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Buy all kinds of construction steel rebar at the best price

As the most basic and best-selling section steel required for building construction, steel bars come in various types.

As we mentioned in the previous article, steel bars are divided into three types: simple steel bars, ribbed steel bars and coiled steel bars.


construction steel rebar introduction

It can be said that the first characteristic and difference between steel bars is their size.

Rebar is a profile with a circular cross-section and there are different types on the market.

Generally, rebars are made of steel and they come in different varieties and have many uses in construction projects.

You can use 6 types of rebar in your construction projects according to your needs.

  • Sort rebar by gender
  • European rebar
  • Carbonized steel rod (steel rod with black bottom)
  • Galvanized steel bars
  • Epoxy-coated rebar
  • polymer fiberglass rebar
  • Stainless steel rod


Standard-based rebar classification

  • Rebar (A1 (S240)) is simple rebar used for bending and welding.
    No. 8 to No. 10 rebars belong to this type.
  • Reinforcing bar (A2 (S340): Known as spiral or spring rebar.
    The tread of this rebar is continuous in a spiral from the beginning to the end of the bar, with no breaks anywhere.
  • Reinforcing bar (A3 (S400): It is a kind of ribbed steel bar, mainly a crossbar, which is the most widely used in construction operations.
  • A4 rebar (S500): Due to its high strength, it is suitable for avoiding resource waste and saving engineering costs.


Use of different types of rebar

Simple and ribbed bars are the most used types of bars in industry and construction.

The section steel takes on a large part of the task of bearing and transferring pressure.

Many people think that steel bars are only used for columns, but this is not the case! Generally, steel bars are used to form buildings from the lowest point of the building in the foundation to the highest point in the columns.


construction steel rebar advantages

It is good to know that the rebar abbreviation is used to identify the manufacturer of this product, it consists of letters and numbers and is considered a generic ID for rebar. 

Among the most important uses of simple reinforcement are the following:

  • building connection
  • Manufacture of industrial parts
  • car parts
  • Infrastructure assemblies for roads and highways (when light metal cladding is required in the structure)

ribbed The ribbed rebar, widely used today, differs from plain rebar in that it has grooves and depressions in the surface.

This problem results in this type of rebar having no wear problems and works well in concrete and steel.

The most important role of ribbed steel bars is to increase the tensile strength level of concrete structures.

 When rebar is used in combination with other building materials, it increases its impact resistance.

If we take this advantage into consideration, a frame made using steel bars can greatly increase the resistance of a building when natural disasters such as earthquakes occur.

  • rebar constructional applications in different countries

 Rebars must have a specific specification to differentiate the factories that produce them.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has established standard identification rules that all rebar must follow:

  • Specifies a number for the rebar size.
  • The type of steel symbol must be mentioned.
    For example, "N" represents bar rolled from a new billet, "W" represents weldable steel, and "A" represents shaft-rolled steel.
  • Reinforcement grades should also be determined.
    This grade can be 60 or 75 or 420 or 520 and it specifies the strength of the reinforcement.
  • Another logo is usually engraved on the steel bars as simple letters or symbols.
    This symbol introduces the rebar manufacturer.

What is the reason for using rebar in concrete? Reinforcing bars are used in concrete to increase the concrete's tensile strength.

Concrete has weak tensile strength, but high compressive strength.

So the reason for using steel bars in concrete is to reinforce the structure.

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Naser Fallah Nouri