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price of Sunflower Seeds Benefits+ Major production distribution of the factory

The benefits of sunflower seeds for the skin and hair are numerous. When your nutrition is sufficient, you can easily have beautiful, flawless skin. Here's what sunflower seeds give you:

  1. Fights premature aging

Rich in vitamin E, sunflower seeds are a powerful natural remedy for premature aging. They protect our skin from free radical damage, sun damage, and environmental damage, which is essential for preventing signs of aging and maintaining skin vitality.

  1. Prevents UV damage

The copper in the seeds facilitates the production of melanin in our bodies, thus protecting our skin from the harmful effects of the sun's UV rays and keeping it as healthy as possible. benefits of sunflower seeds

  1. Keeps the skin free of bacteria

The essential fatty acids (linoleic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, etc.) present in the seeds have strong antibacterial properties, which ease the spread of infection, inflammation, and other skin problems.

  1. Makes the skin healthy

Being rich in nutrients, sunflower seeds are a superfood for our skin. It provides the nourishment and moisture needed for our cells to keep our skin soft, supple, smooth, and healthy. Benefits of sunflower seeds for hair With proper use of sunflower seeds, our dream of having a healthy scent can come true. We tell you how:

  1. Stimulates hair growth

Sunflower seeds greatly promote hair growth, thanks to their zinc and vitamin E content. These two components can increase blood circulation in the scalp, thus stimulating the follicles to a great extent.

  1. Prevents excessive hair loss

The seeds are rich in vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, which increases the body's absorption of zinc and provides the scalp with more oxygen. It causes less hair fall and relieves us from severe hair loss.

  1. Moisturizes the hair fiber

Essential fatty acids, especially omega-6 fatty acids, make sunflower seeds a good natural moisturizer for hair. It restores lost moisture to hair strands, preventing them from drying out and reducing split ends, thus promoting healthy hair. Sunflower seeds How to eat sunflower seeds The versatile sunflower seeds can be eaten raw, dry roasted, or fried in butter. They can also be added to cakes, crackers, salads, smoothies, and a variety of other baked dishes for flavor. The recommended daily amount of these seeds is 42 grams and you should not eat more than that. Sunflower seeds are mostly known for their use in the production of edible oils. But did you know you can also snack on these humble seeds? From nut blends to nutrition bars, these sweet seeds have found their place everywhere thanks to their high nutritional profile and amazing benefits. What's more, interestingly, they can take care of everything in your body including your health, skin, and hair. Let's explore more about the benefits of sunflower seeds as well as their side effects and uses. What are sunflower seeds? There are two types of sunflowers. The first type is mostly grown for extracting edible oil while the second type is grown for its edible seeds. Sunflower seeds are harvested from large flower heads, which are the fruits of the sunflower plant called Helianthus annuus. Edible sunflower seeds are enclosed in black and white striped "husk" or husks, which must be removed before consumption. The seeds, with a hard black shell, are used to extract the oil. In general, sunflower seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and a firm yet smooth texture. Peeled and dry roasted sunflower seeds are not only nutritious but also beneficial for our overall health and appearance. The nutritional profile of sunflower seeds Young sunflower seeds are packed with many nutrients. Its main components are 20% protein, 35-42% oil, and 31% polyunsaturated fatty acids. The seeds are rich in vitamins (A, B3, B5, B6, E, folic acid), essential minerals (copper, manganese, iron, zinc, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, selenium), dietary fiber, and essential fatty acids. (Linoleic acid, oleic acid) They also contain rich plant compounds such as flavonoids and phenolic acids, which contribute to their powerful antioxidant properties. Other components present in these seeds include alkaloids, tannins, saponins, terpenes, steroids, tocopherols (alpha, beta, and gamma), etc. Best of all, sunflower seeds contain 163 calories and contain no cholesterol.

benefits of sunflower seeds

Highly nutritious sunflower seeds can give us health benefits in the following ways:

  1. Improves digestion

Being rich in insoluble dietary fiber, sunflower seeds can greatly aid in digestion. The raw seeds increase the functions of the digestive system and avoid constipation.

  1. Prevents free radical damage

Sunflower seeds contain antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, selenium, etc. These antioxidants scavenge free radicals and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood so that the blood vessels are not clogged and we do not suffer from the disease. Atherosclerosis, arterial blockage, stroke, heart block, heart attack, etc.

  1. Keeps bad cholesterol away

While sunflower seeds prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, they also reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. They're full of dietary fiber, phytosterols, and polyunsaturated fats (both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats), which all work together against bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

  1. Regulates blood pressure levels

Consumption of sunflower seeds has a significant impact on our blood pressure levels. It is high in potassium and magnesium, which easily offsets the harsh effects that high sodium levels have on our bodies. As a result, our blood pressure does not rise and we can stay away from the dangers of high blood pressure.

  1. Prevents the development of cancer

The antioxidant properties of sunflower seeds are great for reducing and sometimes preventing cellular damage. They also contain some natural anti-cancer compounds, such as phytosterols, lignans, etc., which inhibit the growth of cancer cells as well as destroy them, preventing breast cancer and prostate cancer and playing a major role in protecting against colon cancer. To avoid further escalation.

  1. Controls blood sugar levels

The antioxidant properties present in sunflower seeds are also beneficial for diabetic patients. The raw seeds control our blood sugar levels and help our bodies to maintain them constantly so that we do not suffer from high or low blood sugar.

  1. Maintains bone health

Sunflower seeds take great care of our bones. Thanks to their high calcium and magnesium content, they are essential for maintaining the physical structure of bones, making them strong and healthy joints. The copper in raw sunflower seeds has also been found to be important for activating enzymes that increase the strength and flexibility of our bones as well as joints, elastin, and collagen (the two active components of connective tissue).

  1. Stay away from inflammatory diseases

Vitamin E present in sunflower seeds has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect on our bodies. Being a fat-soluble antioxidant, it protects us from oxidation, which ultimately protects us from various inflammatory diseases like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.

  1. Relaxes the nervous system

The high magnesium density in sunflower seeds is also good for our nerves. Calcium prevents the impulsion of neurons and also leads to their normal activity. These elements are important for maintaining the relaxation of muscles and blood vessels, resulting in a calm and relaxed nervous system.

  1. Promotes weight loss

Eating sunflower seeds makes your weight loss journey easy and smooth. It is highly nutritious and keeps us full for a long time, which is essential for effective weight loss.

Sunflower seeds

Do you know how to cultivate sunflowers? With bright blooms that last all summer, sunflowers are heat-tolerant, pest-resistant, and attractive to pollinators and birds. They make beautiful flowers and their seeds (and oil) are a source of food for birds and people! about sunflowers The sunflower (Helianthus) is an annual plant with a large daisy-like flower. Its scientific name comes from the Greek words Helios ("Sun") and Anthos ("Venus"). The flowers come in many colors (yellow, red, orange, chestnut, brown), but they are usually bright yellow with brown centers that ripen into heavy, seed-filled heads. Sunflowers are botanical, which means that they turn their flowers to follow the movement of the sun across the sky from east to west, then turn east again at night, to be ready for the morning sun again. Heliotropism occurs during the early stages before the flower becomes seed-heavy. There are many types of sunflowers available today, so having one that suits your garden is a must. Branching stems or single stems, choose from those that produce enough pollen for pollinators or are pollen-free (best for bouquets), those that stay short or hover over the rest of the garden, or those that produce edible seeds! How long does it take for sunflowers to bloom? A fairly fast-growing flower for its size, most sunflower varieties mature in just 80 to 95 days. The largest sunflowers grow to over 16 feet in height, while smaller varieties are developed for small spaces, containers, and sometimes over a foot in height! Flower heads can reach more than 12 inches in diameter within large-seeded varieties. Planting First, find a sunny spot! Sunflower grows best in locations exposed to direct sunlight (6 to 8 hours a day); They need a long, warm summer to bloom well. Choose a site with well-drained soil. After the rains, the place of sowing should not be watered. Otherwise, sunflowers aren't too picky about the soil, but for best results, they shouldn't be too compacted. They have long mortise roots that require screwing; To prepare a bed, dig two feet deep and about 3 feet wide. They are not overly tired when it comes to soil pH. Sunflowers thrive in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil (pH 6.0 to 7.5). However, sunflowers are heavy feeders, so the soil should be enriched with nutrients with organic matter or compost (rotten). Or, make a slow-release granular fertilizer 8 inches deep into the soil. If possible, plant sunflowers in a location protected from strong winds, perhaps along a fence or near a building. Large species can be very heavy and strong winds can be devastating. When do you plant sunflowers? It is best to plant sunflower seeds in the garden (or outdoor containers) after all danger of spring frosts has passed and the soil has warmed to at least 50°F (10°C). In the northern half of the US and Canada, it will fall between April and mid-June. In the south, this is likely to happen in mid-March or early April. Sunflowers hate muddying their roots, so we recommend direct sowing rather than transplanting. planting sunflower seeds Sunflowers should be planted 1 to 1 inch deep and about 6 inches apart after the soil has warmed well. If desired, you can plant several seeds and reduce them to the strongest competitors when the plants are six inches tall. Give plants plenty of room, especially for low-growing varieties that will branch out. Keep the rows 30 inches apart. (For very small varieties, the plant closes together.) A light application of fertilizer in planting will encourage vigorous root growth to prevent them from blowing away in the wind. Try plants for more than 5 to 6 weeks to enjoy continuous flowering. If you see birds scratching the seeds, place a net over the seed area until the seeds sprout. See more ways to keep birds out of your garden. grow up When the plant is young, water around the roots, about 3 to 4 inches from the plant. To protect the plant, placing a snail or slug bait around the stem can help. Once the plant is established, water occasionally to encourage deeper roots. Unless the weather is unusually wet or dry, use several gallons of water once a week. feeding plants only sparingly; Excessive fertilizing can cause stems to break in the fall. You can add diluted fertilizer to the water while avoiding getting the fertilizer close to the base of the plant; Making an 18-inch trench in a circle around the plant may help. Species and tall varieties require support. Bamboo shoots are a great choice for any plant that has one sturdy stem and needs short-term support.

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