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Tomato in Italian Festival in Spain

The Italian tomato festival known as La Tomatina (Spanish: [la tomatina]) is held annually in the town of Buol, which is located in the province of Valencia in the eastern region in Spain, approximately 30 kilometers (19 miles) from the Mediterranean Sea. During this festival, participants throw tomatoes at one another and engage in a tomato fight for the sole purpose of entertainment. This festival, which takes place on the final Wednesday of August each year and attracts a crowd of at least 20,000 people the name should give that one away, is known as the Tomato Throwing Festival at one stage 60,00 people were reported in the year 2012 before it became a ticketed event. tomato in Italian The La Tomatina Festival is a celebration of smashed tomatoes. The festival is known as "La Tomatina" takes place at the end of August each year in the city of Buol in the province of Valencia. The festival is just one of many events that will take place during a weeklong celebration in honor of the patron saints of the city, Luis Bertran and the Mare de Deu dels Desemparats meaning Mother of God of the Defenseless, who is the Virgin Mary. The festival is known as "La Tomatina" features food fights and takes place on the final Wednesday of August every year in the town of Buol history, which is located close to Valencia in Spain. A celebration that takes place every year in Spain and is known all over the world is called La Tomatina. Tomatoes, as the festival's name suggests, play a significant role in the day-long celebration, during which hundreds of people engage in a massive food war that is fuelled by tomatoes.

tomato in Italian

How to Tomato all'Italiana you say tomato; we say Pomodoro. Because Italy's climate is so close to that of the tropics, it is highly likely that this country was where the tomato was first domesticated. When temperatures are warm enough, tomatoes can be cultivated continuously throughout the year in tropical climates. It is only fitting that Naples and the surrounding region of Campania are the first things that come to mind when one thinks about tomatoes in Italy. tomato festival spain They were brought here for the first time by the Spanish, and this region is also the birthplace of the industrial preservation and transformation of the tomato. The 'San Marzano' variety is often ranked as one of the most sought-after options. Tomatoes can be grown and processed in various parts of Italy; yet, only three regions account for approximately 90 percent of the country's total production: Puglia, with more than 50 percent, Emilia-Romagna, with 30 percent, and Campania, with about 8 percent. It seems that the tomato has always played an important role in politics. It is an Aztec plant, as we can tell by its original name, "tomato" which was given to it by the Spanish when they occupied the Americas, and by the middle of the 1500s, it had made its way to Italy. The Spanish were responsible for bringing it to Europe when they colonized the Americas. Because the environment of southern Europe, and particularly Italy, was so conducive to the production of the 'pomme d'amour', also known as the 'apple of love,' the vegetable quickly rose to prominence as one of the most popular components of Mediterranean cuisine.

tomato festival spain

The La Tomatina or tomato Festival was first held in 1945 in Spain.  At that time, a group of young people gathered in the town square to watch a parade of giants and big-headed characters. tomato in Spanish The young people came to the conclusion that they wanted to take part in a procession that featured musicians as well as giants and big-headed figures. As a direct consequence of the celebrations, the Big-head that belonged to one of the participants was lost. The participant lost control of himself and began lashing out violently, assaulting anything and everything in their path. The rage of the crowd caused some individuals to begin throwing tomatoes at one another until the local authorities intervened and put an end to the fruit fight. One of the stalls in the market that sold vegetables was destroyed in the melee. The following year, a group of young people got into a fight that had been prearranged and brought their own tomatoes from home to the fight. Even though the local authorities put a stop to it, this was the beginning of a yearly tradition. In the years that followed, hundreds of thousands of people were inspired to emulate the lads' behavior. The celebration known as La Tomatina was outlawed by Francisco Franco in the early 1950s due to the fact that it did not have any significant religious significance; yet, this did not deter the participants, who were detained. After the public voiced their opposition to the ban, it was lifted, and this time even more people took part in the celebration. The demonstration consisted of the locals carrying a casket that had a really large tomato placed inside of it. A band that played funeral marches marched with the procession as it went through the town. Because of the success of the protest, the festival known as "La Tomatina" was finally given permission to take place and became an official event. tomato in French

tomato in Spanish

"tomato" is translated into Spanish as tomatero (an adjective), jitomate (a type of tomato), tipo de tomate grande (a type of tomato), bender (a type of tomato), and cherry tomato. The tomato was brought back to Europe from the Americas by Spanish explorers in the 15th century, and ever since then, Europe has considered this multipurpose vegetable to be an essential ingredient. Today, it is the most frequently farmed and widely consumed vegetable crop in the country, and it is used in the preparation of timeless dishes like Andalusian gazpacho and the basic pan con tomate which is bread with tomato, olive oil and salt. Additionally, it is a popular export, accounting for 35 percent of the consumption of tomatoes in Europe. The cultivation of tomatoes is a labor of love for the Spanish farmer Juan Vizcaino Escamilla. "Being a farmer is a wonderful profession because you get to deal with life things and you are responsible for taking care of those living things. He compares it to the experience of having children. However, just like many other farmers, he places a significant amount of importance on crop protection in order to safeguard his crops from pests such as the white fly. He claims, "I could still grow tomatoes even without crop protection,  the yield will be cut in half and the quality would be inferior." tomato in Chinese In order to ensure the continued success of tomato farmers in Spain, researchers are implementing a wide variety of preventative measures to safeguard the crop. According to plant scientist Luis Martin, "We are creating strategies that are most efficient in preserving our tomatoes from common diseases and pests, while at the same time protecting the environment and human health.

tomato in French

Tomatoes are known as tomates in French; what is their English equivalent? To refer to tomatoes, the French language uses the word tomates. Because of their conviction that the unique tomato possessed aphrodisiac properties, the French referred to it as la pomme d'amour, which literally translates to "the Love Apple." The consumption of tomatoes in France remains high throughout the entire year, making them the country's most popular vegetable. Tomatoes are considered to be vegetables despite the fact that they are botanically a fruit and the seed of the vine. This is because people speak of tomatoes as vegetables and they are counted as vegetables for statistical purposes. The annual production of tomatoes in France is somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 tonnes. Tomatoes are the most popular type of vegetable (or fruit, to be more precise) consumed in France, with the average French household consuming more than 14 kg of tomatoes each and every year. 1 kg tomato price in kerala today The name "Marmande" refers to a variety of heirloom tomatoes that is popular in France but is not widely available in North America. This tomato is highly regarded for its powerful flavor and velvety texture; nonetheless, it fights an uphill battle against the pressure of disease and other environmental challenges. The regions of Brittany, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, and the Loire are the most important tomato-growing areas in France. Tomatoes are the most popular type of vegetable or fruit, to be more precise consumed in France, with each household consuming an average of more than 14 kilograms of tomatoes each and every year. At the moment, tomatoes are at their prime and taste wonderful in any preparation you choose. When you live in France, one of the pleasures of life is having the opportunity to cultivate delicious tomatoes in your own garden that are of exceptional quality.

tomato in Chinese

The pronunciation of the word tomato in Chinese is {xi hong shi} CL:隻|. Description. This gorgeous new variety was discovered in China and has a huge crop of bright orange fruits that are sizeable, attractive, and virtually almost identical in color. These fruits are remarkably similar to the fruits for which they are named, and this is one of the reasons why they were named after them. The flesh of the fruits is robust, delicious, and exceptionally sweet. They are resistant to cracking. Tomatoes are a New World plant that originated in South America, where a wild type thrived in portions of the west of South America, from Ecuador to north of Chile and the Galapagos Island. Tomatoes were brought to other regions of the New World by Spanish explorers in the 16th century. Tomatoes are grown in China at a rate that accounts for a stunning 31 percent of the world's total production; nevertheless, the vast majority of Chinese tomatoes are sold outside the country. These days, it is also common in Western cuisine like hamburgers and pizza, and it is processed into ketchup for usage at McDonald's and other Western fast-food franchises. Tomatoes are one of the most important agricultural products produced in China. In 2020, the country produced 65.15 million tons of tomatoes, which was enough to account for one-third of total worldwide production. China is the leading tomato producer in the world. Additionally, China is home to the world's largest area dedicated to the growing of tomatoes. Tomatoes are now one of the most important crops in China's vegetable business because they are cultivated in a number of the country's provinces.

1 kg tomato price in kerala today

Do want to know the cost of 1 kg tomato today? Find out the most recent and up-to-date price for tomatoes in Kerala. You are able to compare the prices of the numerous types of tomatoes sold in Kerala's 55 distinct markets. According to the prices that are currently being offered on the market, the highest price for a quartal of tomato in Kerala is 4,500.00 Indian Rupees (INR), while the lowest price is 300.00 Indian Rupees (INR). Across all kinds, the average price is 300.00 Indian Rupees per Quintal. One of the most well-known travel destinations in India is the state of Kerala, which is found on the warm and humid Malabar Coast in the country's southern region. Kerala is particularly well-known for its ecotourism projects and its gorgeous backwaters, which contributed to the publication National Geographic Traveler's designation of the state as one of the world's top ten paradises. This year, tomatoes are selling in the retail market for anywhere between Rs 65 and Rs 80 per kilogram, however in the months of May of 2021 and 2022, the rates were closer to Rs 12 and Rs 18 per kilogram. The price of a kilogram of tomatoes reached as high as 120 in Kerala, while the same quantity of tomatoes sold for 90 in Chennai and 70 in Bengaluru respectively. According to a report that was released by the PTI on Tuesday, the price of tomatoes has increased in a number of cities in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh.

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Comments (27 Comments)


The presence of countless foreign tourists in this festival has made this festival one of the biggest festivals in the world and one of the most unique of them. The consumption of tomatoes increases every year due to the more welcoming people and tourists compared to last year. More than 100 tons of tomatoes were consumed in just one hour




Hello The tomato was brought back to Europe from the Americas by Spanish explorers in the 15th century, and ever since then, Europe has considered this multipurpose vegetable to be an essential ingredient.




There are different types of tomatoes, small and large, which are used in different ways and are full of vitamins



Kimia davoudi

Italian tomatoes are good tomatoes and have high quality compared to other places




Hello good day.There are different types of tomatoes, small and large, which are used in different ways and are full of vitamins




I heard about this festival and I would like to participate and enjoy it for once




Hello .
Tomatoes are rich in properties and are very useful for health, and this collection offers this product with high quality




I love tomato and tomato paste and I have learned several times to make tomato paste. Good night



Reza javadi

Tomatoes are very good, useful and nutritious because of their taste and I am very happy that my country Iran has a large amount of this product and even exports it and some countries miss this fruit.




Tomatoes belong to the family of summer vegetables and are always used as a supplement in the diet




Hello, the tomato festival in Italy in Spain is very great and I got good information, thank you for your good site.




Although holding a tomato festival in Spain is an attractive thing to promote this nutritious product, it is not appropriate to waste a large amount of tomatoes and injure some people. It is better that the ideas of this festival change. For example, they should happily share the food prepared with tomatoes among the people.




Tomatoes are so important that people usually hold tomato festivals to give thanks for this blessing.




Tomatoes contain antioxidants and are rich in vitamin D




held annually in the town of Buol, which is located in the province
Spanish sure love their produce and La Tomatina is once again sure to




tradition in Spain, La tomato throwing festival that takes place annually on the last Wednesday in
Tomatina Festival has become




This festival is a very good festival that is held in Italy and Spain and it is great




The choice of the word festival for tomato seems very interesting to me and one can imagine that it is a very good festival




Tomatoes have anti-cancer properties and contain antioxidants




Tomato is an excellent product that has a very good taste and I highly recommend its use. It is good




Tomatoes in Italy have many flavors, and most of the sauces are made from tomatoes, essences, and purees




Tomato is an agricultural product that is rich in vitamins and minerals and it is used in various way



Mohammad Navid Arabi

Every year, festivals are held in Europe where tomatoes are used a lot, that's why tomatoes are popular in Europe.




The tomato festival is very interesting for me because I like tomatoes very much




I’m so grateful to have had a chance to read this masterpiece from you.




Italian tomatoes have a wonderful taste and are very juicy and delicious and rich in vitamins




The young people decided they wanted to participate in a parade that included musicians as well as giants and other figures with large heads.



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