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top dried turkish fig/buy at a cheap price

Turkey is the leading producer and exporter country of dried figs and many other fruits across the World. About 50 % of the World’s Dried fig production takes place in Turkey and almost 2/3 of dried fig exports in the World are realized by Turkish dried fig top exporters.

dried turkish figs importers

Turkish figs are mainly produced in Western Turkey in the Cities Aydin and Izmir and many importers come over to pick up their goods. Almost 75% of figs are produced in this area. So the dried fig production mostly takes place in this region as well. Turkish Dried Fig is very famous in the World mainly because of the dried fruit quality of the highly delicious Sarılop (also known as Calimyrna) variety. Soft, chewy and crunchy in places, but also fragrant, dried figs have many benefits in addition to being delicious. Low-calorie fruit rich in fiber and antioxidants, we reveal all the secrets! Dried figs are the delicacy of athletes! With its low glycemic index and its concentrated energy, it provides all the minerals necessary for sports practice. More interesting than most fruits, figs provide about 67 calories per 100 grams, compared to 86 calories of the classic fruit. In addition, it is an excellent appetite suppressant thanks to the fibers and vegetable proteins contained in the fruit. However, be careful not to overdo it! Behind its spongy appearance, the fig is a powerful antioxidant that affects vision as well as the skin and mucous membranes. It is therefore your youth asset and you can consume it all year round! It is also an ally for the health of your bones because it contains calcium and potassium. So, for example, it can support a lactose-free diet. Due to the high fiber content, especially in dry form, figs allow good passage through the intestine. Be careful, however, not to consume too much because it can have a laxative effect. Again, thanks to the high fiber content, figs have benefits in preventing the risk of hypertension, so they should be used preventively! If you're looking for a balanced snack on the go or a healthy breakfast idea and you love figs, you'll love our fig and apricot granola snack! If possible, choose fresh figs that are in season. It is richer in minerals and antioxidants. Reserve dried figs in winter when you feel tired or during regular exercise. Or opt for our Figs Apricots Granolas for a fig treat and a good breakfast FIG. Botanically, a fig is not a fruit because it is made up of several tens/hundreds of small fruits: the achenes. To simplify, a fig is a bag of small fruits. It is considered a tasty and nutritious fruit in nutrition. Consumed fresh, candied, or dry, it goes perfectly with savory and sweet dishes. The drying of the figs concentrates on their flavors and their benefits. Rich in fiber, flavonoids, and phenolic acids, a source of vitamin K, iron, and even copper, the fig gives us many healing properties.. dried turkish figs importers

Figs top import

Fresh figs have less potential to be exported compared to dried figs. Many top importers are distributing dried figs to the global market from middle eastern countries. The fig tree belongs to the Moraceae family. It is a deciduous shrub, up to five meters tall, and very fragrant. It is found mainly in the Mediterranean basin. The fig tree is cultivated for its fruit, which is now considered the oldest domesticated fruit. Its fruit, moreover, is a small bag that traps many achenes. Thus, what is considered a fruit: Fig, is a group of achenes. Fig leaf latex is irritating due to the presence of furocoumarins in the composition. This shrub is quite hardy: it prefers warm climates, but it does not require special soil to grow. You are not dreaming, the fig tree is a bee-eaten. Finally, its fruition depends rather on a certain wasp. The Fig is quite special since from a botanical point of view, it is not a fruit. On the outside, it looks like a small bag that traps a red-orange pulp. This pulp is made up of tiny flowers: the bag is therefore an inverted inflorescence. Trapped flowers cannot be fertilized without outside help. This is where pollinators come in: fig wasps. This little insect is totally dependent on fig trees, because it is born, reproduces, and develops inside fig trees, and the fig tree depends on its presence to bear fruit. First of all, it is important to take stock of the structure of a fig tree. At the end of the peduncle, there is a hole - the ostiole. In the fig tree, around the ostiole are the male flowers. At the bottom of the fig tree are the female flowers. Thus, there is practically no exchange between the area of ​​the male flowers and that of the female flowers. As one of the oldest fruits used by man, the fig has been cultivated and consumed for several millennia. Already in ancient times it was eaten fresh or dried with other foods such as dates or olives. Although Plato considered dried figs to be an ideal food for athletes, it is even said that Charlemagne loved these little delicacies. The fig is a fruit that is very rich in antioxidants, even when eaten dry. The antioxidants of the flavonoid family are attributed to various and varied virtues: these substances can stimulate the immune system or even reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents. Plus, dried figs are packed with fiber: a quarter-cup serving covers 10% of the recommended daily intake. Finally, many nutrients make the dried fig a good food for health (vitamins, calcium, iron or even potassium). If you are designing a salad as an appetizer, you can easily incorporate dried figs accompanied by raw vegetables of all kinds. In addition, the fig is particularly delicious with a good cheese. At dessert time, the mini dried fig becomes a true ally: in muesli, cookies or cakes, it will delight all your guests! Figs top import

Turkish figs fruit

Turkish dried figs are a naturally healthy side dish that can be consumed dried or as fresh fruits! Rich in protein and fiber, the dried white fig is also a high-calorie nut, which makes it a very effective appetite suppressant. These dried figs are of the Spanish variety Granillo. You can enhance your dishes with the sweet touch of figs. Dried figs also contain free sugars, but the content is higher than that of fresh figs. Rich in dietary fiber and low in calories (270 cal/100 g), the fig seems to be an ally of choice for losing weight and controlling it by promoting intestinal transit. Dried figs are a unique treat with a chewy, soft yet crunchy texture, a rich, earthy sweetness, and a versatile format that is finally getting the attention it deserves. This guide to dried figs offers tips on buying, storing, and using this unique fruit. Many people, especially those who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, first came across figs in the form of Fig Newtons. Filled with a thick paste made from dried figs, the fruit itself was not appreciated as a whole food for another decade. While the notoriety of fresh figs was still lagging, this introduction to the snack aisle made it easier for dried figs to enter American homes. Since humans like to eat fresh figs, dried figs are part of that equation. Since figs are highly perishable from the tree, preservation methods have been crucial to getting the most out of any harvest. Sun drying is the oldest known technique for food preservation, requiring only space and time without any additives, equipment or storage restrictions. The first dried figs were probably found by chance, naturally shrunk on the tree before picking, but still perfectly good to eat. Modern treatment is considerably more advanced, beginning with sterilization in a rinse of water and acid, often as mild as lemon juice, to ensure safety. The fresh figs are then quickly moved through powerful blowers to speed up the drying process, ensuring consistent texture and flavor for each batch. Some companies add sulfur dioxide or sulfates to extend shelf life. Sulfates are mineral salts that can be organic or man-made, but some people are sensitive to these ingredients, so check labels carefully if you want to avoid them. Considered by many to be "nature's sweets", figs are high in natural sugars. Since these sugars are further concentrated by the drying process, they are relatively high in calories and should be consumed in moderation by anyone managing diabetes. This also makes figs a great compact energy source for physically active people or anyone who needs a snack on the go, such as hikers and runners.Figs are good sources of potassium and calcium, two essential minerals for improving bone density. They contain a good dose of prebiotic fiber, so they are also good for digestion and satiety. Other key nutrients present in figs include potassium, iron, magnesium, and vitamins A and C. These components remain intact and are even easier for the human body to absorb after the drying process. Here is a detailed guide to the nutritional benefits of dried figs. Turkish figs fruit

Dried figs import Turkish 

Of the hundreds of species of figs that grow wild around the world, only a few are chosen for drying and being imported to many countries. You may be more likely to find more variety such as Turkish, Afghani or Iranian  in specialty markets and online sources, but conventional grocery stores generally offer two options:
  1. Black Mission Figs – Deep purple or almost black skin defines these figs. Robust and fruity, they can sometimes have a subtle hint of bitterness to contrast their intense sweetness. These are usually the favorites to snack on without control.
  1. Turkish Figs, Smyrna and Calimir: Although the labels may be different, the fruit inside is the same. These figs originated in the city of Smyrna in Turkey and were later brought to California where they thrived, hence the name hybrid. They have a thick, tan exterior with a smooth, almost jammy interior punctuated by the assertive crunch of the seeds. These are the best for baking and cooking.
Dried figs are sold in most grocery stores with other dried fruits in sturdy bags or clear plastic containers. Their price ranges from $5 to $10 per pound, which directly relates to the quality. Minor dried figs can be tough, full of excessive (and inedible) stems, or just plain bland. It's worth investing a little more for better dried figs no matter how you plan to use them. Stored in an airtight container at room temperature, dried figs will keep for 6 to 8 months depending on the climate. For a safer long-term solution, store them in your fridge or freezer to prolong their viability for at least a year. No other preparation is needed to enjoy dried figs as a snack. Simply remove and discard the hard rod; the rest of the fruit, including the seeds, is completely edible. Dried figs can be combined with other dried fruits and nuts for a custom trail mix, whole or cut into small pieces. Dried figs import Turkish 

dried turkish figs recipe

If your figs are particularly hard, it may be helpful to soak them before incorporating them into other recipes. You can rehydrate them with warm water or add more flavor using orange juice, brandy, bourbon or rum. Flavored liqueurs are particularly popular for holiday preparations, adding another layer of indulgence to the final treat. Figs can be soaked for as little as an hour or as long as a full day, depending on how soft they need for the intended recipe. If you want to dry your figs yourself with fresh fruit, you can cut them in half or save them. entire. Use a food dehydrator or air fryer on the lowest possible temperature (about 200 degrees) for 6-10 hours. A 1998 study of 10 people with type 1 diabetes found that drinking fig leaf tea for breakfast may have reduced their insulin needs. In the month they received fig leaf tea, their insulin doses dropped by about 12%. Additionally, a more recent study found that drinks with high doses of fig extract had a lower glycemic index than drinks without fig extract, which means that these drinks would have a more favorable effect on blood sugar. However, figs, especially dried figs, are high in sugar and can spike blood sugar in the short term. If you have trouble controlling your blood sugar, you should limit your intake of dried figs. dried turkish figs recipe

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