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Pure Aluminum Ingot Price

Pure Aluminum Ingots Are Widely Used in Construction, Shipbuilding, Aircraft Industry, Electrical Industry, Automotive, and Food Industries, as Well as in Other Areas.


Pure Aluminum Ingot 

Aluminum alloys are alloys with metallic properties, typically 90-96% aluminum, with the addition of one or more other elements to improve the properties.

Usually, these alloys contain several minor alloying elements in addition to the major alloying elements, which are in small amounts but have a large influence on their properties.

Although many metals are alloyed with aluminum, few of them have significant solubility in aluminum for use as a primary alloying additive.

Aluminum ingots or slabs are always traded and ready for sale all around the world, but we need to know which aluminum to buy for our purposes.


Pure Aluminum Ingot Features

The aluminum ingots are usually available in different percentages of their purity and their weights. 

Naturally, demands and prices are much higher for those products that are labeled with 99.9% purity.

With respect to weight, aluminum ingots are majorly available in 50-pound ingots.

Aluminum metal does not rust in any way and has a high corrosion resistance, which can be increased by using powder colors.

Corrosion resistance: Many aluminum alloys are highly resistant to atmospheric and chemical corrosion due to the naturally formed oxide layer that adheres to the surface.

Thermal conductivity: Aluminum and its alloys have high thermal conductivity, and although they melt at a lower temperature than steel, their temperature rises more slowly when in contact with fire.

Electrical conductivity: Aluminum and some of its alloys have very high electrical conductivity, and in this respect, they are the second most conductive metals on the market after copper.

Strength/weight ratio: Low-density aluminum is suitable for the production of engineering alloys.


Buy Pure Aluminum Ingot 

The aluminum billet is an aluminum ingot mainly used in the extrusion industry, and aluminum billet is one of the semi-finished products of aluminum castings.

Aluminum billets are made of different alloys in accordance with international standards and in different sizes according to customers' opinions and orders.

The continuous casting process is a method used today to produce aluminum extrusion blocks.

In this method, molten aluminum is poured into a circular mold with a shallow depth.

The lower part of the mold begins to descend at a suitable speed and water is sprayed onto the frozen surface of the aluminum rod straight out of the mold.


Pure Aluminum Ingot Price + Buy and Sell

In case you are willing to purchase large quantities of aluminum ingots, the price of these products per ton is estimated to be somewhere between 1,180.00-1,680.00 US dollars. 

The major suppliers of these ingots that offer great prices along with quantity discounts come from China. 

Having said that, many reputable companies in both the US and Europe are considered among the top manufacturers and sellers of aluminum ingots. 

Last but not least, there are several competing companies in the Middle East, particularly in Iran, from where you can purchase high-quality aluminum billets and ingots. 

Aluminum billets with a purity of 97 percent are purchased at a price of 1500 US dollars from Iranian companies.

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Faezeh Mirebadi