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tomato paste processing steps using an automatic dumper

The tomato paste product can be received in crates or bins on a processing line, and the raw material is dumped into the transport channel using an automatic dumper which involves several steps. The crates or bins can hold the tomato product. Unloading can also take place by flooding the bin using adjustable pipes in the event that the product has been delivered in its loose form. The product is separated from the water using an inclined grid or roller conveyors, and the tomato is then collected in a separation tank, which is supplied with cleaner water and equipped with a chain conveyor to automatically remove stones, mud, and other foreign items. After this point, the product is transferred over to the lines where it will be processed. The manual sorting of tomatoes can be accomplished on roller conveyors in two stages: the first stage, in which the roller conveyor is inclined and the product is separated from water, foreign bodies, etc.

and then the washing is accomplished by means of a series of sprayers; the second stage, in which the roller conveyor is horizontal, and the tomato rotates on itself so that the operators can perform accurate checks on it. Electronic sorting is also a possibility, made possible by Vision's optical sorting sensors and/or digital camera optical sorters, both of which are products of the company's optical sorting division. After they have been washed and sorted, the tomatoes need to have their skins broken in order to ensure that the subsequent heat treatment methods are as effective as possible. It is the responsibility of the BT60 chopping pump, which is a component of both the Cold-Break and the Hot-Break technical cycles, to ensure that the crushed product has a perfect, homogeneous, and fine consistency. When it comes to the Hot Break process in particular, incredibly low values can be produced by breaking at temperatures that are almost 4 degrees Celsius lower than the standard values. This is possible because the Hot Break process breaks the material at temperatures that are exceedingly high. Because of this feature, it is also possible to substantially cut down on the amount of energy that is used. The production of Hot Break tomato paste involves the utilization of the Eldorado activator, which is responsible for the inactivation of pectolytic enzymes as a result of its operation.

This helps to guarantee that the pectin that is already present in the juice is preserved, and it also guarantees that the paste will have a good consistency, color, and nutritional content. The Eldorado system is able to operate at its maximum efficiency for extended periods of time, even in the presence of foreign bodies, as a result of its high recirculation flow rate as well as the special shape of its heat exchangers that have been granted patents. This is made possible by the fact that the Eldorado system was designed to work in such a way that it can work at its maximum efficiency for extended periods of time (such as weeds, leaves, vines, etc.). Tomatoes that are going to be utilized in the process of generating Cold Break tomato puree are heated in a specialized machine that is of the tubular type. This allows for even heating throughout the procedure. This step is taken at the beginning of the procedure before the tomatoes are added. The tomatoes are not utilized until this process has been finished in its entirety. Because of this, it is possible to heat the product in a slow manner, which helps to preserve the natural flavors and colors of the tomato, both of which are hallmarks of this particular type of concentrate.

Because of this, it is possible to heat the product in a slow manner, which helps to preserve the natural flavors and colors of the tomato. Because of this, it is able to heat the product in a leisurely way, which contributes to the preservation of the tomato's inherent flavors and colors. It is possible to end up with a finished product that has a number of different consistencies when the product is brought to its final form if one adjusts the temperature at which the treatment is being carried out. When the product is brought to its final form, the finished product will be brought to its final form. The tomato juice, which has been preheated, is then transferred to the phase of extraction and refining, which is carried out in the separator by making use of the concept of filtration through the utilization of adjustable blades. This phase takes place after the tomato juice has been preheated. After completing this procedure, the tomato juice is now prepared for consumption. It is possible to remove aspects of the fruit that are not desirable by applying this procedure. Some examples of these elements include the seeds and the peel of the fruit. It is possible to extract the juice of high quality while simultaneously lowering the quantity of moisture that is lost in the waste as a result of the very efficient separation process. This is achievable because of the remarkable efficiency of the separation process. In the Apollo pre-concentrator, which is a falling film evaporator with mechanical vapor recompression, the tomato juice that has been refined can be moved to an initial concentration phase. This will help the juice concentrate more effectively.

This phase has a concentration that can range anywhere from 4.5 to 12 degrees Brix (MVR). Because it involves the mechanical recompression of acidic droplets, MVR technology makes it feasible to concentrate tomatoes while simultaneously cutting down on the amount of steam that is required by as much as 98%. Because of the shortened residence time as well as the maximum temperature difference of 6 degrees Celsius that exists between the heating fumes and the product, the organoleptic qualities of the finished product are of an exceptionally high standard. This is due to the fact that the finished product is of an exceptionally high standard. The SFC Flash Cooler is the most efficient solution available when it comes to the processing of large volumes of commodities over protracted periods of time. After having cooking steam directly pumped into the product, the product is subsequently chilled by having vacuum expansion performed on it. The sterilizing process is carried out in this manner (flash). The SFC system guarantees the greatest possible level of product integrity, aseptic conditions, and the utmost safety throughout the processing phase.

Before placing the tomato paste in the refrigerator to chill, you could also sterilize it with a TC sterilizer. This step would take place before putting the item in the refrigerator. Indirect heat exchangers of the concentric tube type are used in the process of putting the product through its thermal cycle. This is done in order to ensure that the product is safe for consumption. These heat exchangers have a high production capacity, provide the highest possible level of efficiency in terms of heat transfer, and contribute to the upkeep of consistent process conditions. Utilizing aseptic filling heads makes it possible to deposit a sterile and refrigerated product inside of flexible bags of varying sizes that have been sterilized in advance. These bags can be made of a variety of materials. Both the high level of automation that the filling machines possess as well as the checking system that is guided by a microprocessor and performs ongoing monitoring of all of the relevant operational parameters contribute to the sterility of the product that is packaged. This is because both of these factors perform ongoing monitoring of all of the relevant operational parameters. The fact that the product is packaged helps to maintain its sterility in this manner. After the product has been packaged, the load cells, which have an extremely high level of precision, are used to determine the product's weight. The machine uses steam not just as a single disinfectant but also for cleaning the spout after it has been used.

This is done by directing steam via the spout. This guarantees that the device will remain in perfect shape at all times. Long stretches of uninterrupted production with no lulls in the activity. The manufacturing process must generate the fewest potential byproducts while still achieving the highest feasible output. The finished product has a good quality, and it has preserved both its color and its other organoleptic features. Additionally, the product has not been altered in any way. The water recirculation system utilizes the very minimum amount of water that is humanly possible to do so. There is a significant amount of variety both in terms of aseptic filling and choices for sterilization. There is the potential for a single manufacturing line to be capable of simultaneously generating a huge number of distinct products at the same time. Because it runs at lower temperatures, the evaporator finisher places less of a strain on the product in terms of how it reacts to the temperature changes that it experiences. The most cutting-edge technology provides the greatest potential for a considerable reduction in energy use that is achievable in practice. In addition to the development of a comprehensive supervisory control system for the line, verification of each individual stage of processing is also required. The daily recording, monitoring, and publishing of production data in order to keep tabs on it and ensure that it is accurate.

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Ali Asghar Mirzai