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Buy Solar Water Heaters Specitications + Great Price

Solar Water Heater With Indirect Flat Plate Working principle of an indirect flat panel solar water heater: The flat panel solar collector gathers solar energy.

Solar glass with a low iron concentration allows more solar energy to pass through.

Heat is absorbed by the flat panel collector and transferred to the heat transfer liquid inside the flat panel solar collector in a closed circuit system.

As the liquid temperature rises, the hot fluid rises through the collector using the natural thermosiphon mechanism and flows into the heat exchanger jacket around the water tank.

The heat is transmitted to the water here, which cools the fluid.

The displacement motion of heated fluid rising into the heat exchanger jacket forces the cooler fluid back down into the collector.

The forced-down cooler fluid is heated in the collector and rises again, passing the heat to the water in the water tank.

This cycle is repeated until all of the water in the storage tank is heated.

 Characteristics of an indirect flat panel solar water heater:

  1. Closed circuit double jacket design, the wide jacket area where heat is transferred increases the efficiency of the indirect type solar water heater.
  2. Enamel inner tank prevents corrosion, scaling, and frost damage.
  3. Solar Keymark (EN12976) approved the whole system, Solar Keymark certified flat panel solar collector (EN12975).
  4. Multifunctional bracket for installation on both flat and sloping roofs.
  5. Withstanding high pressure (0.6MPa) and providing a nice shower.
  6. Can withstand temperatures as low as -40°C.A

Specifications for an indirect flat panel solar water heater

  1. Enamel carbon steel inner tank and jacket
  2. Galvanized steel outside the tank
  3. Polyurethane foam insulation layer
  4. Painted galvanized steel support.
  5. 2/2.5m2 flat plate solar collector with blue titanium coating.

 6 bar working pressure; 10 bar testing pressure

  1. Capacity range: 150L-300L.
  • Solar Water Heater with a Direct Flat Plate

Working principle of a direct flat plate solar water heater:

A direct flat plate solar water heater is a type of thermosiphon solar water heater in which a flat plate collector is installed beneath a high-pressure hot water tank.

The tank and flat plate are linked by two circulation pipes to form a closed-loop solar water heating system.

Because the system is always constructed as a direct system, no other liquid may be used as a circulation medium.

Water is heated directly within the flat collector and rises to be stored inside the hot water tank by continually cycling in this manner.

Characteristics of a direct flat plate solar water heater:

  1. Solar Keymark (EN12976) certification for the entire system; Solar Keymark certification for the flat plate solar collector (EN12975).
  2. Multifunctional bracket for installation on both flat and sloping roofs.
  3. Withstanding high pressure (0.6MPa) and providing a nice shower.
  4. Suitable for hot areas with no risk of freezing.
  5. Free of Glycol and Chemicals!

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