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Sponge Iron in Bellary; Low Sulfur Copper Zinc Tin Chromium Content (5 18 MM)

Sponge iron in Bellary is a type of DRI that is made by directly reducing iron ore with a reducing gas or elemental carbon.

Sponge Iron in Bellary

Sponge iron, also known as direct reduced iron, is made from hematite iron ore that ranges in size from 5 to 18 millimeters by removing the oxygen through a process called direct reduction.

This process takes place in a rotary kiln and uses non-coking coal as the fuel and reducing agent.

The chemical and physical properties of sponge iron are stable, and it contains a high percentage of metallic iron (pure iron).

This allows steel manufacturers greater freedom in the preparation of their furnace charge, which enables them to produce steels of a higher quality than would be achievable with scrap steel alone.

sponge iron melting induction furnace

Sponge Iron Features in Bellary

Sponge iron is a more favored intermediary for better quality steel due to its low sulfur content.

The operators of electric furnaces can accurately adjust their process settings because the gangue constituents are few and well-known.

Title Description
Advantages Low Sulfur Content
Superiority Copper, Zinc, Tin and Chromium
Content High Percentage of Metallic Iron
Size 5 to 18 millimeters

Scrap typically contains metals like copper, zinc, tin, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, and others, but it is non-pyrophoric and free of tramp elements.

Non-coking coal of average quality, which cannot be utilized to make iron, can be used in the DRI process.

Due to the depletion of coking coal resources, the steelmaking process must employ abundant non-coking coal reserves.

With similar settings in the EAF, continuous feeding of DRI yields a higher power level than a 100% scrap charge.

sponge iron melting induction furnace

Buy Sponge Iron in Bellary

When you are going to buy sponge iron in Bellary, you need to keep in mind that there are a few things you should check before making a purchase.

You can check the sponge iron's analysis to determine whether it has any quality characteristics, such as excellent metallic content, an ideal consistency in chemical and physical properties, and a low sulfur and phosphorus content.

Also, there are four different ways to make sponge iron, each of which contributes to the overall quality of the product:

Process using the Midrex

HYL process, also known as the "4th generation Energiron" or the "SL/RN process"

Tunnel furnace method

sponge iron manufacturing process pdf

Sponge Iron Price in Bellary + Buy and Sell

The sponge iron price in Bellary depends on a variety of factors.

I'd like to begin by noting the product's market demand, which influences the final pricing of the sponge iron in Bellary.

The grades of the product, which have varying chemical contents, constantly affect the price.

For instance, sponge iron with more iron elements involves higher costs.

The other factor that affects sponge iron pricing is the production process.

The cost of sponge iron per metric ton ranges from $75 to $100.

We are prepared to accept your call regarding product specifications and other information.

Make sure to contact us.

sponge iron melting induction furnace

The Answer to Two Questions About Sponge Iron

1: Is sponge iron magnetic?

Shipment-ready sponge iron. Char, which is non-magnetic and contains carbons, is recycled or sold as brick fuel.

2: Why does a sponge iron catch fire?

Sponge iron with a high surface area-to-volume ratio will burn when exposed to air.

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