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The purchase price of dried figs + Sales in trade and export

When it comes to relieving constipation, which is better to eat: prunes or dried figs? Raw and dried figs are nutritious and rich in fiber, potassium, proteins, minerals (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and zinc) and vitamins (riboflavin and B6).

dried figs health benefits

FruitThe fig is considered a false fruit, a vase containing hundreds of small fruits, which we commonly call stones. It is used as a fresh, dried fruit, as a puree for confectionery, jams or sweets. Dried figs  are a very fragile fruit, so keeping them in good condition is quite difficult. For this reason, the commercial importance of dried and canned figs is greater. Since this fruit is perishable, ripe figs do not keep in the refrigerator for more than 3 days. The first fruit of the fig, which appears at the end of spring, is called berva. The skin is thin and the flavor is similar to figs, although not as sweet. Dried figs , in addition to being used as fruit for fresh consumption, are transformed into a puree that is used as a filling in various packages or even to make a type of wine. Among the derivatives obtained, the most important are dried figs, which dry out by drying the fresh fruit. Its humidity is reduced from 80% to 15% or the nutritional composition of the fig is concentrated. It has a long shelf life and the fruits are large, flexible, purplish-gray or brown in color with yellowish, slightly thick flesh. Along with raisins, it is one of the most popular and ancient dried fruits. Another widely used use is in canned figs, which are made from small and very sweet autumn figs with added sugar and alcoholic beverages. Like rum, cognac or sherry is added.Vegetable figs are usually presented in cans and the production of figs in alcohol requires firm, but not yet ripe, dark figs.

dried figs health benefits

If the figs are roasted and ground, the resulting powder can be used as a coffee substitute. Contrary to popular belief, figs are not a fruit. It is a fleshy pear-shaped receptacle called cyconus, which support the male and female flowers, which bear small fruits called achenes, which we usually call seeds. So this is a drawback. The fleshy and sweet part of the fig or syconium is associated with the flowers, which become swollen and fleshy after fertilization. Therefore, figs are a soft fruit with a thin skin that varies in color from green to violet, while the pulp can be red or white. Depending on the species, it has a round or flat shape, although it is usually wider than it is tall. The fig, like other fruit trees in arid regions, is less well known from an agricultural point of view. Its cultivation is currently rainy, although for some species the water level is currently high, bringing great economic benefits. Factory Figs grow on plants called figs, sturdy trees that can grow up to 10 meters in height. Its roots are very powerful and the growth of small flowers is what we know as figs. Figs belong to the genus Ficus carica and grow on large trees called figs that can reach 10 meters of plantations, but are generally kept in commercial plantations with small trees with 3-4 branches. The leaves are bright green with coarse hairs on the underside. The trunk is thick and curved. There are no flowers on the branches of the tree because they grow inside the fruit and are very small. The entire receptacle becomes fleshy when ripe, so figs are classified as false fruit.

dried figs recipe oven

dried figs recipe oven

The root system is very strong, which allows exploration to great depths and levels, and also withstands a long period of drought. Fig trees were also found in the crevices of the rock. The fig tree adapts to a variety of soils, although it is most productive when it is deep and fertile. This plant is tropical and temperate, but more limited to low temperatures. Temperatures above 40 ° C during the ripening period cause early ripening and a change in the texture of the shell. Delicious fig recipes Summer, the season of figs, is conducive to light meals, delicious snacks and bright colors. A very simple summer snack is green figs cut in half and topped with anchovies. The contrast of the explosive saltiness of the anchovies with the honeyed sweetness of the figs enhances the flavor of each ingredient and transforms the combination into something original. Excellent accompaniment to a good white wine. Figs with ham For a weekend morning or any morning when you have the time and inclination to cook something tasty, toast, which is a combination

dried figs recipe oats

dried figs recipe oats

of figs and ham, to which you can add fresh or goat cheese with a pinch of pepper or paprika. return to use. The union of sweet and salty in a weaker but equally suggestive combination. Without skipping breakfast, pancakes or pancakes can be accompanied by fresh fruit such as sliced ​​or peeled blueberries, bananas or red figs. which for their sweetness can replace syrups. Out of season, we can try fig chutney as an accompaniment to our meat dishes. Chicken Cordon Bleu also takes this type of chutney as a foie gras starter. Figs and cheese Whether jammed, dried or fresh, figs have a relationship that can almost be defined as symbiotic with cheese. It's a win for everyone. Everyone wins, especially those who eat it. goat's or sheep's cheese; French, Italian, National; With truffles or oil. Choose a board and sharpen your knives. And let yourself be surprised by the magic of figs and cheese with its contrasts and the secret union of taste. A good cheese platter to accompany figs can start with a raw goat cheese like Saint Félicien Tentacion, to which you can add some very sweet green figs. Below are slices of Paivio di Cadiz cheese, made from goat's or sheep's milk, with a fresh woman's neck cut into quarters. It is then served with old sheep's cheese or very old parmesan with figs in syrup or red wine, which adds sweetness to the dry cheese. And finally, the Cabrales cheese with dried or fresh figs for more contrast and pleasure. Figs are part of our local recipes to the point that they have their own bread, fig bread. Typical of Andalusia, probably of Arab origin, it is a Christmas classic. It is a focaccia made from dried fig pulp, usually garnished with almonds and sometimes fruit. Without forgetting the Christmas period, the south and dried figs, there is the so-called nougat of the poor, dried figs with a crispy nut inside.

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