اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The news on Saturday, February 1

1. Export Profit

🕰️ 1 minute


2. Special Article for Newcomers

What is Business School and how can you access 161 free business lessons that teach you everything from A to Z?


3. Product Presentation

🕰️ 54 minutes


4. Content Writing with Artificial Intelligence

🕰️ 14 minutes


5. Foreign Offices

🕰️ 1 minute


6. Business Meeting with the Portuguese Representative and Aradi Traders, Promotion 9 and Above

🕰️ 4 minutes


7. Festival - 13 Days Until the End of the Festival

First of all, I would like to remind you not to miss tomorrow night’s meeting at 19:00 with Mr. Talia, where the festival will be explained in detail. Be sure to attend.

There are services provided to Aradi traders by Arad Branding employees, which are called promotions.

There will be special services provided directly to Arad traders by senior managers in the year 1404 (2025).

These services will only be given to those who have had at least one promotion increase during the Sha’ban festival period, from the 1st to the 15th of the holy month of Sha'ban.

New traders joining Arad during this period will also be included.

Traders with promotion level 12 who receive a promotion of level 5 or higher will be included in this list.

Those who join the trade or increase their promotion during this festival period are called festival participants, and these individuals will not only receive their promotion services but will also be included in the special program of senior managers.

To better understand this, consider a trader who previously had promotion level 1 and increases it to level 2 during the festival. We consider them a festival participant, and they will receive special services.

On the other hand, a trader who already has promotion levels 11 or 12 but does not take any action during the festival will not be considered a festival participant.

Since these special services are provided directly by the senior managers, their decision has been to offer them as a gift for the birth anniversaries of Imam Hussein (AS), Abu al-Fadl Abbas (AS), Imam Sajjad (AS), and Imam Mahdi (AS), to those who have been thinking about growing their brand during this period.

Therefore, someone with promotion level 11 will retain their services as they are, but since they are not considered a festival participant, they will not receive the special services. There is no room for complaints in this regard.

The senior managers have chosen to present these special services as a gift for the Sha’ban celebrations, and anyone who, even by increasing their promotion from 1 to 2, has shown a desire to grow their brand during this festival will be included.


8. Four Special Services of Arad for Festival Participants

Arad is preparing to define its strategy for 1404 in Esfand, so it can immediately move into the operational phase in Farvardin 1404 without wasting any opportunities.

Well, providing promotion services is not something that requires a new strategy, and thankfully, employees perform it very efficiently.

The main strategy of Arad Branding is related to the senior managers, who, with the help of the festival, can identify which traders need more serious support for their future plans.

What has been confirmed so far is that four special services will be provided to Arad traders participating in the Sha’ban festival in 1404.

1. Foreign Trips for Aradi Traders with Senior Managers

For example, a trip will be planned to an African, Asian, or other country.

Direct contact will be made with all the foreign representatives residing in that country, as well as neighboring countries, to motivate them to attend this business meeting on a specified date and location, and encourage economic actors from their country to meet with Aradi traders.

Aradi traders will travel with senior managers and negotiate with foreign representatives who have arrived in the destination country. This will undoubtedly multiply our export growth.

This follows the instruction of the Prophet (PBUH), who said: “O merchants, get close to your customers.”

Naturally, only traders on the festival participant list will accompany senior managers on this trip because, by nature, the festival is a gift.

Arad must know by the end of the day on February 14 how many festival participants they will have, in order to plan for the spring season and then consider the next seasons.

2. Invitation of Foreign Trade Delegations to Iran

The second plan of senior managers in 1404 mirrors the first scenario; instead of us traveling to another country, we will invite foreign traders and representatives as trade delegations to Iran for extensive negotiations.

This is separate from the B2B meetings of Aradه traders with foreign representatives, which are exclusive for those with promotion levels 9 and above.

In this scenario, foreign trade delegations will arrive in Iran in large numbers, for a time span of about 3 to 7 days, and leave together. This has a different legal and business pathway.

You may have seen the presence of Russian and Kyrgyzstani trade delegations in Arad Branding before; this time, we will bring more trade delegations with a higher capacity and better quality, God willing.

During these meetings, only festival participants will meet with the foreign trade delegations alongside senior managers.

3. Meetings and Gatherings with Iranian Factory Owners and Suppliers

This plan involves gathering a large number of factory owners at an event organized by Arad Branding on a specific day or night.

Imagine 100 factory owners from various product sectors and festival traders attending, with a program prepared, culminating in a luxurious lunch or dinner provided by Arad Branding. In this intimate setting, Aradi traders will network with the country’s leading factory owners.

4. Meetings and Gatherings with Prominent Traders of the Country

This is exactly like the previous gathering with factory owners, but now with prominent traders of the country.

Arad intends to bring together the most prominent traders in the country with Aradi traders.

Most traders in this country don’t have good relationships and often undermine each other.

Imagine Arad arranging a grand event and inviting the country’s prominent traders to a luxury restaurant with formal protocols, where senior managers and Arad traders will gather in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

All these special services, as well as the special services previously offered by senior managers, especially by Mr. Vahid, will be provided to festival participants. Of course, festival participants will also receive their promotion services just like other Aradi traders.

These special services are a gift for them in celebration of the births of the Ahlul Bayt in the blessed month of Sha’ban.

The table below introduces the registered members of the festival from yesterday, which was a Friday as well.

Festival Participants Sha’ban Celebrations
Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Sajadi, Promotion 9 Saeed Bafa, Promotion 4
Elham Fallah, Promotion 1 Mohammad Mofkham, Promotion 1


9. Do Not Test the Writer.

For a few days now, we have been reading comments from some dear individuals who write, "I want to see if my comment is being read. If it is, then write about such-and-such topic so I can be sure."

Well, dear friend, who is not only dear to all of us but also my fellow from Mashhad, please allow the writing team to produce content according to the organized plan they have developed, with an understanding of the needs of all Aradi traders. They are doing this to serve the greater goal, not to pass your test or write according to your requests.

We intentionally avoid doing what you assign to our writers so that you don't become accustomed to it.

Learn to follow what a senior presents to you, rather than trying to make the senior behave according to your wishes.

Honestly, I do not consider myself or my team as "seniors," but I am certain that if I give importance to these habits, tomorrow, you might expect the same behavior from senior managers, and that would not be ideal.


10. Promotion in the Qur'an

I’m sure that some people, upon seeing the title, immediately thought:

"Forget it, Mr. Ahmad, you’re going to attach everything in Arad to the Qur'an again."

But no my dear, it’s not like that.

If you truly understood Arad, you would realize that the plans were based on the Qur'an from day one, just under a different name. Over time, we arrived at this understanding through research.

If we had named it with its Qur'anic name, it would not have been easily understood by the people of this time. That’s why it was given a modern name.

For example, we previously saw that a brand is referred to as "Musamma" in the Qur'an.

Now, imagine if Arad was called "Arad Musamma" instead of Arad Branding. What would happen to the minds of the people?

Even now, people in Iran don't easily accept trade and branding. If we made it more difficult to understand, not even the one person out of a hundred who enters trade would be encouraged to continue.

In this post, I intend to write about promotion in the Qur'an and show that promotion is mentioned twice in the Book of God.

First, let’s define promotion.

Promotion means that you grow and elevate your brand.

What is the result of this growth?

The result is that your customers and suppliers are encouraged to do business with you.

So the full meaning of promotion is:

The elevation of a trader's brand, which leads to the encouragement of customers or suppliers to do business with them.

Keep that in mind.

From another perspective, have you come to believe that fighting (Qital) is not just military, and that in today's conditions, economic jihad or fighting is even more important than military fighting?

Have you realized that the damage caused by poverty and deprivation to the people of Iran is far worse than a military attack by an enemy?

Now, let’s read this verse with that understanding:

Fight in the way of Allah -since you are responsible for none except yourself – and rouse the believers to fight, for Allah may well curb the might of the unbelievers.. Surah An-Nisa, 4:84

Now, read this verse with the following translation and see if your heart doesn't accept it:

So fight against poverty through the path and tradition of God, which is trade.

Do not impose any obligation except to grow yourself and your brand.

And alongside that, encourage your customers and suppliers to do business with you.

Perhaps through this, God will destroy the U.S. sanctions against the people of Iran.

If this translation resonates with you, note it as the first promotion in the Qur'an.

Aside from Arad, do the people of Iran believe they can escape from this poverty and growing economic difficulties?

Ask the people, is the country getting better economically or worse?

However, Arad believes that if Aradi traders increase their promotion, the situation will turn around.

Let’s read this verse together:

O Prophet! Motivate the believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast among you, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are one hundred of you, they will overcome one thousand of the disbelievers, for they are a people who do not comprehend. Surah Al-Anfal, 8:65

Now, let us, the Aradi, translate this verse in our own way and see what happens.

O Prophet, command the Aradi traders to elevate their promotion in business, so that their ability to encourage customers and suppliers increases.

If there are twenty traders among them with high promotions who are patient, they will defeat two hundred traders who are non-believers, and if there are one hundred patient traders, they will defeat a thousand non-believing traders. This is because non-believing traders do not have access to the teachings of the Prophet, Imam Ali, and the Ahlul Bayt, and they do not have the deep understanding of business that Arad traders possess.

If this resonates with you, this is the second mention of promotion in the Qur'an.


11. Some People Don’t Want to Believe.

Yesterday, when we provided four strategies for ensuring that trade doesn’t stagnate—one about reciting the Qur'an, another about prayer, and the third and fourth about charity, both in private and public—I noticed that some people still refuse to accept the meaning of the verse (seeking a trade that will never fail). They insist that the verse refers only to trade with God and want to make the meaning entirely spiritual and connected to the Hereafter.

We, of course, agree that this verse has a spiritual meaning, but why insist on denying its worldly implications?

To help these people believe, I will present another verse that directly references the impact of reciting the Qur'an and praying on trade. The worldly implications here are so clear that it will be hard for anyone to deny, unless they are being deliberately obstinate.

In Surah An-Nur, verse 35, God beautifully describes Himself when He says:

God is the Light of the heavens and the earth.

The "light" referred to here isn’t the created light that you and I see; it’s the source of all creation, the fundamental cause of the existence of the heavens and the earth.

It’s like saying to your mother, "You are the light of this house," meaning if you were not here, the house would not exist.

Then Allah gives an example of His light, and because He wants to show us where we can find this light, He says:

In houses which God has permitted to be raised, and His name is celebrated therein. He is glorified therein, morning and evening. Surah An-Nur, 24:36

When this verse was revealed, one person asked the Prophet, "O Messenger of God, is my house one of those houses?"

The Prophet remained silent.

Another person asked, "Is my house one of those houses?"

The Prophet again remained silent.

They began asking about other houses of the companions who weren’t present, but the Prophet remained silent.

Finally, someone asked, "Is the house of Ali one of those houses?"

The Prophet responded, "By God, the house of Ali, Fatimah, and their children is the foremost of these houses."

Now, we move on to the next verse, which specifies who lives in these houses and what distinguishes them.

by men who are not distracted—either by buying or selling—from Allah’s remembrance, or performing prayer, or paying alms-tax. Surah An-Nur, 24:37

Imam Sadiq (AS) gathered his companions and asked, "Do you know what the occupation of these men is?"

They replied, "We don’t know, O son of the Messenger of God, please tell us."

Imam Sadiq said, "Their occupation is trade and commerce."

They asked, "How do you know?"

Imam Sadiq responded, "If their occupation were anything other than trade and commerce, God would not have said that trade and commerce would not distract them from remembering God and performing prayer and giving zakah."

The companions said, "What a fine point you have made, O son of the Messenger of God."

Now, imagine if someone were a driver or a teacher. Would God say, "Driving does not distract them from the remembrance of God"?

Or, "Teaching does not distract them from the remembrance of God"?

But He said that their trade and buying and selling does not distract them from the remembrance of Allah, so it means they were traders, whose trade and buying and selling do not cause them to forget.

Otherwise, imagine a worker or an employee reading this verse, where Allah says that no trade or purchase distracts them from the remembrance of Allah.

How can this person consider themselves among those men and their home among those homes, when in their entire life, they have never sold even two kilograms of chickpeas?

They must have engaged in trade so that when it says no trade distracts them, they can say, "I am like them."

Now, pay attention to the emphasis that Allah places in this verse and compare it with the order in the verse from yesterday.

I will write both verses side by side:

Surah Fatir, Ayah 29:

Surely those who recite the Book of Allah, establish prayer, and donate from what We have provided for them—secretly and openly—can hope for an exchange that will never fail,

Surah An-Nur, Ayah 37:

by men who are not distracted—either by buying or selling—from Allah’s remembrance, or performing prayer, or paying alms-tax. 

The first emphasis in Surah Fatir, Ayah 29 for traders is on reciting the Quran.

Surely, the respected ones know that Allah has called the Quran "the Remembrance" in His Book, as He says:

It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it. Surah Al-Hijr, Ayah 9

In Surah An-Nur, Ayah 37, the first emphasis for traders is the remembrance of Allah, and what better remembrance is there than the recitation of the Quran?

So, the first lesson for traders from Allah is reciting the Quran, which is the same as the remembrance of Allah.

The second emphasis in both verses is establishing prayer.

The third emphasis in Surah Fatir, Ayah 29 is giving charity, both secretly and openly.

The third emphasis in Surah An-Nur, Ayah 37 is paying zakah, which, as the respected ones know, is essentially helping the poor and needy, and both are the same.

So how is it that in Surah An-Nur, Ayah 37, you accept that when Allah says their trade and buying and selling does not distract them from these three important principles, He is referring to worldly trade, but in Surah Fatir, Ayah 29, you do not accept the worldly trade and insist on connecting it only to trade in the hereafter?

O Lord, grant us the success to grow our trades by promoting our suppliers and customers, or encouraging them to engage in trade with us.

Now, answer me an important question.

Why did Allah not say that each of them can defeat ten people in battle, but instead said that twenty of them would defeat two hundred people?

Well done, you’re right.

Because any one of you, when alone, cannot defeat ten foreign traders.

But when twenty Aradi traders come together and unite, they can defeat two hundred foreign traders.

If you travel alone to another country, you cannot compete with ten traders from that country.

But, insha'Allah, in 1404, a hundred of you will travel with senior managers to other countries, and there, you will defeat over a thousand foreign traders and sign contracts with them.

This is the power of Muslim unity.

So, let’s move forward to elevate ourselves and our promotions, so we can at least surpass ten foreign traders, and until we reach this goal, we will never stop our continuous effort.

Comments (4 Comments)

Satish chandra Kesharwani

Very nice and thoughtful speech 🙏🙏



Paulo Souza

Having a sales background or knowledge about selling specific materials can help Business Representatives succeed in their role, but it is not always required. Despite this, Business Representatives should have good communication and interpersonal skills and be able to learn quickly in a fast-paced environment.



Mangengue Alain

thank you🙏



Princewill victory

Very nice and thoughtful



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