In India, people prefer to use tomato paste in a tube rather than in a can. Less price they spend on tubes may be the first reason when they put them vs each other. After using about a tablespoon of the paste, I would place the remainder back in the can and place it on a side shelf in the refrigerator with some crumpled aluminum foil covering it. Occasionally, when I was particularly organized, I would place the tomato paste in a plastic bag with a zip-top closure. This practice lasted for years whenever I needed to purchase tomato paste. After making a mouthwatering pasta sauce, I frequently lost track of the fact that I had even purchased tomato paste. When I went to use the can again, I saw that it had developed a film of mold on it. Even though it was frustrating to spend money on a product that I could only utilize a little portion of before being forced to throw the rest away, I continued to engage in this pattern of behavior over and over again. Yes, you can freeze tomato paste. In addition, there were instances when I was organized enough to take the can of tomato paste, portion it out into balls the size of a tablespoon, freeze it, and then place the frozen tomato paste balls into a bag for later use. But more often than not, something would distract me from the procedure, or I wouldn't utilize them for too long, and then I would have to simply throw them out on my next freezer purge since I hadn't used them in a timely manner. Then, on a whim and because I have a penchant for things that come in a squeeze tube, I went to Trader Joe's and purchased a tube of tomato paste as opposed to the can that I generally use. This was because I have a preference for items that are packaged in this manner.
The next time I came back from my sauce sabbatical to use the paste, I didn't have to go through the entire "oh-no-mold" cycle because the tube allowed me to squeeze out only what I needed without exposing the rest of it to air. This saved me from having to throw away the remaining paste and start the process all over again. Because the tube has a top that can be squeezed, this was successfully accomplished. Because I didn't have to search my freezer for the blobs of paste that I had tucked away using some incomprehensible and long-forgotten organizational strategy, I was able to save more money and cut down on the amount of food that was thrown away. I also reduced the amount of money that was squandered. Friends, I am never going back. The tomato paste that is sold in a tube, as opposed to the tomato paste that is sold in a can, will often have a higher price tag attached to it. For instance, I pay $0.69 for a can of tomato paste when I shop at the grocery store in my area, but I have to spend more than $2 for a tube of tomato paste. I am aware of the possibility that those pennies may very rapidly build up to a sizeable amount. If you are on a more limited budget and are more conscientious about how you store things in the freezer than I am, then by all means, you should choose for the cans since they will serve your needs just fine.
On the other hand, I found that paying a little bit more on the tubes kept me from wasting the bulk of an otherwise edible can of food due to carelessness, and as a result, I ended up saving money in the long run. This was the case even though I spent a little bit more on the tubes. It was a circumstance in which both parties benefited. Try keeping tomato paste in the tube, and you'll quickly realize how much more space it saves you compared to traditional jars. There is one thing that never fails to make me feel sad, and that is when I see it being stored in a refrigerator. I'm not talking about tomatoes that have passed their prime, Chinese takeout that has been hanging out for a whole month, or a magician who has a dove concealed in a paper bag. I'm speaking specifically about a jar of tomato paste that has only been opened to a certain point. You let it sit there, with the metal top in an awkward position, and allow it to progressively dry out, doing so until you finally feel repelled and disgusted enough to throw it away. In addition to that, this occurs on a consistent basis. Why wouldn't it make sense? When you stop and give it some thought, you'll realize that there aren't that many recipes that call for even an entire small can of tomato paste.
Or more than one or two chipotle chilies that have been pickled in adobo sauce and are available in a can? You could easily follow the example set by Martha Stewart and place them in ice cube trays before freezing them. This will allow you to utilize them in individual servings whenever you require them. But if I'm being completely honest with you, I don't want to bother. Because there is more than one way to do it. The Fundamentals of the Tube Operating System It appears that tubes are present throughout the entire supermarket in every possible location. Tubes whose opening and closing can be accomplished with the touch of a button in a split second. It is possible to keep tubes in the refrigerator for an extended amount of time, which will allow the contents to maintain their high quality until they are required. Tubes that make you feel less terrible about throwing away the empty can once you've used them all up. The following is a list of things that you should be on the lookout for; you can often locate them in the part of the grocery store that is dedicated to international foods.
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