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The purchase price of black raisins from production to consumption in bulk and retail

Is it possible to register organic dried fruits as the best-selling product in the statistics for the year? Black raisins are one of them.

In the situation we are in, the use of organic products has become normal not only in our country but in the whole world, and people are more willing to consume natural products than processed ones.

black raisins price

Raisins and raisins are also one of the cases where a significant percentage of the calls we receive from customers want to buy these products.

If we want to be very detailed, it is called organic currant and raisin, which in addition to the fact that no chemical liquid is used to dry the grapes, or any kind of oil is not applied to it in the factory, but in addition, clean water is used to produce grapes.

It is used, not waste water, on the other hand, fertilizers and poisons are not applied to it.

All the things mentioned above may not be said by many suppliers and factory owners, but we actually consider ourselves obliged to tell the truth to the customer, but we can introduce you products that are close to organic or natural.

For example, we refer to the red currant of Fars province, where no fertilizers or poisons are used, and they do not even give it water, but its grapes are produced in the same way, and in the same way, even its processing steps are completely traditional and refined by It is labor intensive, and for example, it takes 5 workers three days to prepare a ton of cargo that is completely cleaned and without tails and branches and in cartons.

But we can also mention the unprocessed sunny raisins of the vineyard, which are produced by us.

Gardeners who use permitted fertilizers and poisons to produce their crops and do not even give pills to their grapes to make the grapes grow larger, they also use suitable and healthy water for irrigation if we do not process this load and do not apply oil to it.

If we sell it to you in dry form, it can be called as an organic raisin.

People accidentally discovered raisins around 2000 BC, when they saw dried grapes, and this was one of the most important food discoveries.

This dried fruit, which is rich in vitamins, fibers and minerals, caused They have been a wonderful surprise for doctors and nutritionists who recommend them to their patients.

You can use them more usefully by soaking raisins in water, the water absorbs all the minerals and nutrients of the raisins.

It slows down and increases the health of this powerful fruit. 

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Mohadese Barazande amin