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The benefits of thyme plant in food and its preservation

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Types of thyme plants

With the research conducted on the types of thyme plants, scientists have come to the conclusion that there is a type of antioxidant in the garden thyme leaf that is needed by the body.

Due to the high antioxidant content of garden thyme leaves, it is better to consume this plant every day either as a spice or as thyme tea.

Also, another type of thyme plants called broadleaf thyme has a lot of thymol.

Thyme leaves have many ingredients and supplements.

Asian countries like India and Iran are two vast and big countries that have different types of medicinal plants and also types of thyme in these two countries with unique quality and characteristics.

Due to the suitable climate and suitable soil in the two countries of Iran and Afghanistan, the plants that are cultivated in Iran and Afghanistan or grow naturally have many special and therapeutic properties.

It can be said that the thyme plant in these two countries, in addition to having a high variety, also has a unique aroma.

Iranian thyme plant is one of the best plant species that makes this plant more different from other different thyme species in other parts of the world.

Different types of thyme plants are widely cultivated in different regions of Iran.

All kinds of high-quality thyme plants grow naturally in different regions of Iran, in mountainous and plain areas, and in addition, experienced farmers grow all kinds of thyme plants scientifically.

The quality of Iranian thyme plants is so different and unique that the merchants of most countries of the world demand all kinds of medicinal plants and also all kinds of Iranian thyme plants.

The therapeutic properties of Iranian thyme are far more than those of other countries.

During the experiments conducted on different types of thyme plants, the researchers found that the essential oil of Iranian thyme leaves is much higher than the essential oils of thyme leaves from other parts of the world. 

Benefits of thyme plant

The unique benefits of this plant are known among other nations and every day more benefits of this plant are known.

For various diseases, the use of thyme plants leaves and seeds of various medicinal plants to treat many diseases has been common since the past until today.

Due to the healing properties of medicinal plants, all kinds of plants have been of interest from the past to the present day.

Liver disease kills countless people in the world every year because all the toxins in the body accumulate in the inner part of the liver. 

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Alireza alimohammadi