PVC coated rebar ties, galvanized wire rebar ties, and stainless steel wire ties are all available, and 1000 individual pieces per bundle. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you do not see what it is that you are looking for; we would be happy to assist you. The improvements that have been made to our level of living all over the world are owed, in no small part, to the contributions that stainless steels have made when combined with modern technology. What percentage of the global economy does the stainless steel industry make up, and how big is it? During the international stainless steel conference that was held in November 1984 by Metal Bulletin, Paul R. Roedel of Carpenter Technology Corporation responded to this inquiry by providing an answer. In a good year, it is anticipated that the consumption will reach 5 million metric tons, excluding the countries that make up the eastern block. If the value of stainless steel is around $2,000 per metric ton on average, the global stainless industry is estimated to be worth approximately $10 billion. However, the true worth of stainless steels to society cannot be determined solely by the amount of steel that is consumed in terms of either tons or dollars. By looking at its past, one can gain insight into other significant factors, such as the expansion of its industrial base and the progression of its technological capabilities. Ever from its humble beginnings in the 1920s, the stainless steel industry has been seen as a cutting-edge, high-technology sector. This perception dates back to the industry's earliest days. On the other hand, in tandem with the general expansion of technological and scientific advancements over the course of the past few decades, the development of stainless steel has been driven by the needs of the market. It was necessary to develop new stainless materials with unique combinations of corrosion resistance, machinability, hardness, and other particular properties in order to satisfy the needs of the market rather than to cater to the whims of scientists and engineers. For instance, stainless steel was used for both the outbound and return journeys to the moon by humans on the Apollo missions. The demands placed on stainless steel's quality have also been a significant driving force in the material's evolution. In order to meet the requirements of some crucial market applications, new levels of metal performance and reduced error tolerances were necessary. Because of this, new production procedures have been developed, which are required to create steels with greater performance levels. The management of costs has traditionally been a top priority, which has resulted in the evolution of production processes that are more productive over time. The argon-oxygen decarburization (A.O.D.) method was a cost-driven innovation that greatly cut down on the expenses associated with the production of stainless steels. Yield and cost improvements have also been considerably impacted by continuous casting in a considerable way.
Stainless steel rebar tie wire
The most malleable and low-carbon version of annealed steel wire is used to manufacture rebar tie wire, which is also known as rebar tying wire. It is primarily used for tying and bundling stainless reinforcing steel bar, as well as for supporting plants in gardens. It has been fully galvanized and has a PVC coating on the surface. These features provide outstanding flexibility and corrosion resistance. The components that go into making loop tie wire are as follows: copper wire, galvanized wire, PVC-coated wire, stainless steel wire, and annealed wire of the highest grade. The machine that makes loop ties will, when it is operational, automatically deliver a wire and a straight. In the meantime, the loops at both ends of the iron wire were cut and bent into place. precise length, minimal rate of errors, and incision that is very tidy. Characteristics of the tie wire for rebar Outstanding adaptability as well as gentleness. Due to the drawing, acid washing, and annealing processes, it possesses exceptional flexibility and suppleness. Anti-corrosion and endurable. This kind of soft annealed rebar tie wire can withstand corrosion thanks to the galvanized and PVC coating on the surface of the wire. Additionally, it is not readily damaged. Excellence in both quality and standard. It has ideal properties, and utilizing them will make your task more productive without causing any harm. Examples of uses for tie wire for rebar Primarily utilized for the purpose of providing support for plants in gardens, specifically trees, vines, and vines. In everyday life, as packing for foods such as cereals, potatoes, lime, sugar cane, seeds, and bread, etc. Reinforcing steel, repairing concrete structures, and even restoring swimming pools are common applications for rebar ties. Application recommended for items such as wire, bar, wood, PVC pipe, and tube, as well as other bundled products. Crafts that are made by hand. The use of tie wire made of stainless steel in conjunction with rebar has a multitude of benefits, some of which are listed below. Because of its high resistance to corrosion, particularly chloride ions, it is perfect for use in the construction of water bridges. Reduces the amount of concrete cover by a significant amount, resulting in savings in terms of time, weight, money, and labor. There is no requirement for sealants such as silicone here. Significantly improves longevity while simultaneously lowering the amount of maintenance and repair needed In the end, it is possible to recycle the metal. Smart Craftsmen Metal Products Sales Co., Ltd. was established in 2016, but our history can be traced back to 2008. Smart Craftsmen has three production workshops located in Hebei province, China. These workshops include technology such as bending, stamping, welding, cold-heading, and thread rolling, among other processes. Is it possible to utilize tie wire made of stainless steel with regular rebar? Galvanic action is always a worry when utilizing dissimilar metals, but it is not likely to be an issue when combining stainless tie wires with standard carbon steel rebar. This is because galvanic action only occurs when dissimilar metals come into contact with one another. To begin, it is necessary to know the type of stainless steel being used in order to be able to evaluate the likelihood of galvanic action.
There are numerous distinct sorts; some of them, for example, have a galvanic scale value that is quite near to that of carbon steel, while others do not. One way to tell is to determine whether or not the stainless is magnetic. There are larger concentrations of chromium, nickel, and other more noble metals in nonmagnetic stainless steel, which means that this type of stainless steel has the potential to have a galvanic response in certain circumstances. But more importantly, the amount of stainless steel in tie wire is so minute that even if galvanic action were to corrode the carbon steel, it is highly unlikely that sufficient corrosion byproducts would be produced to damage the concrete. This is because the quantity of stainless steel in tie wire is so minute. The integrity of the construction would not be compromised by corrosion because the sole purpose of tie wire is to install rebar before concrete is poured. However, the price of stainless steel tie wire can be up to six times higher than the price of conventional tie wire. It is highly improbable that you would want to utilize it, especially if you are concerned about the possibility of rust spots appearing on the concrete's surface if the tie wire is brought too close to the surface. One question that is connected to this one is whether or not it is appropriate to utilize normal tie wire made of carbon steel with stainless steel (SS) rebar. Because of its nonmagnetic qualities, stainless steel rebar is frequently utilized in severely corrosive settings, such as coastal building. It is also utilized in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and research facilities. Corrosion of the tie wires would not affect the integrity of the building in any structural way; nonetheless, it could be an aesthetic issue and raise questions about the quality of the concrete work. But what's more significant is that whenever there's a problem with the magnetic signature of the structure, the tie wire should always be made of stainless steel. When working with stainless steel reinforcement, it is important to use tie wire made of stainless steel, particularly when bundling stainless bars for transport. In the event that this does not occur, the galvanic action of the carbon steel tie wire will cause corrosion, and the bundles will become separated.
Stainless steel rebar per bundle
Galvanized steel is less dense per bundle than stainless steel rebar. They stop concrete from cracking. A family of iron-based alloys known for their resistance to heat and corrosion is referred to as stainless steel. Its minimum chromium content of 10.5%, which gives it a superior corrosion resistance compared to other types of steel, is one of stainless steel's key characteristics. Stainless steel, like other steels, is primarily made of iron and carbon, with a few additional alloying elements, the most notable of which is chromium. Stainless steel also frequently contains the alloys nickel, magnesium, molybdenum, and nitrogen. What characteristics does stainless steel have? Stainless steel has many advantageous qualities that significantly contribute to its widespread use in the production of parts and components across numerous industrial sectors. Above all, it has a high level of corrosion resistance due to the chromium content. Steel is approximately 200 times more corrosion resistant than steels without chromium thanks to the 10.5% minimum content. Additional benefits for consumers include its high strength and durability, resistance to both high and low temperatures, improved formability and simple fabrication, low maintenance requirements, long lifespan, attractive appearance, and environmental friendliness and recyclable nature. Stainless steel does not require treatment, coating, or painting once it is put to use.
- resistant to corrosion
- a strong tensile capacity
- very robust
- tolerant of temperature
- Simple fabrication and formability
- Low-maintenance (long lasting)
- attractive presentation
- friendly to the environment (recyclable)
- stainless steel grading scales
Stainless steel is categorized numerically based on composition, physical characteristics, and intended applications. The series number used to classify each type of stainless steel is followed by a numerical grade. The 200, 300, 400, 600, and 2000 series numbers are the most widely used. The most popular grades are austenitic chromium-nickel alloys of type 304 and 316. The 400 Series of stainless steels, which are derived from ferritic and martensitic chromium alloys, are used to make cutlery. Type 420 is referred to be surgical steel, while type 440 is used to make razor blades. Classes of Stainless Steel Based on their crystal microstructure, the family of stainless steels is essentially divided into four major types. Ferritic The 400 Grade stainless steels known as ferritic steels have a high chromium content that can range from 10.5% to 27%. Additionally, they have magnetic properties that provide good ductility, stability of the tensile properties, and resistance to corrosion, thermal fatigue, and stress-corrosion cracking. Applications for Ferritic Stainless Steel Ferritic stainless steels are frequently used in durable products such appliances and food equipment as well as automobile components and parts, the petrochemical industry, heat exchangers, and furnaces. Austenitic Austenitic grade steels, which may be the most popular type of stainless steel, contain various proportions of nickel, manganese, nitrogen, and carbon along with high levels of chromium. Depending on the alloys utilized, austenitic steels are categorized into the 300 series and 200 series subcategories. The nickel addition distinguishes the austenitic structure of the 300 series. Nitrogen and manganese addition are the two main components of the 200 series. The most popular stainless steel is grade 304. Applications for Austenitic Stainless Steel It is utilized in kitchen appliances, cutlery, food processing equipment, and structural components in the automotive and aerospace industries. It is also sometimes known to as 18/8 due to its 18% chromium and 8% nickel content. Another popular stainless steel is grade 316. It is used to create a variety of goods, including tools for food preparation, lab benches, medical and surgical equipment, boat fittings, and machinery for processing chemicals, textiles, and pharmaceuticals.