If you follow the scheduled plan of the representatives from the moment you enter Arad, you will be recognized as a grade B representative after three months.
In this case, you will be allowed to conduct your independent trade with the help of Arad Branding's capacities.
You will only give 10% of your trade profit to Arad Branding and 20% to the Aradi merchant who supplies your goods.
In fact, 70% of the commercial transaction profit is allocated to you.
Some representatives think that once their trade becomes independent, they will no longer need Arad, so they will not pay that 30% profit share to Arad and the Aradi merchant.
This group, whose population doesn't even reach 20%, cooperates with Arad before reaching independent trade but says goodbye to Arad as soon as they become independent.
They distance themselves from Arad for a while and will collaborate with others.
It is there that they find out that suppliers and merchants outside Arad will take more than the 30% they had to pay to Arad and the Aradi merchant under another name.
This is the good part of the story.
A common occurrence is that they will be cheated and provided with low-quality goods.
In many cases, they will face significant problems in supplying products.
We have even witnessed cases where the other party took the money from them and disappeared.
It is then that they realize they made a mistake by not paying the 30% share to Arad and the Aradi merchant and ended up paying more to others, potentially causing irreparable damages to their lives.
The great advantage of Arad Branding is that it brings a much safer commercial environment compared to the general traders' community.
You just need to enhance your understanding in virtual meetings and in-person interactions with us to realize that distancing yourself from the Arad community will be the greatest commercial loss of your life.
In exchange for its 10% share, Arad will provide you with a variety of services.
Aradi merchants, in exchange for their 20% share, will offer you extensive and secure capacities in supplying various products.
All of this is valuable enough that you are mistaken if you distance yourself from Arad.
If you are among those who left Arad because of these profit percentages, we recommend you return to Arad and the Arad community, as we will easily overlook the past.
And if you haven't reached that point yet, remember not to make a decision to part ways in the coming days, as it will ruin your life.