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Buy all kinds of building stone for the exterior + price

The stone used in the interior or exterior of the walls in the building has a standard size and thickness that in this part you will be familiar with them.

Because the building itself is the most essential component of the structure and the public's primary motivation for wanting it, it is best to employ precision and elegance in the design of the structure.

Stone is one of the materials that may be utilized in a wide variety of construction applications.

You have your choice of many different sorts of natural stones to utilize if you share my preference for shiny ceramics and stones.

Because of the wide variety of stones and the diverse thicknesses required for the various applications, it is widely employed in building construction, and many people utilize such receivers.

The study of geology classifies rocks into three categories: sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, and metamorphic rocks.

Each of these three categories, in turn, is subdivided into even more specific categories based on the lithological and mineralogical features of the rocks that comprise them.

Granite (a type of igneous rock), limestone, travertine, sandstone (all types of sedimentary rock), slate, marble, and quartzite are the primary stones used in the construction of the facade (metamorphic rock).

These many kinds of stones will each receive a quick introduction in the next paragraphs.

 Stones used for construction are often chopped into various pieces, such as slabs, tiles, and so forth.

The thickness of cut stones is an essential characteristic of these kinds of stones.

There are a few distinct angles from which one might evaluate the thickness of a building stone.

Depending on the kind of cut you get.

In factories, various shapes can be cut into building stones using various cutting tools.

  • Slab

The majority of the time, slab pieces are utilized in the decorating and interior design of buildings.

Stones are often cut to a thickness that ranges from 15 to 20 millimeters, while the nominal thickness of slab stones produced in stone-cutting factories can range anywhere from 20 to 40 millimeters, depending on the type of cutting equipment used.

  • Tile

With the use of a top cutter, saw, or gate mill, tiles made of building stone can be fabricated in a variety of proportions.

Some of these measurements are 40 by 40 cm, 60 by 60 cm, and 80 by 80 cm.

These stones all have the same slab thicknesses, which are approximately 20, 30, and 40 millimeters in measurement.

It is important to note that the cutting machine is responsible for the majority of the production of cut tiles in the plants.

Tiles made of stone find usage in a wide variety of applications, including the flooring of buildings, hallways, elevators, outdoor areas, and other places.b

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Safarali Habibi