اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The bitter and sweet events of Aradi's life - 30 June

Informing us of bitter and sweet events: t.me/Arad105


Bitter events


Illness - Stephen Osei Agyei, Accra, Ghana 🇬🇭, English, wa.me/233268153990


Illness - Amir Masoud Sayeh Koui, Tehran, Iran 🇮🇷, Persian، wa.me/989120191678


Illness - Saeed Ughgaru, Karaj, Iran 🇮🇷, Persian، wa.me/989109575315


Illness - Asia Khanjani, Shahrari, Iran 🇮🇷, Persian, wa.me/989194192313


Illness - Akram Dehghan, Kerman, Iran 🇮🇷, Persian، wa.me/989131430469


People born today

Name City Country Language Contact
Ashraf Dib Dib Hama Syria 🇸🇾 Arabic Whatsapp
Seyyed Ali Agha Hosseini Harat Afghanistan 🇦🇫 Pashto Whatsapp
Mahin Hajilo Tehran Iran Persian Whatsapp
Gholam Ali Moulai Ahvaz Iran Persian Whatsapp
Alireza Hosseini Eslamshahr Iran Persian Whatsapp
Mohammad Akbari Fard Osko Iran Persian Whatsapp
Farhad Qari Tehrani Tiran Iran Persian Whatsapp
Ali Mohammad Zare Mirkabad Yazd Iran Persian Whatsapp
Semane Amini Nasab Qaen Iran Persian Whatsapp
Ahmadreza Taqavi Qasemabad Qom Iran Persian Whatsapp

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