Author: Alireza Babaloei, Qom, Iran 🇮🇷, Persian
Today, we intend to familiarize you with tips for dealing with vilification of business from others.
We also provide practical solutions.
By following these tips, success and triumph will be yours.
In the following, we will discuss these 7 tips.
1. Change the energy circuit and connect with successful people
The best way to deal with those who gossip and spread negativity is to be in the company of successful people who provide you with positive energy.
To do this, simply visit Arad website every day and read all the daily news full of positive energy.
In the end, by reading some comments, create an additional motivation within yourself because seeing like-minded people will boost your motivation and determination.
Also, attending meetings, especially meetings for knowing Arad and seeing the success of people who started their business before you, will boost your spirits on the path of business.
Therefore, for success, you must be among successful people as being among weak individuals will influence your behavior and character towards them.
2. Control your interactions with others
God has set laws in this world that make this magnificent world go round.
For example, when a silkworm wants to turn into a beautiful butterfly, it must remain in a cocoon alone for 2 weeks without any contact with others.
Or when you plant a seed in the soil, it stays inside the soil for several days to become strong and emerge from the ground.
Therefore, as you have recently entered the path of business, you must hide yourself like a silkworm in a cocoon or a seed inside the soil so that nothing obstructs your growth.
So, try to quarantine yourself so you are not attacked by others.
Also, try to take inspiration from nature for your growth and avoid toxic individuals who provide you with negative energy.
3. Stop sharing your secrets.
Before doing anything, do not talk to others about the subject, as with negative energy, you will receive their feedback.
Pay attention to this point and know that your business dealings are considered a secret, and you should only share this secret with others after you have done it.
You may think some of your friends are well-wishers, when in reality, the opposite is true.
People who have played the mafia game are well aware of the roles people play and their ability to deceive them.
4. Focus on Goals
Every goal has a path, so you must stay focused on the path to reach that goal.
You should review your goals every day and keep in mind that the path to achieving these goals is through business, and nothing should divert you from this path because you will not reach your goals otherwise.
If you pay attention, you will notice that whenever you want to take a step in activities that do not contribute to your growth, no one will stop you.
But unfortunately, when it comes to activities that lead to your growth, you will face opposition from those around you.
Because the devil has sworn to obstruct the progress of the children of Adam, attacks will come towards you from within yourself or from those around you, and only by reviewing your desires can you stay strong and steadfast on this path.
5. Introduce Arad Branding to People
Most people who are against business do so because they think you have joined a company that is not reputable and large, leading them to believe that Arad Branding is similar to pyramid schemes.
If they get to know Arad Branding, they will realize they are mistaken, as it not only has no resemblance to pyramid schemes but is actually a large economic entity with offices, staff, representatives, and numerous traders from around the world.
They will become eager to collaborate and all you have to do is invite them to visit the website, listen to podcasts by Mr. Talia, or attend the Business School.
You will see them falling in love with Arad and entering the world of business.
6. Explain the Advantages of Business and How It is Done
Many people do not know that they can truly become traders and may deny you because they think that starting a business requires a lot of capital and is beyond their and your capabilities.
If you make them aware that there is a minimum profit of 50 million Tomans hidden in every commercial contract and that numerous deals are made every month, their perspective will change.
7. Do Not Take the Words of Opponents Seriously.
Do not take the words of those who oppose you seriously, simply acknowledge them with a smile.
This is a less-known technique, but subconsciously, it will impact people and they will not make any effort to confront you.
Changing people's beliefs is very difficult, as Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said: "The most difficult tasks involve changing beliefs, which is harder than moving mountains."
So if you are not looking for a challenge and do not want to align with that person, just superficially acknowledge them.
Every path has its own difficulties that must be managed.
I hope that by implementing these tips, you will achieve the success you have in mind, reach your business goals, and make the path of business sweeter for you.