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Trip report to Muscat, Oman + working group of business consultants + Qatar World Cup + other exciting news

In this article, we have both training, stimulation, commercial empowerment, and branding motivation.

Join us.

1. Specialized working group of business consultants

Yesterday, Engineer Talia Ziarkalai, Vice-President of Education and Secretary of the Policy Council of Arad Branding held a working group with business consultants of the group and discussed ways to benefit the people in business matters.

Together we will watch the film prepared by this working group.

2. Qatar World Cup and advertising deception

Professor Shabani discusses a corner of the commercial aspects of the Qatar World Cup in the form of a short educational film.

We hope that the points raised in this film will prevent the loss of some wills and make more profit.

3. A report of Aradi business consultants' trip to Muscat, Oman

Arad Branding expedition team is now in Oman.

Together we watch a film about the movement of business consultants to Oman.

We hope that they will return safe and sound as they left and be the source of interesting events for Iran and Arad

4. Travel program of Arad business ambassadors for culturalization of business

Business consultants travel to different cities of the country as ambassadors of Arad Branding in order to renew the meetings with Arad businessmen and promote the growth of business culture throughout Iran.

The start of this week's travel schedule is as follows, and the ambassadors may have a few days' stopover in each city.

21 November: Arak, Ardabil, Shahrekord, Kashan, Mashhad and Ahvaz

November 22: Urmia and Tabriz

November 23: Semnan

November 24: Shiraz

November 25: Rasht, Isfahan, Karaj and Kerman

If you want to participate in these meetings, you can do so through this link.

We will see a report of business advisors' trips in the previous week together.

5. The power of internet branding of Arad Branding

We saw the conquered numbers of Arad Branding site in the previous article, which we show in the first photo, and the Google position chart for today is also shown in the second photo.

Today's positions

The number of increases or decreases compared to the previous day:

The position of one to three first pages: 23 🔺

Position 4 to the first ten pages: 106 🔺

Position of the second page: 96 🔺

Third to fifth page position: 255 🔺

Total number of keywords: 2897 🔻

Lack of activity on keywords and not regularly publishing articles about the same word in consecutive days will cause the loss of that keyword.

Let's take the guest post more seriously.

Comparison of Fars News site with Arad Branding for Google 24-hour index

Fars News.ir site with 14 index pages in 24 hours

Arad Branding.com site with 34 index pages in 24 hours

The time interval between publishing content on Arad Branding's site and gaining a position on Google

The duration of publication of any content until it is read and ranked by Google is less than 24 hours, and in many cases the content that we put on the site is read by Google in 1 or two minutes later.

Pay attention to the indexed time shown in the picture below.

Global competitors of Arad Branding site

According to the latest statistics from the semrush site, the competitors of Arad Branding were identified among the global sites.

According to this report, Arad Branding has most of its competition with Pinterest, Amazon and YouTube at the global level.

The common keywords column shows the number of competing keywords on page 1 and 2 of Google.

And the SE keywords column shows the number of competing keywords on page 1 to 10 of Google.

Facebook, Walmart, eBay, and Etsy are among other competing sites.

The more we increase the power of our content and write more words, the more words we will compete with these sites.

6. What does it mean to compete with big global sites?

We will give a simple example to better understand our voluntary mission.

We currently compete with Amazon on more than 4,800 keywords.

These are due to the efforts of Arad Branding's international negotiators who have placed good content in different languages ​​on the site.

Do you know what competition means?

It means that a customer can see Arad branding in addition to seeing Amazon to buy a product.

What does it mean for you if the customer reaches this point and buys from Arad Branding instead of Amazon?

It means that money and profits instead of going into their pockets and the products of their manufacturing factories are sold, go into the pockets of us Iranians and our manufactured products are sold.

So, the more our competition is in keywords, it means that we have been able to be a tough competitor for them.

Unfortunately, many Iranian sites, even though they are big, only compete with Iranians.

For example, an Iranian person buys from company B instead of buying from company A.

It will not make any difference to the Iranian people and only A or B will become richer.

The difference of Arad Branding is that it does not see Iranian sites as its main competitor, but its main goal is to compete with the world's business giants.

If there is determination in the Aradis, then we will compete with them in millions of words, that is, tens of thousands of different commercial products, and by the grace of God, we will introduce the people of the world to Iran's products and drive the purchase of their products to Iran.

Of course, we should know that internet branding is the first part of the story.

The most important part is to be able to conduct such a professional negotiation that the customer buys from us instead of buying from the world's business giants.

We should be better available to them.

Let's do more appropriate trust building.

Our price should be more fair according to the quality of our product.

These are the three principles of business that we Aradis have all three if we believe.

Conquering world trade is a difficult task, but if God sees the determination and determination in us Iranian Muslims, he will certainly make this difficult task easy for us.

And indeed, along with hardships in the path of truth, there is ease.

7. Daily news of Arad Branding

Together, we will watch the daily news of Arad Branding and the success of Arad in various business dimensions.

We will turn the country's despair these days into hope with the seasoning of efforts in the right direction of business, God willing.





7. Daily news of Arad Branding Together, we will watch the daily news of Arad Branding and the success of Arad in various business dimensions. We will turn the country's despair these days into hope with the seasoning of efforts in the right direction of business, God willing.

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