it is interesting to know that the value of dairy productions in the world is nearly 500 billion USD and the quantity of dairy products worldwide is about one billion metric tons. Milk powder is produced and exported in large scale in the world and the top 10 exporter countries earn about 80% of exported total. By exporting more than 30% of 23 million USD of exported total (1,986,251 metric tons valued 9,960,739 USD), New Zealand is in the first place, while the United States of America is in the second place by exporting nearly one million tons, 20% of world total, annually (2,572,407 USD). Netherlands and Germany are in the third and fourth place by exporting about 7% of total. France, Australia, Belgium, Ireland, Belarus, and Argentina are the other top 10 exporters of the product in the world by exporting 5.6%, 4.7%, 4.7%, 2.9%, 2.4%, and 2.3% of world total respectively. From total 23 million USD exported milk powder in the world, the share of top 10 exporter countries is about 18 million USD, while share of other countries is only 5 million USD.
Top milk powder producing countries
The global whole production of milk powder in 2020, was 11.10 million tons which expected to grow more than 20% during 2021-2026. Interestingly, over 90% of world total, produced by top 10 major producing countries. New Zealand was the top producer of All types of milk powder (Whole Milk Powder, Skimmed Milk Powder, Dairy Whitener, Buttermilk Powder, Fat-Filled Milk Powder) which produced 1.535 million tons annually. It is expected that the country’s productions grow 3% during coming 5 years. China was another key producer of milk powder in the world by 1.200 tons, followed by Brazil (580 thousand tons), Argentina (250 thousand tons), and Mexico (129 thousand tons). Indonesia, Chile, the United State of America, Russia, and Australia were other major producers of milk powder globally. To sum up, four-fifths of world milk powder produce by 10 top producer countries.
Dairy exports
Do you know, about 13% of total global dairy products, shipped and exported oversee? Yes, it is true. According to Statista, the value of global exported dairy products in 2021, was 63.59 billion USD. Exported dairies can be considered and analyzed from different perspectives. From continental perspective, European countries were major exporters of dairy products worldwide, followed by Oceanian and North American countries. Form country perspective, New Zealand was the key exporter country in the world, while Germany, Netherlands, France, United States, Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, and Denmark were other major exporters of dairy products in the world. From products perspective, cheese was the top exported product by European Union, followed by fat-filled milk powder, Latte Confezionato, and whey. In the Unites State, milk was on the top of exported list, cream, butter, and cheese were in the next places. In New Zealand, milk was more exported product too, while cream, yogurt, butter, and cheese are other more exported products. On the whole, as the majority of dairy products consumed domestically and only 13% shipped abroad, cheese, milk and cream are among the most exported items in the world.
Milk powder uses
you are probably familiar with dairy products and know that the majority of them need refrigeration and have short shelf life. while there is no necessity to put it in the refrigerator, milk power surprisingly has different uses. For instance, you can make many delicious and salty products with milk powder. First, sweetened condensed milk, which used in plenty kind of treats like pies, cakes, and sweet sauces, made by milk power. Evaporated milk is another product that made of milk powder. Whipped Topping can also be made by milk power. Other delicious and most wanted things that made of milk powder are Coffee Creamer, yogurt, Oatmeal Packets, Hot Chocolate, Curds, Ricotta, Cottage Cheese, milk bath, and Face Mask & Soothing Skin Treatment. To sum up, milk powder is one of dairy products that last a long period without refrigeration and has different and various usages. It is the only product you can use for making more than 12 other dairy products. Do you ever think having it in your kitchen?
Bulk condensed milk suppliers
What do you think about condensed milk and its uses? If you love cake and sweetmeat, you are probably familiar with the product. Historically, the first people who condensed milk, were Tatars in central Asia, but in western countries, Nicolas Appert was the first person who condensed milk in France in 1820. Provided in bulk by suppliers, condensed milk usually used in bakeries and confectioneries. It is obtained form cow's milk by removing at leas 60% of its water and adding sugar for sweetened condensed milk. If Condensed milk, or sweetened condensed milk which usually used interchangeably, canned, can last for a longtime without refrigeration. There is another related product named Evaporated milk, which is mostly similar to condensed milk in removing water from cow's milk, but the only difference between the two is that the latter is not sweetened. The two types of condensed milk are commonly used in all countries in numerous dessert dishes or as part of other delicious cake, sweetmeat or food.
Top dairy exporting countries
According to official statistics, European countries have the highest quantity of dairy products in the world, while Asian countries are the largest importers of dairies globally. Only two non-European Countries-New Zealand and USA- are among the 10 top exporters of dairy products worldwide. These major exporting countries, shipped about three quarter of these products overseas. According to Word Trade Center, New Zealand exported about $US 12.35 billion in 2021, followed by Germany with about 11.62 billion USD. Netherlands, France, United States, Italy were other major exporters of global dairies. The fastest-growing countries in exporting dairy products over the last five years, were Ireland, Poland, and the United States of America. To conclude, the highest number of dairy products were exported by European countries, while a small country in Oceania, New Zealand, was in the first place regarding exporting dairies.