Canada is one of the top developed countries in the field of wire and industrial cable.
As the wire and cable are strategic items, so the price and the quality of the product can change drastically.
Statistics Canada estimates that of the 12,071 reported residential fires, the majority were caused by electrical faults.
The data showed an improvement in the number of reported cases from 2012 to 2014.
Top wire and cable
Compared to other countries, this figure is the highest for fire sources such as industrial fires and assembly fires.
Wires and cables play an important role in every single electronic devices.
They are everywhere in our lives, from home wiring to MP3 players.
Wire and cable are terms that are widely used in the electrical industry, but they are often confused.
Because they look alike.
In an electric field, wires and cables are mainly used to carry current from one point to another.
But in reality, they are completely different, and wire and cable are not used interchangeably.
A wire consists of conductors and insulators.
Top wire and cable price
The top quality wire and cable, because of the used material in it, may have a considerable price.
As an example to make the matter more clear, a question every metal buyer asks when researching material choices is, "How much is silver-plated copper, high-strength copper, or copper-clad wire for RF cable conductors?"
Many of the materials used to make RF cables are subject to fluctuations in commodity markets such as silver and copper.
Prices of iron ore, copper, silver and other commodities have fluctuated globally, in part because of the pandemic.
Silver is an integral part of many B2B and B2C products, from RF cables for aviation to photography, jewelry and coins.
The high electrical conductivity of these materials and the durability of silver provide industrial and technical uses for these metals, which are found in almost all computers, mobile phones, airplanes and appliances.
Market prices for these materials may cause silver and copper wire costs to increase or decrease for production buyers.
Top wire price in Canada
In the market of Canada, you can find both the top quality and low quality wire with a wide range of price.
Wires come in different types as you know.
There are a number of factors that can affect the pricing of the product.
The multi strand wire as an example, The multi strand wire, also known as the flexible wire, is mainly suitable for the electrical appliances, and can also be used to protect the lighting system in dry places, inside pipes, and under plasterboard.
Multi strand cables (flexible cables) must not be installed directly on cable trays, cable ducts and water containers.
Top cable price in Canada
As it is always known, the top quality comes with a high price.
Of course market of Canada is known in terms of the wide range of products and prices.
The production of cables, apart from their simple appearance, has its own complexities, and this problem leads to different prices for different brands of products.
If you want to buy wires and cables and you are confused by the wide range of prices of different products, here are a few items that will answer all your questions.
Raw material prices and types One of the first and most important factors affecting the price of cables depends on the type of raw material and its price.
In conductor wire and cable, copper and aluminum are usually used, and the price of these materials at the time of production can change the final price of the cable.