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supreme sauce for chicken Purchase Price + Photo

In its most basic form, Sauce Supreme is a veloute sauce that has been bolstered with heavy cream. The recipe is utilized as a mother of many French sauces that are used for chicken, duck, and much more stuff. You'll also soon realize that many of the traditional French sauces are derived from this sauce. 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp butter, 1 onion, sliced very thinly (a little one), 50 grams of lardons made with smoked bacon, 1 clove of garlic, broken up and smashed, 2 chicken breasts with the skin on them, 1 milligram of ordinary flour, white wine, 50 milliliters, 150ml double cream, ½ tbsp Dijon mustard, 12 of a small bunch of chopped parsley, very finely,  minced (optional), and serve with mashed potatoes and green vegetables that have been cooked. To start, heat half of the butter and oil in a large skillet that has a non-stick coating. After including the onion in the dish and including a pinch of salt, carry on cooking the onion over a heat setting of medium for another ten to fifteen minutes, or until it has become golden brown and caramelized. After the bacon has been added, the temperature should be raised and the dish should continue to cook for a further five minutes, or until the bacon has reached the desired color. After adding the garlic, carry on with the cooking for one more minute. Put the mixture in a bowl, and set it aside so that you may deal with it later. In the same pan, with heat settings somewhere between medium and high, melt the butter and oil that was left over after everything else was done. After being seasoned, the chicken skin should be fried with the skin-side down for eight to ten minutes, or until it has reached the desired color and texture of a deep golden brown and is crunchy. After you have given it a good shake and flipped it over, give the new side a further five minutes of cooking time. You should now put the mixture of onion and bacon that you removed from the pan earlier back into the pan where it came from. After bringing the mixture to a simmer for two minutes, proceed with the cooking process while mixing the flour into the liquid. After you've added the wine, start by bringing the rest of the ingredients to a boil. After that, reduce the heat so that they're just barely simmering for a few minutes. Following the incorporation of the cream and mustard, arrange the chicken breasts so that the side with the skin is facing upward. While stirring it occasionally and cooking it over low heat for five minutes without the cover on and making sure to stir it occasionally. After tasting the food, make any required adjustments to the seasonings. Serve on top of mashed potatoes and greens, and just before serving, if you wish, garnish the meal with chopped fresh parsley that has been chopped fresh. Some chefs take it to the next level by imparting flavors that are suggestive of mushrooms in the dish they are preparing. The incorporation of mushroom stock is a failsafe method of accomplishing this objective. In contrast, an approach that is not only less complicated but also results in a sauce that is exceptionally delicious is to first rehydrate dry mushrooms in hot water, and then use that reconstituted mushroom water in the sauce as indicated in the following recipe. Place a whole handful of dried mushrooms, preferably porcini, into a pot that has a capacity that is adequate for holding them. Be sure to get this ready ahead of time because it is going to form the foundation of the cooking liquid that will be used for the mushrooms. To begin things rolling, put some water in a separate container and bring it to a boil. This will get things moving in the right direction. It is important that the mushrooms have their full surface area covered by the hot water when it is poured over them. The mushrooms should be able to absorb the flavor of whatever is contained in the container that they are in after a period of time ranging from twenty to thirty minutes. The cheesecloth should be used in order to filter the liquid to remove impurities. The instructions for the dish state that you should keep aside four tablespoons of the liquid, and you should put any remaining mushrooms as well as the liquid in the refrigerator so that you can use them at a later time. In a saucepan, combine the mushroom liquid, the stock, and the veloute sauce all at the same time. Bring to a boil, and once it has reached a boil, decrease the amount of liquid that is still left in the pot to about half its original size. After the sauce has reached the desired thickness, the heavy cream, butter, salt, and pepper should be added while it continues to be reduced. This should be done as soon as possible after the sauce has reached the desired thickness. This delectable Chicken Suprême is made by combining luscious chicken breast with an irresistibly creamy suprême sauce, and then topping it with sautéed mushrooms and crispy bacon. You might want to reconsider your strategy if the very thought of preparing traditional French food makes you feel even somewhat overwhelmed. The fundamental constituents of this sauce are simple and may be put together in a relatively short length of time. If you let yourself become distracted while cooking and step away from the sauce for more than a quarter of an hour, you will make the great majority of mistakes. As a result, find thirty minutes during which you won't be disturbed and see how easy it is to prepare the sauce. In addition, before beginning the cooking process, make sure that all of your components have been weighed and prepared in accordance with the principles of mise en place, which literally translates to "placing everything in its place." This should be done before you start cooking.

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