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The Purchase Price of medical leeches + Advantages And Disadvantages

Non-compliance with hygiene that causes parasite infection (one of the parameters of success or loss in parasite breeding is the sensitivity of this creature to the cleanliness of its storage, so try to keep your parasite nursery as well your tools and equipment. The best possible way. It is possible to maintain cleanliness and observe personal hygiene during work. The presence of extreme stress or tension in the leeches, arising from mismanagement or having an inappropriate place for breeding leeches. There are different types of stress and tension, which we address in our educational packages in a complete and special way. But if we want to address this issue briefly, we can mention physical and chemical stresses, light, vibration, etc.) extreme starvation causing casualties or attacks on other leeches and eventually death of the leeches. Losses to leeches can be enormous, so try to time the feeding of leeches correctly.) Often, the duration of starvation of leeches varies in different sizes, which means that a larval leech will starve later than an adult leech. parameters such as the size of the leech, temperature of the water containing the leeches, availability of solution the salt water in the sea, volume of water change and the level of activity of the leeches mentioned. All the factors mentioned above have a direct effect on the starvation of the leeches. What are the differences between leech production and leech reproduction? What should be mentioned as a supplement is the addition of the saltwater solution, which causes early starvation of the leeches. Leech reproduction is done in 6 to 9 months, while leech reproduction requires a longer process. Leech breeding can be started at lower cost and investment. The profitability of leech reproduction is more than just leech rearing. In leech breeding, you should buy leech at an early age, such as leech larvae or needle and match leech, and after handling and feeding, sell them in larger sizes, while breeding of leech, you must buy reproduction of leech and Get leeches from them. Leech reproduction has a shorter stage and leech reproduction has a longer and more complex stage. The risk and number of losses in leech reproduction are higher than in leech reproduction. The space required for leech reproduction is almost twice that of leech reproduction. The sensitivity of reproductive leeches to leech reproduction is higher than other leeches maintained in the quarantine and leech breeding department.

What are the differences between leech production and leech reproduction?

Among the other factors that cause the starvation of leeches earlier is the replacement of water containing leeches earlier and also the presence of a factor for vitality in the water. Generally, an adult leech at a temperature above 20 degrees Celsius will starve between 60 and 90 days, if the same leech is placed in water with a temperature below 15 degrees, it will take of more than 100 days to starve. In such conditions, the larvae take more than 3-4 months to starve. In some cases, it has been noticed that cultivated leeches suffer from starvation for up to 5-6 months, but a breeder should not forget the basic feeding schedule of leeches. Mismanagement that has a lot of feedback and reduces the quality of activity in this area. This case includes non -compliance with proper hygiene in the workplace, as well as non -compliance with personal hygiene and non -enforcement of rules and technical matters such as proper temperature, proper humidity, etc. Buy hemp oil If we want to name a few other cases of mismanagement, we can mention the following: Improper tools - having non -specialist labor force - wrong timing - movement of different people within the leech farm - choosing the wrong path - lack of duty and buying a sick leech that causes daily losses to the leeches. (Before receiving the purchased leech from the seller, get a guarantee for the health of the leeches and say that you will return them if you find out about the presence of leech disease). improper feeding, which also causes severe death and loss of health quality of leeches. (Unfortunately, one of the most important factors that cause losses or deformities and changes in the body of leeches are problems during feeding or unhealthy blood for feeding the leeches, so be sure to feed the leeches properly. with extreme care and obsession). In the material above, we discussed things like profitability and income generation of breeding and reproduction of leech, and then we mentioned the most important factor of leech losses. In the following, we would like to look at the process of parasite reproduction in the form of a few paragraphs. Stay tuned to Iran Zalu.com. Leech reproduction has differences compared to leech propagation, people who want to enter these paths should be fully aware of these differences. With the continuation of leech breeding and reproduction for beginners, we come to the following point: If we look immediately at the search of internet users, it is easy to find what most people are looking for and looking for work, as well as those interested in reproduction and parasite reproduction, on this topic. Searched queries may be cited:

  • Where to start breeding leeches?
  • What facilities are needed for leech breeding?
  • What to do with leech reproduction?
  • How much is the leech reproduction tube?
  • How long does the leech reproduce?
  • How much does leech reproduction cost?
  • How is leech reproduction?
  • How is leech reproduction done?
  • What is leech reproduction?
  • And dozens of such questions…

Monitoring Leeches in the Farm

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To grow and reproduce the leech, the first step is to talk to people active in this field or do your theoretical information or research in the field correctly to get basic information about the essentials of this profession. The next step in this field is to participate in training courses or special classes of this profession in the city where you live. After receiving special training in this field, you can step into the field of leech breeding with a more open mind. The next step is to choose the niche for your activity according to the amount of capital or you're planning for this work. The location of the medical leech breeding and propagation hall must have its own conditions. We specialize in medical parasites on the website of Iran Zalou.com, we suggest you read this article. After preparing the breeding ground and leech breeding, we recommend that you avoid unnecessary purchases as much as possible in the first step and buy only the necessary equipment in a small amount. So far, you have prepared your medical leech breeding place in a basic way according to the training you have received and take the next step, which is buying the suitable leech. Leeches should be fed after quarantine To buy leeches and things after that, you should pay special attention to several points:

  • Try to buy a maximum of 1000 to 2000 pieces, if you can have less than 1000 pieces of leech, it is better.
  • Buy the first course in person or with someone more experienced in this field than you, of course, you can also buy in person from trusted people.
  • Try to spend the first stage as a test and after making sure that the profitability of this method is suitable for you, proceed to expand your work.

Whenever you receive your leeches, the first step is to count and categorize them according to the following criteria:

  • Leech size
  • Health or disease of leeches
  • Racial interference
  • Suspicious leeches
  • Optional categories

Leeches should change water after displacing containers

Monitoring Leeches in the Farm

Of course, in many cases, it is not necessary to sort the parasites into the different categories mentioned above but try to categorize your parasites in the best possible way from the beginning so that you have stronger and better management. In the future and also in this work. You will not be disturbed. The first thing to do after sorting leeches is to quarantine the leeches and it has many tips that cannot be addressed in this article.

Leeches should be fed after quarantine

Leasing of leeches is done due to the knowledge of possible diseases and release of stress and transport stress from the leeches and its duration is approximately 3 to 4 weeks. In quarantining leeches, a certain number should be placed inside each container according to their size. Some people quarantine parasites in large containers such as aquariums or bathtubs, which is not correct in theory. This is better for basic quarantine. Leeches in three to five liter containers in limited numbers and less than 20 to ensure their health for 20 to 30 days. Reproduction and reproduction of leeches requires two types of quarantine that are done at different times: primary and secondary quarantine. The primary quarantine is done immediately after the leeches arrive, but the second quarantine is done after the leeches have been fed and the conditions are slightly different. When quarantining, you should pay attention to the following important points:

  • Every day, you should carefully and carefully inspect the leeches inside the containers.
  • The water in the container should be changed every 1 to 3 days.
  • If the container is dirty, you should replace it immediately.
  • After a while, the watercolor of the containers containing the leeches turns mud green or dark, in both cases you need to change the water.
  • You may need to change the water several times a day.

How should leech feeding be done? Each leech peels several times a month. It is best to add 5 to 10% sea salt solution to water containing leeches to disinfect water and containers, as well as to provide useful water salts. How to make a 10% solution is shown at the bottom of this article. Must be used because it does not contain useful salts). For every liter of water, approximately one teaspoon of 10% sea salt solution should be added. Leeches that die in any container for various reasons should be immediately removed from the water and removed from the farm. The quarantine temperature of the leeches should be less than 17 degrees Celsius. How is blood taken from the slaughterhouse?

Leeches should change water after displacing containers

Occasionally, wash the leeches thoroughly and place the leeches in a new container.

  • Try to keep your leech farm as far away from noise, physical stress, or even chemical contamination as possible.
  • Do not let anyone in your leech.
  • Observe the best possible hygiene.
  • Have accurate statistics of your leeches.
  • Use safe water for parasites in all processes, especially in quarantine.
  • Avoid sudden changes in ambient temperature or separate   *water temperatures, which can cause severe losses to leeches
  • After completing the 20-to-30-day quarantine period for leeches, you should gradually increase the temperature of the leech orphanage by one to two degrees daily to reach a temperature of more than 25 degrees.
  • You should prepare the leeches for new feeding after quarantine.

How should leech feeding be done?

Regarding the importance of leech nutrition, it must be said that if we want to write about leech nutrition, a book contains hundreds of pages. We tried to present the topic of leech nutrition to those interested in this profession in the form of various articles, which we suggest you carefully read the articles section of the site. In the field of special training in leech nutrition, you can also use the step-by-step educational package of medical reproduction and propagation of leech with confidence. Whenever you want to feed your leeches, you must prepare. Before preparing the blood, you should prepare the feeding utensils and utensils and wash them so that you can feed all the leeches immediately after the preparation of the blood.

How is blood taken from the slaughterhouse?

You should choose the blood of horse or camel or cow to feed the leeches and try not to use the blood of sheep and goat or chicken and rooster. Generally, in all cities and provinces, it is easier to get cow's blood. After going to the slaughterhouse and making the necessary adjustments, you should prepare the blood and pour it into a container you have already prepared.

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Comments (29 Comments)


Leeches can be very beneficial for your body and will also make you feel good



Mona hajimirzakhani

Leech reproduction is done in 6 to 9 months, while leech reproduction requires a longer process.




All of the aforementioned elements have a direct impact on the leeches' starving.




Hello, I searched a lot to read this article, thank you for your good information




leeches can reproduce only sexually. Asexual reproduction may occur by budding or fission.




Nowadays, leech is recommended for the treatment of many diseases, including varicose veins and muscle cramps, which are caused by dirty blood in the body




Leeches are very useful for removing dirty blood from the body




Facial leech therapy is one of the most effective methods of treating skin problems that you can easily benefit from.




Leeches is an excellent and high quality product made of the best materials and I recommend its use




Hello good day.Leech is an animal that is used to treat various diseases and we export it to other countries.




The main reasons for the loss of Leeches is an excellent and high quality product made of the best materials and I recommend its use.




Leeches should be grown in good places so that they do not get damaged and die



Reza javadi

These leeches are very strong and can easily suck your dirty blood and cannot live on land.




When a leech sucks blood, it secretes various substances that have many healing propertie .




Hello, they bought it from the leech export site for leech treatment, it was very high quality




Leech is used to treat many diseases and is very useful, of course, before doing it, be sure to test it and buy it from a reputable place.




Leech is an animal that is used to treat various diseases and we export it to other countries.




You know that leeches grow easily in dirty spaces, so keep their environment dirty so you can have more leeches.



Sadaf azimi

Today, leeches are used in the treatment of diseases and their use is very common in traditional medicine




Leeches are great for improving blood circulation




One of the reasons that cause leeches to disappear is their environment not being clean and hygienic




The leech is an animal that has healing properties and by biting the surface of the skin and sucking the blood, it removes the contaminated blood from the body




Leeches mostly live near springs and should be kept in a suitable place




Leech is a dangerous creature that sucks human blood and has a therapeutic aspect




This is a great quality product that lasts a long time and the price is very good




Breeding leech is very profitable and does not require much initial investment




Throwing leeches for body pollution and what can be seen or not can be seen and consumed, which are known for their properties today.




I really impressed. thanks for sharing. Great efforts,Have a good day




It is very effective to remove infection, boils and dirty blood. Be sure to use this method



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