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Cinnamon raisin buns are a staple in Chinese bakeries despite their name. If you like cinnamon raisin bread, try this (toasted with a little butter...perfection). So take a look at the ingredients and recipes. Soft raisin bun recipe 1) A third of a cup (160 ml, at room temperature), heavy cream 2) The equivalent of around 1 cup of milk (plus 1 tablespoon, at room temperature; total 250 ml) 3) 1 medium-sized egg (at room temperature) 4) 1-third cup sugar (75grams) 5) Cake flour 12 cups (70 grams) 6) 1 tablespoon of active dry yeast in (11 grams) 7) 3.5 cups of bread flour (500 grams) 8) Add 1 1/2 toasts salt (7grams) 9) 2 tablespoons sugar (25grams) and a quarter teaspoon cinnamon. And for the last part: 10) 2/3 cup of raisins (75-100grams) Overnight raisin bun 11) Large egg weighing a few pounds (beaten with 1 tablespoon water to form an egg wash) 12) 1 tbsp. white sugar (12g, dissolved in 1 tablespoon of hot water to make a simple syrup) Make dough. Cream, milk, egg, sugar, cake flour, bread flour, yeast, and salt in a stand mixer (in that order). Connect the dough hook to the mixer. Stop the machine after 15 minutes to gather the dough. After 15 minutes, the dough rises. Reheat the bowl for an hour, then stir. Doubled dough. After an hour, remove air bubbles from the bread dough. 12 pieces of floured dough. 8x4-inch pieces. Cinnamon, sugar, and raisins enhance baked goods. Leave one end of a cigar intact when cutting in half (this will make it appear like a pair of trousers). Twist and tuck the two halves beneath the bread. Cover and rise another hour. Preheat to 350°F. Bake buns for 13 to 15 minutes after egg-washing. After baking, brush them with simple syrup. Raisin buns ingredients

Soft raisin bun recipe

The components need to be assembled in advance in order for you to be successful in baking this raisin-studded soft bun. 1)2 teaspoons of sugar 2) 125 milliliters (about half a cup or 4.4 fluid ounces) 3) Lukewarm milk 260 g 4) 2 cups + 2 tablespoons/ 9 oz. plain flour (all-purpose flour) 5) ½ teaspoon salt 6) 1 medium egg 7) 30 games (about 3 tablespoons or 1 ounce) butter, melted 8) 100 g (2/3 cup/ 3.5 oz.) raisins 9) 2 and one-half tablespoons of dry yeast Chinese raisin bun For lubrication, you'll need 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil. A mixture of 1 egg yolk and around a tablespoon of melted butter is used to brush the raisin buns before baking. In a jar, combine yeast, yeast nutrient, lukewarm milk, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and lukewarm sugar. Let the mixture rest for 5 minutes after whisking. Mix the remaining flour, sugar, egg, and salt in a large bowl. Pour over yeast and sugar. While stirring, add melted butter. Lift the dough with one hand and coat it with 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil. Turn the dough over and over to coat it with oil. First, apply cling film, then a dish towel. Warm the dough for one hour or until it doubles in size, whichever comes first. After an hour, remove the dough. Hand-flatten dough. Fold raisins into the dough. Bake bread for a baguette. Keep dough's air bubbles intact for fluffy buns. Cut the baguette into 8 pieces. Cutting in the roll's middle assists the rest of the procedure. Baking the buns on paper. Cover and uncover after 30 minutes of rising. High and low oven 180°C (356°F). Mix an egg yolk with 1/2 cup milk. Raisin yeast rolls are egg-washed after the second rise. 20-minute golden brown. Butter warm raisin buns. Done!

Overnight raisin bun

The list of items that you need to bake overnight raisin bun is mentioned below: 3 cups of flour may be used for whatever you choose 2) 2 and a half teaspoons (8 grams) of drying yeast 3) 25 grams of sugar (2 tablespoons) plus a half-teaspoon of salt 4) 3/4 of a cup of (180ml) milk at room temperature 5) A large Egg in one 6) 3 tbsp. (45g) a half cup of melted butter (70g) Raisins 7) One egg and one tablespoon of water make up the egg wash. A malleable and sticky dough is formed by combining all of the ingredients and mixing well. Knead the dough for four to five minutes after transferring it to a floured board. When you've added the raisins, mix everything together well. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rise until it has doubled in size, about an hour. Using a sharp knife, divide the dough into 10 pieces of equal size. Form each piece of dough into a long bun or a ball after flattening it. Wrap each of the buns in a piece of parchment paper and place them on a baking pan. Place a paper towel or plastic wrap over the dish and put it aside. Let it rise until it reaches double its original size. Oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for a few minutes (180C). Bake for around 20 minutes or until they're golden brown. 7. Brush the buns with the beaten egg and put them in the oven. Allow the meal to come to room temperature before serving. The buns may be frozen to preserve their freshness. If the buns are packed in a bag and stored inside a bag, they may be frozen for up to four to five days.

Raisin buns ingredients

The amount of raisin buns that can be made from the ingredients is twelve. 400 grams of all-purpose flour, bread flour, or French-style flour 55 flour 14 games of quick yeast in place of the 40 grams of fresh yeast 8 g salt 50 grams of butter made from fresh dairy 1 egg yolk 220 g milk 10 grams of sweetness (a mixture of sugar and orange or lemon zest; read "before you start") 400 grams of rinsed and rehydrated raisins (you can also use a mixture of raisins and currants). Bread or buns require yeast. I used active dry yeast. Save time and money with quick yeast. Active yeast must be dissolved in water or milk before use, unlike quick yeast. I'd never cooked raisin buns before this attempt. I adore these as a snack or with coffee. Malaysia's Lavender Bakery boasts the greatest raisin buns. I'll never forget it. Sweetened with raisins. This dish included California raisins. You may use whatever kind of raisins you choose. Combine milk, yeast, and sugar in a low-volume basin. After dissolving the ingredients, chill the bowl for 5 minutes. Egg and egg yolk goes in a smaller dish. Eliminate. Mix yeast, eggs, flour, salt, sugar, and cinnamon powder. Well-mix. Mix with a spatula. Butter the batter. Cover all bases. On a floured surface, knead the ingredients into a dough. If the dough is sticky, add more flour. After adding flour, your hands shouldn't stick. After adding raisins, knead the dough until smooth. Rest the dough for an hour in a buttered bowl. Divide the dough evenly to make uniform-sized balls. Preheat the oven to 350°F (I made 18 balls). Bake using parchment paper. After putting the balls on the tray, wait 10 minutes. Cooking should take 15 minutes. Top raisin buns with honey and melted butter.

Chinese raisin bun

To make this Chinese raisin bun you should follow this recipe. This bun is one of the easiest and tastiest buns around the world. There should never be any dryness in the dough while baking bread. It has to be light and fluffy with a little sweetness. 1/4 cup flour and 1/2 cup water in a pot. Stir spaghetti periodically for 4 minutes. Whisk until a paste is mashed potato-thick. Cold-serve. One egg goes in the mixer's bowl. Microwave milk for 20-30 seconds. 3.5 cups flour, sugar, salt, and yeast. Blend slowly. Knead for 15 minutes, scraping the basin and adding 1-2 teaspoons of flour as required. Dust with leftover flour. Cover the dough after 45-60 minutes and let it double in a warm, draft-free atmosphere (I usually put it in my oven with the oven light on). Soak raisins for 5 minutes while the dough rises. Discard discarded paper towels after washing and drying. Line baking sheet with paper. Beat the last egg with 1 teaspoon of water. With the remaining flour, make raisin bread. Check dough after 45-60 minutes. Not doubled, but puffier. On a floured surface, flatten the dough. Half-roll the dough with raisins. Coil the log with raisins by rolling it end-to-end. Rectangle-patting again. Grease your hands and a knife to divide the dough. Let dough rest if it's too hard. I stretch by jump-roping. Twist and fold the dough. Pinch and tuck dough ends, then lay on a parchment-lined sheet and cover with plastic. Bake dough 350°F for 45 minutes. Remove the plastic wrap and egg wash the bread before baking. Golden and crispy, 27-30 minutes. Cool the loaves with tongs after baking. Warm bread is ready to eat after baking. Once cool, put in a container or bag (at least an hour). Warm bread in a paper towel for 10-20 seconds.

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Comments (35 Comments)


These sweets are very tasty and have a good taste that is very useful for my body and my year




Hello, raisin breads are delicious because raisins alone have a unique taste




Chinese raisin bread has a very soft and smooth texture, this type of nutrition is very easy to cook, and it is also very tasty and fragrant.




These fluffy, not too sweet, raisin buns made with yeasted dough make a perfect breakfast, brunch or snack.




HI good time ☺️?.I recommend Soft Chinese Raisin, an excellent and high-quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits




I recommend Soft Chinese Raisin, an excellent and high-quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits




Cinnamon raisin bread is actually one of the most warm ingredients that together with tea is a suitable option for your meals.




These Chinese breads are delicious and easy to make. You can enjoy them with tea as a snack



Sahar kamali

This sweet is special to China and it is made with black raisins, but because it is easy to make, it is also made in other parts of the world.




Hello ,This article was about Soft Chinese Raisin Bun , which I like very much and eat all the time, thank you



Muhaddith Abbasi

I am very happy that you shared this delicious recipe of raisin bread for us



Reza javadi

These Chinese raisin breads are really delicious and crispy, and they are also very easy to prepare and you can prepare them at home with very few ingredients.




Thank you very much for posting the recipe for soft raisin bread on this site,it was really useful.



sara nehmati

I love Chinese soft raisin bread. Thank you for the preparation of this delicious bread. Your explanation was very useful and complete.



Fatima Abbasi

It is very delicious sweets that are very popular and high quality These days, it has gained many fans, its excellent taste is very good




These cakes are very suitable for dinner or breakfast and they taste very good




Chinese soft raisin bread is one of the most delicious sweets and has a high nutritional value. This sweet is very popular because of its unique taste.




Thank you for your excellent text I learned a lot from you




Hello Connect the dough hook to the mixer. Stop the machine after 15 minutes to gather the dough.

After 15 minutes, the dough rises. Reheat the bowl for an hour, then stir. Doubled dough




Raisin sweets are one of the most popular and delicious types of Iranian sweets, which are prepared in both soft and dry forms. Raisin sweets, like Yazdi cake, can be considered as a suitable sweet for days of mourning and some special celebrations and Nowruz.




Hello There should never be any dryness in the dough while baking bread. It has to be light and fluffy with a little sweetness.




To make this dumpling, very delicious ingredients are used, such as nutella, raisins, eggs, etc




Baking fresh and delicious cakes and cookies as a snack with hot drinks and delicious juices




This raisin dumpling is very enjoyable to eat and is usually used as an evening snack



Parsa samanyrad

Homemade and good cakes and sweets for home and wholesale use




Chinese soft raisin bread is very famous because it is delicious. This type of bread is made with the best ingredients and in the shortest time. Raisin bread is very healthy and full of energy.




Raisin bread is very suitable for evening and is eaten with tea



Alireza karami

These cakes are preservative-free and are a suitable snack for children




These sweets are very delicious, I have tried them before, they are delicious and perfect, and they are very suitable for dessert




This sweet is rich in starch and calories and is easy to make




The remedy for soft bread is home-made raisin bread, which is very crunchy and delicious, and is perfect for a snack and dinner.




Raisin sweets are one of the types of dry sweets that can be a suitable snack to relieve daily fatigue. Stay with us until the end of the article so that we can provide you with useful information about this.




Traditional raisin bread is one of the most delicious and nutritious traditional breads that can be used as a snack




To be honest, I generally don’t read. But, this article caught my attention.



Hossein inanloo

Hello, I bought this product. It is very good. I can suggest you a very good raisin bread



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