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sun-dried grape raisins properties you should know

Who would have thought that this little withered sun-dried grape was a storehouse of vitamins in raisins? The medicinal properties of raisins have been known since ancient China. Believe it or not, this is his one of the most expensive gifts after silk and feathers. Rich in nutrients and minerals that help maintain and promote good health. Read this article to discover the benefits of raisins and why you should eat them. Benefits of raisins for the body

  • good eyesight

Raisins contain elements such as beta-carotene and other carotenoids, vitamins and calcium. This product is very important for the eyes. It reduces age-related vision loss and has anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Cancer prevention

Even small amounts of raisins can reduce the risk of cancer. This dried he fruit contains phenolic compounds that destroy and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

  • Relieve constipation

The high fiber content of raisins aids digestion. As such, it is an essential treatment for people with intestinal problems.

  • Prevention of diseases of the nervous system

Consuming large amounts of this dried fruit improves coordination, memory and concentration.

  • Prevention and treatment of anemia

Deficiency of iron and B vitamins leads to anemia. Be sure to add raisins to your menu. Half a glass of dried fruit contains 5% of your daily iron requirement.

  • Weight management

If you're on a diet, this delicious meal can replace your regular sweets. Raisins are a source of energy and must be ingested.

  • Healthy teeth

The raisin compound not only cleans tooth surfaces, strengthens gums and fights bacteria, but also strengthens teeth and prevents tooth decay.

  • Cholesterol Reduction

Raisins can be used to lower cholesterol in a natural and healthy way.It has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

  • Sexual activity

Scientists have proven that raisins have valuable properties that aid the sexual life of men and women.It is therefore used not only for erectile problems, but also to arouse and stimulate sexual desire. increase. Therefore, raisins can improve health and prevent disease! Translated from Turkish, raisins means "grapes". Before talking about the beneficial properties of raisins, let's first look at what they really are. There are four types of raisins: small light-seeded white and green vines, dark blue pits, medium light olive one-seeded vines, large fleshy, very sweet taste with a lot of large pits. At the same time, like grapes, raisins of certain varieties are healthier than pure ones. Raisins are among the sweet foods. However, this is not at all the sugar that we put in tea, fructose and sugar, which are healthy carbohydrates, do not increase insulin levels in the blood. Calorie content of raisins Raisins are very high-calorie and each 100 grams of the product contains 264 kcal. 100 grams of raisins, raisins - 279 kcal. Eating too many raisins can lead to obesity. Nutritional value per 100 grams: useful properties of raisins Raisins are very rich in potassium: 100 grams contain 860 mg of potassium. Unknown, raisins contain elements such as phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamin B5 (nicotinic acid). Niacin or nicotinic acid is a component of an enzyme involved in cell removal and protein metabolism that regulates nerve activity. That is why raisins strengthen the nervous system and act as a sedative. Potassium, which is very rich in grapes, regulates the acid-base balance of the blood, stimulates the heart muscle, improves the transmission of nerve impulses, and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and skin. Thanks to the vitamins B1, B2 and B5 contained in raisins and the rare element magnesium, the functioning of the nervous system improves, a person relaxes and sleep improves. Dark raisins, like dark grapes and the raisins juice derived from them, are considered healthier than lighter varieties. Raisins can also treat tooth decay and gum disease. The antioxidants it contains, in addition to oleanolic acid, prevent the growth of batteries that cause dental disease. The phytomaterials in raisins are good for perch and gums. One of the properties of raisins is to eliminate puffiness and increase urine production. This property is directly related to the presence of potassium in it, which helps with poisoning, when it is necessary to remove toxins from the blood. To do this, you must first crush the raisins and mix them with animal fat, and then apply to the tumor or boil. Raisins should be included in the diet of a person suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Raisins strengthen the lungs, heart, nervous system and even calm the nerves. If you feel irritable, soak a handful of raisins in cold water overnight and drink in the morning, this drink also stimulates the heart muscle. The properties of raisins are significantly different from grapes - this was noted by doctors in antiquity. Dried grapes have long been used in folk medicine. A decoction of raisins with onion juice is useful for coughs, rashes, sore throats: pour 100 grams of raisins with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes, strain, strain, mix with a tablespoon of onion juice and 1/2 beer. cups 3 times a day. For acute cough and bronchitis: insist 30 g of raisins in cold boiled water for 45 minutes and drink before going to bed with warm milk. The list of useful properties of raisins also includes its ability to help with jaundice. In this case, a special infusion of grape vinegar is prepared. This tea is also suitable for the treatment of tumors of the spleen. It should be noted that the amount of sugars (glucose and fructose) in raisins is 8 times higher than in grapes. Therefore, instead of sweets and caramel, it is better to eat raisins. It contains antioxidants that prevent the growth of bacteria, which is one of the causes of cavities. Otherwise, raisins help with bronchitis, pneumonia and blood pressure. To prepare this decoction, pour 100 grams of chopped raisins with a glass of water, let it brew for 10 minutes on low heat and strain through a colander. One of the benefits of raisins is that they help balance the flavor. Interestingly, different types of raisins help with different diseases. Seedless raisins are useful for dysertery, and its pods are useful for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Raisins are dry fruits obtained from the drying of grapes. The first mention of raisins appeared in ancient Egypt about two thousand years ago. These berries came to Europe with Phoenician traders in the 10th and 9th centuries. BC. Currently, raisins are mainly consumed in the countries of the Near and Middle East, as well as in the Mediterranean countries. Read about the types, properties and benefits of dried fruits in art.

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