having sugar that comes from natural sources, having a high level of energy, contains a wide range of vitamins and nutrients, as well as a great number of minerals and nutrients, including fiber, antioxidants, and so on. It has given palms the capacity to bear fruit, making them useful not just in conventional medicinal practices but also in the most cutting-edge scientific and medical research in the world. About 34 countries are currently engaged in the date farming industry. Most date palms are grown in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and dates supplier in Iran, while Egypt and Iran are the two countries that produce the most dates overall. Saudi Arabia has the greatest date palm cultivation levels in the world.

Iranian date or Persian date variants

Dates are produced in a wide variety in Iran, and practically every type of date has a significant economic worth due to the high demand for this fruit. The following is a list of the dates that are manufactured in Iran to a high standard and are considered to be the most well-known and popular varieties of Iranian dates. These varieties attract the greatest number of consumers or buyers around the world. Piarom dates: Iranian dates are considered to be among the world's most costly and expensive. These dates are late and take place in a semi-arid climate. Mazafati dates are the most popular and well-known variety of dates in Iran, and they also have a large number of devotees in other parts of the world. Gentar dates: These Iranian dates are available in both Kharak (not ripped date) and Rutab (half ripped date) forms, all of which are classified as wet date categories. The semiarid species known as Estameran dates have a high economic value and are frequently cultivated in Iran's Khuzestan province. This region is also home to the species. Dates known as Shahani are a type of moist and first-class Iranian date that, due to its supple and delicate texture, is in high demand. Dates of the Zahedi kind are known for their lower levels of sweetness compared to other types of dates. These dates are soft and semi-dry. Kabkab dates are an Iranian variety of date that is semi-dry and have a thick skin. They are most often grown in Iran. Honey dates, also known as Asali dates, are a type of Persian date that are extremely well-liked in Iran and other locations along the Persian Gulf. Rabi dates are a type of semi-arid date that have a long shelf life and are mostly grown in the region of Sistan and Baluchistan in Iran. Berhi dates, which are yellow in color and belong to the family of dates known as "wet dates," are delicious Iranian dates. This style of dating is also extremely common. The Al Mehtari Date is a type of small and early Iranian date that is mostly cultivated in the province of Hormozgan in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Khazravi dates are a type of soft Iranian date that is primarily cultivated in the Khuzestan region in Iran. These dates are used to make kharak and rutab, and they are consumed by themselves. These Iranian dates, also known as Aloei dates, are semi-humid dates and have very good taste. Their flavor is sometimes compared to the flavor of Piarom dates. Khasuei dates: These Iranian dates are also known as Aloei dates. Dates from the Mardasang kind are considered to be among the most popular among Iranians of the middle class. However, due to the fact that only a small amount of these dates are produced, they are not widely known. Ajveh dates are a type of date from Iran that are chewy and dry, with only a hint of sweetness. There are some people who believe that eating these dates might help them heal. The Anbara date is a huge, meaty Persian date that is one of the most expensive varieties of date produced in Iran due to its high protein content. Safavi dates are known for their high levels of protein and vitamin content. They originate in Iran. Because they contain a significant amount of vitamin D, these dates are considered to be effective and therapeutic dates. Dates with the appearance of having wrinkles and coming from a country other than Iran are known as sagay dates. It has a wonderful flavor and is of great value economically. Khadri dates are available in two sizes, large and small, and include a variety of wrinkled and other semi-dried Iranian dates. These dates are one of the most cost-effective and energy-efficient options available, in addition to having a reasonable price. Shekari dates or sweet dates: It is one of the dry or semi-arid dates and is cultivated primarily in Saudi Arabia and southern Iran. This date comes from Iran and is known for its crunchiness and nutritional value. Medzul Dates: Because of their huge size and velvety consistency, Iranian dates are often referred to as "the queen of dates." These dates have high economic worth and are very popular in the countries of Europe, particularly the United States. Kholas dates are one of the varieties of dates produced in Iran. These dates are known for their singular aroma and moist texture. The group of dates should, of course, be expanded to include a wider variety of date types. The good news is that Iran is home to a diverse range of date varieties, and unlike in the past, a number of businesses, including our own, have made significant improvements to the packaging and exporting of Iranian dates to the vast majority of other nations. As a result, all consumers in any part of the world can now locate and purchase Iranian dates of the highest possible quality. Iran has traditionally been recognized as a leading producer and supplier of dates across the global market. This advantage is attributable to the favorable climate for the cultivation of dates as well as its location geographically. There is a significant amount of date trade that occurs between Iran and the rest of the world on an annual basis, and date buyers from all over the world are interested in purchasing dates from Iran. Buyers have been drawn to this market by the distinctive flavor of Iranian piarom dates as well as the numerous health benefits associated with the consumption of this product. This business entity is now able to export all types of Persian dates while all trading companies that want to import dates from Iran can buy and import the finest and highest quality Iranian dates by interacting with it. This is accomplished by creating highly secure business paths and highly secure guaranteed financial interactions. The cost of dates is determined by a number of different elements, all of which will be covered in the following paragraphs. On the global date market, Iranian dates consistently rank among the highest in demand despite the wide range of costs at which they may be purchased. These rates are dependent on a variety of criteria such as the quality of the dates, the circumstances of storage, the quality of the packaging, the conditions of shipping and transportation, and so on. Buying in bulk will almost always result in a price reduction. Our company is one of the most well-known and respected firms producing and exporting Iranian dates. The company supplies its products directly, without the involvement of any intermediaries, and offers the most competitive pricing and quality. You can contact our sales specialists via WhatsApp or email if you have any questions regarding the most recent changes to the cost of Iranian dates. Dates from Iran are exported in significant quantities every year to more than 70 different countries throughout the world. These countries include both developed and developing nations. You should refer to a reliable company in order to place an order for dates and to obtain additional information on the current pricing of Iranian dates. Crystal Dates Company is recognized as one of the most reputable businesses that export Iranian dates. Each year, the company produces, packs, and exports a substantial quantity of Iranian dates as well as date goods such as chopped dates to countries all over the world. Our company is prepared to export Persian dates to many countries that want Persian or Iranian dates, while all trading companies that want to import dates from Iran could, by interacting with us, buy and import the finest and best quality Iranian dates. This is because our company has created highly secure business paths and highly secure guaranteed financial interactions.

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Comments (50 Comments)

ali farhadi

Dates are one of the unique products that can be a good sugar substitute and can be used instead of sugar, so I recommend using them for everyone.

Mahdi azadi

Additionally, the magnesium that is contained in Sayer’s date palm not only helps digestive function but also makes digestion much simpler.

Ali saberi

Because they dissolve so easily in water, Estamelan dates have an extremely intense sweetness.

Hadi danayi

Produced in the southern region of Iran, this type of date is considered to be of the highest possible quality and is aimed primarily at the export market.


Iranian dates are an energetic and delicious product


Hello, Khoshbin Date Syrup is very tasty and nutritious. I used it. It has many properties for the body, especially for athletes.


In the month of Ramadan, dates are eaten as the most important food in the Iftar meal


Sayer dates are one of the best-selling date products in Iran. which usually take out its core. And with scissors, they cut it into pieces. And they consume it with different drinks like tea.


Hello, Types Of Dates are full of properties and are useful for the body, don't forget to consume dates, dear ones


Dates are considered one of the most nutritious and useful foods for all people of different ages.

Mohammad amin Razavi

High-quality dates have a yellow and clear color, which should be paid attention to when preparing them.

Ali vafadar

The origins of date production and use in Iran go back to about 4000 bc. Today, more than 400 types of date and various kinds of date-based foods are consumed by the Iranian people.


A nutritious snack. Sayer dates price. With the high market demand forFruit
Different kind of Dates · Piarom Dates · Mazafati Dates · Sayer Dates this type of date, the price of Sayer date mainly depends


Dates are also rich in antioxidants, of which tannins are the most important.


Dates are a sweet and delicious fruit that has many fans the info was really good thank you


There is a lot of variety in Iranian dates and each one can have different prices


Sayer dates have a longer shelf life compared to other types of dates.


Dates contain magnesium and potassium


Among the properties of dates, it is possible to reduce high blood pressure, bad cholesterol and stroke.

hana esmaili

Dates have different types and different prices in different countries, and because they have natural sugar, they are suitable for people who are on a diet and have diabetes.


These dates are a group of dates that are used by both kharak (not ripped dates), Rutab (semi-clay dates) and ripe fruits and are rich in various benefits for the body.

Sara ahmadi

Dates are used by most people instead of sugars because it is not harmful to health


Our news has different types that you can choose and consume according to your taste


These dates are very nutritious and their latent energy is much more than other types of dates


Iranian dates are among the most popular in the Middle East and Arab countries, and you can only find the best in Iran


There are many types of dates, but their benefits are the same, because dates are a nutritious and healthy fruit that is suitable for any human age.

Negar abdollazadeh

I read the text and it was very useful, thank you for your effort


Dates, which are very nutritious and energizing and contain vitamins, prevent the occurrence of cance


Dates are full of energy and calories

Bagher Rasouli

All products on the Arad Branding website are of good quality and construction

Mohammad Navid Arabi

Different types of Iranian dates, which of course have a good taste in all of them, have been introduced here


As a result, you will be able to move it to a location that is protected from strong winds and only fair weather.


Their sticky nature makes them a wonderful ingredient for baked goods, cookies, nutrition bars, or energy balls


Dates are very tasty and sweet and are rich in minerals and vitamins and they have many benefits for the body


High-quality jujubes are yellow in color and bright in color, so pay attention when preparing them


Dates have different prices depending on their quality and which region they are from


I think people in Pakistan are very interested in dates and eat them every day.

Really good

Dates that are sold in bulk are cheaper than packaged dates, and dates are highly nutritious and can be consumed by anyone around the world.

Mona hajimirzakhani

Many people don’t really know the difference between the Sayer dates and the dates that are called Deglet Noor.


Dates have a lot of vitamins a, b, c and are effective for treating anemia and low blood pressure


This fruit has high energy generating properties, and for this reason, its consumption is recommended especially for children and pregnant mothers.


Using a sharp knife, cut a small slit in the dates and then pull the stones out.

Fill the dates with 1/2 – 1 tsp of the almond butter mixture, depending on how big the dates are. I like to spoon the mixture in then press it in with my fingers.


Dates are naturally rich in vitamins B6, A and K. These vitamins help to grow bones and improve eye health


Dates are a product that has a lot of nutrients and is very nourishing and aergic and is effective for improving anemia


Dates grow in very hot temperatures and have a very good taste


There are different types of Iranian dates and the Iranian product is really excellent with a reasonable pric


We need to know the price of other types of dates in Iran so that we can buy high quality dates at a reasonable price. Dates are nutritious and taste great.


Dates are my favorite and favorite food and I always eat dates and I love them. Eat them too because they are delicious.


Hello good day.There are many types of dates, but their benefits are the same, because dates are a nutritious and healthy fruit that is suitable for any human age.


Hello, don't be tired, dates can supply the energy needed by the body due to the presence of magnesium and iron

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